Oroo ,,lyrTies Wenoda1 Mtc 2~ 5-9. The theme for the lst Newtonville Brownies camping trip up at the Ganaraska Forest last weekend was Native Lore. While they were there the girls made friendship beads, moccasins and tepees. They were also given a tour of the sugar bush by one of the rangers. Each brownie who attended the camp was presented with her Native Loie and Singers Badges. It was a fun filled weekend for one and ail. 1 The girls along with their leaders would like to say a big Thank You to the two mothers, Kathy Coleman and Cathy Peterson for being there as cooks and for pitching in whenever they were needed. Phone 786-2228 with your News Tips. Betty would be glad to hear .from you. Newtonvile United Church' Sunday Sehool Reunion Newtonville United Church w ill hold a reunion for ail former participants in the Sunday School program on Sunday, April 30, 1995 as part of its regular momning worship program. All former Sunday School students and teachers as well as their families are invited to attend the church service at 9:45 a.m. followed by a luncheon and reception immediately afterward. To facilitate lunch preparation it Thoughts From The Top: Are school dances on their way out? The Critique: This is actually a, good question, if you take a look at it. I remember a couple of years ago when there would be a dance practically every month. Sometimes a month would be missed, but the point is dances were always around. In a past article, I reported that negative reactions -were coming from the students in regards to dances and members of the council were quite upset about it. But this was at the last dance in January and there hasn't been a dance since then. The worst part about it is'there are no dances i the near future. Well, student council is not planning on it. Despite various opinions expressed by the council about how students dont support the dances, this factor does not support every student in the schooll. I have interviewed students which find the dances quite beneficial and good for social gatherings. A lot of memories have come out of these dances for me. My friends and I have always met at these dances and have -enjoyed dancing to the music. It's not always the music or the atmosphere, but it's the people as well. The students that say the dances are boring are those who have been to dance without their friends present or have neyer would be helpful if you would cal the church office 786-2950 to say how many wiil bc staying for lunch. As our records are incomplete, farmner Sunday School members are asked to pass this information on to others whom they know and have maintained contact with. For more information please contact Wendy Hollingsworth or Debbie Dunham through the church office. attended-a dance and based their opinions mouthing other people's views. Sometimes a student will attend a dance and sit up against the wall all night watching people dance. Just hoping that someone cornes over and asks them to dance. While they sit there waiting, the entire night goes by and the next day the student is teiling their friends that the dance was no good. To me, you have to make your own fun and the dances are a good placeto have fun. It's almost as if the students can't be, bothered, then why should student council. Student council bas to by-pass what students say. If one dance fails then you start over. Look at that misfortune with the knowledge of the mistake which should be neyer be made again and give your heart and soul into the next one. Isn't that what life is all about? To learn from our mistakes. Council Feedback: 11High School dances are becoming a thing of the past. Students dont support them therefore why carry on spending the time and money to come out in debt." - Mark Rutherford, Communications Officer. Eight Bail: 'High school dances are positive events. With proper advertising and careful planning, they can be successful." - Wmnston Prince, English Teacher. Letter to the Editor Re: Letter të the Editor, Mar. 1195, signed by Linda Gasser - and subsequeltt letters. As a neighbour of Linda Gasser, 1 feit a reply to this column in order. When 1 read the account wnitten by Linda about ber dogs death I feit sick to think such a thing would be done. 1 have seen Linda walk her dogs regularly, mile after mile and always on a Ieash. The dead dog was a wonderful dog and a faniily pet and the, story goes, if Sampson ever hurt anyone it would be because he licked the person to death. Over the past few weeks the Letter to the Editor column has been devoted to Sampson's death. Even, an account of Helen the chicken has been recorded. I couldn't help feeling sorry for both Sampson and Helen, both victims of their station in life, both opposite sides of the fence so ta speak. But I felt sorry for the people involved. AUl the letters speak of compassion, and fair justice,. thank goodness, but what about accountabiity. To bc accused without an accuser leaves too many questions- unanswered. If indeed Sampson did kidl a few chickens, then he paid dearly. The Gassers should have the right to know where he was killed, the circums tances and by whom. Sincerely, Judy Leek Student's View: Dances would be fun if students werent so cliquish. Stacey Gartsen, Gr. 12. Lotsa Complainms: "The lack of transportation is probably one of the main reasons why the dances arent that successful." - Derek Barton, One- Sided Critic. Criic's Corner: "A live band at the school would possibly attract more people ta the school dances, if there is another one." - John Kwaschen, Intuitive Critic. In Other News: Student council is currently preparing for the student elections which will be held in the near future .. . Clarke's music teacher is arranging a new Jazz Choir for a performance ini May. Famous Last Words: I can guarantee, where the memories are, that is where you wiil find me ... bottom fime. Canada is a wjldlde haven. ' Piping Pover yEndanered Join us toda,ý Canadian WildIife SFederation 2740 Queonsview Dr. Ottawa. Ont. K2B 1 A2 '7e s8ginbow 'WefJing Invitation Ensembles help make your wedding dreams corne true View the latest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono Phone 983-5301 PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington wiII hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under section 34 of the Planning Act. the proposed Zonîng By-Iaw Amendment would amend Section 2 entitled DEFINITIONS, within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, of the former Town of Newcastle by adding a definition for "AGRICULTURAL FAIRGROUND". In addition, the proposed Zoning By-Iaw Amendment would amend Section 6.1 (b) (viii) of By-law 84- 63 by deleting "PUBLIC FAIRGROUND" as a permitted use and replacing it with «AGRICULTURAL FAIRGROUND". With the exception of the Mosport Park lands, the proposed new definition would have the effect of prohibiting the holding of a stand alone music festival or concert on aIl lands zoned Agricultural (A) and Urban Residential Exception (Rl-14) where an Agricultural Fairground is listed as a permitted use. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposai. In that Staff can not confirmn the> precise time at which the Public Meeting portion of the agenda will be heard, it is noted for your information that the start time isted below reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences. DATE: TIME: PLACE: TUESDAY, APRIL 18,1995 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION reîating to the proposai is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of JuIy and August) at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Larry Taylor at 623-3379., DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON THIS 20th DAY 0F March 1995 -IL" irig t-n Patti Barrie, Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilîe, Ontario Li C 3A6 PLANNING FILE: 95-004 CLERKS FILE: Date of Publication: Wedinesday, March 22, 1995 P.O. 5425 >M-