CiWeelyTimee, wednesàay, dach11 19&- Receives Duke of Edinburgh Award Paul Milton Martin, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert il, of Port Darlington, and Mrs. Dorothy Martin, of Napance, received thc Duke of Edinburgh Award last summer in Calgary. Paul is shown above as he reccives bis award from Prince Edward. A total of 40 recipients, aged 16 wo 24, were recognized in a ceremony at The Palliser Hotel. fice awards were founded in 1956 and they recognize the achievements of young Canadians Who have completed requirements in community service, skills development, physical fitness and expeditions. Paul is tie son of Derek and Pat Martin. Pat is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gil, Uic former owners of the Royal Theatre. Paul is ini bis second year at University of British Columbia, studying commerce and economics. Environmental concerns considered in council decision Council members by a vote of six to one supported a staff report over development of lands north of the present Courtice Urban boundary and within an Environmentally Sensitive Aiea. The decision came after numerous delegations, with the exception of one, supported ic planning report. Land owning developers also opposed the planning report. The presentations to council and the following debate caused a late meeting for council and staff. The lands in question have been a matter of debate for some time and were included as, Living Area, in what Mayor Hamre called a political decision, in thc Regional Official plan. Clarington council had also suggested that the lands be considered as in a 30 year plan rather Uian a 20 year plan. The Ministry made note of the expansion of time as well-as noting Uic location of the lands in an Enviromnental Sensitive Aiea and had deferred approval of the area as a Living Arca. The Ministry had asked Clarington for clarification of their stand as well as comments wo statements made by other agencies relating to Uic use of the 132 acres as Living space. Councs. Ann Dreslinski and David Scott moved that council support Uic staff report in which it is suggested that a watershed plan be called for prior to any change and thc watershed plan to bc alI inclusive of Uic watershed aiea rather than site specific. Counc. Hannah, who had during Uic course of Uic debate, strongly supported the designation for Living Aiea, was the only councillor to oppose submitting Uic planning report ta Uic Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Proponents of devclopment of Uic area, of whîch there are rcee major players, have said that thc costs of the study would more than offset Uic revenue from Uice proposed dcvelopment. Five residents of the area opposed the planncd development without procceding through a Watershed plan. Jin Richards, of Uic Fricnds of the Second Maish also spoke agaînst development without a an all-encompassing watershed plan. He noted that over the ycars sedimental settling in Uic Second Maish had reduced the depth of the water from 6 feet ta less Uian a foot. The issue of the propased Living Area designation for the lands is now back in the hands of Uie Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Police want more powerful ammunition, Responding Ita a negative report from a Ministry of Labour Occupational Hcalth and Safety Branch Inspector, representatives of the Police Association af Ontario (PAO), the Ontario Association of Chie ,fs of Policc (OACP) and the Ontario Senior Officers' Association (OSOA) said today that they support an appeal of Uic occupational health and safcty finding bccausc it rcjects thc need for police departmcnts in Ontario ta issue hollow point ammunitian ta their oflicers. The ruling camnes in response ta a complaint ta thç London Umpire Workshops Clinie The local umpires for bail are getting an early start on the basebail season and have organized a series of workshops and clinics to be held in Bowmanville, Orono as well as in Port Hope and Peterborough. Workshops at Level Il and III are being held on March 22 and 29 in Court room 1 in Bowmanville while Level 1 are being at the same location on April 19th and 26th. Ail sessions start at 6:30 p.m. Clinic II is being held in the Orono Arena on April 2 in the Orono arena with a session for Clinic I being held in early May. The Clinic meetings are held in tie evening commencing at 8:30 p.m. Further Clinics Il and III are being held in Port Hope and Peterborough. Those people over 14 years of age and who would like to serve thc youth of Uic area as umpires are encouraged to phone Wayne Lowery (623-6631) or Ken Key at (623-6383). Police Service Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee by Constable Tom Drouillard in which he said he feit the ammunition he was issued posed Ila threat to (his) safety and to the public's safcty." Representatives from the Ministry of Labour admittcd at the meeting that the hollow point ammunition was the better ammunition, but-the standard ammunition was not found to be ineffective. A hoIlow point round breaks into slivers upon impact, which resits in a much larger exit wound and has considerably more stopping power than more conventional ammunition. Constable Drouillard's complaint to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee is based on saying by not allowing the police to use the more powerful ammunitio'n that they place the officers at risk when encountering criminals. Inspector Bill Watts of the OSOA says that the old ammunitioni is dangerous ta both officers and citizens because officers can't count on it to stop criminals from continuing to hurt or kil people. "What we are bcing told to use in the new semi-automatics is ammunition manufactured for targct shooting and-training. Even the manufacturers dont consider it operational ammunition for police use." SHarry De Jong, Chairman of the PAO fecis that "Police officers have a dangerous occupation and they deserve ta be protected by the laws that protcct other workers." As of this time, officers are not allowed ta substitute their own hollow point ammunition' for the standard rounds. Mr. De Jong, while stating there was nothing he could do at this trne did acknowledge that there was "clearly a nced for Celebrates 3Sth anniversary The Bowmanville Drama Workshop celebrates its thirty- fifth anniversary this year and begins the anniversary with the production of Paul Thompsons "The Faim Shiow". The production is to be staged on Maich 30, 31 and April Ist in the Theatre at the Bowmanville High School. Margot Samuel was the first presidents of the Bowmanville Draina Workshop starte d in 1060 . Jean Sheridan was secretary- treasurer. Thank You The Orono Firefighters Association thank the following businesses for at our annfuai Spring Dance. would like to their support Apple Blossom Shop Aray's Video Coffee Turne Donuts The Donut Gallery Dulees Restaurant Fred's Fruit Market Gabrielle Antiques & Collectibles Mabel's Village Cafe Orono Electric Orono Fuel & Lumber Rolph Hardware Stutrs Pharmacy Mr. Sub Village Bake Shop HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT YEARI NOTICE 0F PUBLIC, MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington wiIl hold a public meeting ta consider a proposed Zoning By-Iaw Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would amend Section 2, entitled DEFINITIONS, within By-law 84-63, by deleting the definition of "FAIRGROUND" and replacing it with "AGRICULTURAL FAIRGROUND". With the exception of the Mosport Park lands, the proposed new definition would have the effect of prohibiting the holding of a stand alone music festival or concert on ail lands zoned Agricultural (A) and Urban Residential Exception (Ri -14) where an. Agricultural Fairground is listed as a permitted use. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition ta the proposed. DATE: TIME: PLACE: TUESDAY, APRIL 18,1995 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating ta the proposed Zoning By- law Amendment is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Larry Taylor at 623-3379. Dated at the Municipality of Clarington this 7th day cf March 1995 C MON C PAL 0F Iaringj~ ON AN O Patti Barrie, Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Planning File: DEV 95-004 Clerk's File: Date of Publication: Wednesday, March 15, 1995 P.O. 5417