...mm (O-~ono W.kly.T.mw..W.............., 19 HeatüIer Rebekah ~ <çfe0wns,,Lodge News Like flues on the wall of our atmosphere, over 10,000 satellites baunt the heavens, their eyes fixed hungrily on the activity below. Looking down from their celestial sphere, tbey are sentinels of life on the planet Earth. They watcb and record. Images then bounce from their antennae back to Earth to communicate information. Some of the information is scientific: shifts of the Earth's body --- itfs oceans, mountains, rainforests, and creatures-- recorded for the better understanding, of the lace upon whicb we human parasites depend for life. Some spy with tbe big eye of distrust upon human activity -- upon activity which is of interest to those who take an interest in such tbings so they might have the upper hand in the game of knowing who does what, when- and where ... 1Some of the magical work of satellites is that wbicb gives us the transcendental experience of A long-await dream is to come true this summer as early as July 7th when the Capital Theatre Foundation opens a montb long program of varied entertainment at the Capital Theatre in Port Hope. The Queen Street theatre will operate from July 7th to August 6 featuring a variety of entertainments for ail ages and with varying tastes. The gala night opening will cost $22.00 commencing with a reception and with the sbowing of "Bending the Bows" featuring Eduard Minevich offering jazz and gypsy music along witb folk melodies. Fiddling champion Frank Leahy wiil also add somte jazz'as well as some of tbe top 40 country its. The two solists wiil bc backed by four musicians. Saturday afternoon matinees return to the capital on July 8 at 2 p.m. when a classic cbildren comedy film wil be shown. That evening the Second City Touring Company prescrits a communication by wire. We reach out to touch someone in another neigbbourhood, maybe on another side of the planet, aided by the beavenly hand of tecbnology. In the myth of our generation, Ma Bell is the goddess of the tongue. And, like the flies of spring, they figbt for a. place at the window of life, fooled into believing there is warmth under tbe sun's radiant smile. Instead, they faîl in shattered pieces of cold death, space junk Kerplunk! into human laps. And, we wonder. The eye of human technology watcbes over us. Files across the ceiing of our earthly domain. Mingles with tbe stars imagining a perpetual place of faitb in the heaven of human being. Polluting time and space and place among the gods. More tban 10,000 satellites watch over us -- angels of human genius. Look wo the night sky, and you wil see them looking back at you. revue based on past skits and new material. .There will be a local band competition and the showing of the classic film, "Casablanca". Other films will include a bistory of the Northumberland Symphony Orchestra f ollowed by a film of the late Glenn Gould cailed, "Thirty-two Short Films". Dixieland takes over in tbe evenin g of July 14 featuring local musicians. SThere is childrens' musical and Wasbboard Hank and bis Honkers also bit the Capital stage. The Oriana Singers bring anotber dimension on July l6tb along witb tbe Northumberland Cboristers and the Music Makers. The films of The Grey Fox and Company of Strangers make the menu for July 2th. The Kawartha Summer Theatre presenit the Case of the Curious Cabaret from July 26 tbrough to the 29tb witb a matinee on the 28tb at 2 p.m. The Foundation now operates a '95 botline - 1-800-434-5092. Courtice Complex features outlined to council members Design objectives were unveiled at council on Monday of the new proposed Community Complex. The Complex is to include tbree separate yet united faciities: a 10,000 square foot, 250 seat community hall, 12,000 square foot library and a 18,000 square foot pooî area that includes a weigbt room and aerobic workout space. The pool area will offer a four lane, 1 m to 2 m deep main pool, a leisure water play area, a conversation pool and a wading pool. 1Tbe community hall will be divisible with a sbared kitchen and separate bars. Outdoor terraces will also be a feature of the development. Each facility will share a common lobby area with a lounge. 300 car parking will be On Tuesday evening Lodge opened according to the Ritual wîth a good attendance of members. Sister Lomna welcomed ail the members wîth a special welcome to the members back from bolidays and our two new members also Sister Shirley Severn from Beebive Rebekah Lodge who was filling in at the piano for Sister Gloria. Roll caîl sbowed six officers' absent. The Charter was draped in loving member of Sîster Julie Jackson Past District Deputy President of District No. 8 Oshawa East and Past Assembly President Sister Margaret Duckworth, Sister Violet Dunlop lit a candle and read a poemi in observance of our founder Schiler Colfax. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Sîster Viola Vanderveen reported fore the visiting commîttee, Sister Joyce Major received pies and belp for the banquet she is convening on Saturday, March 25. Sister Norma Moffat reported for the Hall Board Committee and the dinner we are serving on March 30 is for the painting of Location of nuclear waste caverns Residents in Port Hope havebeen able to attend a public meeting recently regarding the location of a possible waste site for low-level radioactive waste to be located in Port Hope. The site would accommodate waste from Port Hope, Hope Township and the Municipality of Clarington. Before any planned' development of a proposed site in the Town is undertaken a referendum will be called in Port Hope for a decision of the general public. Consîderation is being given wo a minor adjustiment of possible limestone cavern under Lake Ontario. The location would be shifted that the cavemns would be under the Cameco plant on shore. A technical expert with the federal radioactive waste task force has said that from an engineering aspect it wouldn't much matter as to the location whether under Cameco or off shore of the west beach in Port Hope. It was stated that from a site- section point of view it was a non-issue. available on the site which is located on land next to the Courtice High School. Further meetings regarding the new facility will bc held on April 4tb at 6:30 p.m. at the Courtice High School. The complex is to be designed to accommodate a future arena and additional parking. the outside of the buildings, dinner is at 6 p.m. and tickets are available from Sister Lorna Atkins and Sister Norma Moffat and cards are to bc played after the meal. Our representatives Sister Joyce and Connie will be attending the District meeting on April 12 in Columbus. Sister Lorna reported a bus trip has been planned for Wednesday, April 17 to the National Home Show in Toronto, cost $21.00, funds to go back in to the Hall Board building fund. Plans were made for our birthday party on Tuesday, April 11. Sister Bertha offered to look after getting the licence for our quilt draw and getting tickets made, Sister Isabelle Trim donating second prize of sheet set. Birtbday greetings were extended to Sister Lina VanAlebeek Lodge closed according to Ritual followed by a social hour and lunch. ARJAYS VIDEO BECKERS STUTS PHARMACY DULEES NEWCASTLE VILLAGE BECKERS MAXI DRUGS MIKES PLACE GRUFFIES NEWTONVILLE NEWTONVILLE CONVENIENCE PLUS ANNUAL SUBSORIPTIONS $1 7.00 Ina. GST Mail cheque to: Orono Weekly Times P.O. Box 209 Orono, Ont. LOB 1 MO For inquiries phone 983-5301 ~~ifts - home decor& 210 King St. W., Newcastle 987-1978 TWO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Up to $100 trade-in value for your old Lawn-Boy or $50 for any non-Lawn-Boy mower. i a Silver Series Model #10301 GoIc As an authorized Lawn-Boy dealer, we offer the complete line of Lawn-Boy rnowers, with parts and service backup that is second to none! Corne in to, sec the difference: e No payrnents, no interest until October 15, 1995* e Mowers starting lander $400 0 Alurninum or steel decks 0 2- and 4-cycle engines e Easy MulchTm systern with tri-cut blade gives outstanding resuits in tali, thick grass I., p.- -IllIl -fl pa,1,1 y... îIbl- . If. 11 til,1 5. , AI Il, hil l 1 For qualfied buyers 0.A.C. See dealer for detauls. Whsn you wanl If you trade in your old Lawn-Boy mower, you will receive $ 100 off the retail price of a new Lawn-Boy Gold Series model, or $50 off a Silver Series model. We'11 even give yoo $50 for a non-Lawn-Boy mower! Bot honry, this offer ends March 31,1995. Liiit one trade-in per or I Series Model #10515 Don't discount aur servicing dealer difference. *Fact. teandtchniciens. *Paris& Servim dq~uu. *Authorbed wuamty. *Accomdsc.in u tck, *PM (mowersopuad Iuspectiuu>. *W kus sur praduti Jaking it easier: iIt don@ rlght. New Pôrt Hope entertainment centre to open this summer