12 - vtun. weekty Times, Wedneuday~ Murch 29, t*5 Engineers in the making at Orono Public The future looks bright for Derek Vandeer and Ryan Lacriox at the Orono Sehool who told us "lwe put our-heads together and Top in design Meaghan MacDonald also of Orono Public was the winner in design of her model vehicle which she proudly displays. The fellows Osteoporosis meetings early April The Osteoporosis support group meets on April 5th at 7 p.m. at the YWCA, McGrigor Street, Oshawa. This month's special speaker is pharmacist Michael Misnik who will discuss Osteoporosis medications at the evening meeting only. There is also a newly formed group meeting on April 3rd at 2 p.m. at the sarne location., If you have Osteoporosis or suspect it please corne out ta the meeting. Cail Millie at 725-1683. Genealogical Society to meet April 4th The Whitby/Oshawa Branchi (Region of. Durham) of the Ontario Genealogical Society is meeting on April 4th at 7:30 p.m.. The meeting is being held at the Henry Street High School in Whitby, 614 Henry Street. Sheila and Henry Lang are the guest speakers. The topic "Second Irish Genealogical Congress in Dublin-1994. Slides will bc included in the presentation, For further information call 723-7460. BAM - we had the idea" for what appeared to the photographer as a Suspension bridge which incidently was off to the left of the have ta move over wîth Meaghan taking charge of this area of the automobile industry picture. Certainly ail the features were present and there must have been some knowledge of the project prior to the report RAM. New policy for School Board The Northumberland Clarington Board of Education has approved a new policy dealing with suspensions and expulsions. The much more detailed policy is one of two parts series of reports, said education committee chairperson Karen Macleod. The policy was prepared in response ta a directive from the Ministry of Education ta develop violence free school policies, said superintendent of program, Trudy Lum. It also incorporates recent changes ta the Education Act. The policy highlights the board's approach ta maintaining safe sehools which includes: - school community involvement in discipline: - firm, fair and consistent discipline:- the use by staff of a number of strategies ta prevent violence or ta intervene. WHY A TOUR ... YOU SIMPLY GAN NOT BEAT THE PRICEI Value contracting for hotels and services provides you with travel at whoiesale rates. ... travel relaxed and hassie- free knowing that al arrangements have been made for you by reliable specialists. . . . enjoy the company of, interesting fellow travelers, as active, sociable and curious about faraway places as you are. *..a stimulating and enrichîng experience, where you will see and do things you wouid neyer think ta do on your own. . . share a iuxurious, fuel efficient motorcoach and the services of an experienced driver with other travelers is much more pieasant and ecoiogicaliy sensible than driving yourself. 1. . . because your visit has been arranged months in advance your group wil be ushered to the head of the line, at many of Europe's most popular attractions. . . . my experience with touring has been excellent, the people that you meet and the experiences that you share as a group will last long after you have returned home. ... and bear in mind that you are paying in advance and in Canadian dollars. Remember when you think of TrayeZ, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mil 623-0005 THECATERING CONNECTON L X.SOCIAL CATERERS, Our Speciality Famlly Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings - Anniversaries - Business Functions HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 BALLS RADIO& T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s P.O. ox 27AND V.C.R.s R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 COMPLETE CAR & TRUJCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBi1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "wherc Profssiona(Etiquette is Important' Fuieral Directors Paul R. Morris Rober-t E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS, 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE, __________ j LEATHERCRAFT Phone ahoad or by chance 8335 Hwy. 35/115, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 Travel TaIkt with Elizabeth Jielanger-L ink lette r CTC c, I~ WJILDWOOD \AT~ PARADJGM TRAVEL Your local Travel Consultant for the Durham Region Minnie Kaldeway Offers a wide range of personalized service atyyX home or office. Business, Corporate & Personal Travel featuring " Domestic & International Air Travel Hotels/Car Rentais " AIl Inclusive Resorts* Cruises " Last Minute Soul Offs* Ski/Golf Packages " Group Packages Travel Insurance Fax 905-983-5916 or call Tol Free: 1-800-563-8111 Ext. 411 Ont. Reg. No. 4244372 a ýTA