~on* W,,kly T4mos~ W.dn.~4w~ Maii~h ~ - IonalltiOnts RestrecigOur eOiWit RE TIMATRES... 1 E NUMNAN 98-79 r987-1800 q) RELIMmAX CO0hRNEmRmSTONE 4~realty Mt. realtorR2Rfll hiuking Of seting? CaLL me/or a free appraisa( of your property - or to view you-r poteutia( new home! STAPdLES associate broker With rolling hulis, mixed hardwood and softwood bushes, ponds and total privacy this beautfful, bright bungalow includes a stone fireplaca, separate dining room, 2 baths, walk-out basement and more ... $229.000. Newtonville School outfor a skate at Orono Arena BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN home-based business! Watkins is oday's best business opporfunity! For free infor- mation contact - Independent Mar- keting Director, 218 Megiund res- cent, Saskatoon, Sask. 57H 4Z6 (1 - 800-263-2999). EDUCATIONAL OPPS, REGISTER ANYTIME for Acadia University (Woifville, NS) credif dis- tance education courses. Cali 1- 902-542-2201, X1 434, or fax us 1 - 902-542-3715, or e-mail us, gra- fuse@ max.acadiau.ca for a free brochure. FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- 5pm year round. A real inside flea market, good dlean merchandise from craffs to coliectibies, solid wood fumiture. HELP WANTED CHARLTON RESORTS IN BANFF, Aberta offer year-round employ- ment opportunities forHOUSE- KEEPING ATTENDANTS and FRONT DESK AGENTS. Competi- five salary, excellent working condi- ions. Contact Jason Braun GM Tel 403-762-4485 Fax 403-762-2744, P.O. Box 1478, Banff TOL OCO. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a tot of money seîing chocolate bars . NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance, fast delivery 1 - 800-38-DELUX. $ STACEYCRAFT LTD.$ DO YOU, HAVE SPARE TIME? Earn extra income marketing craft products. Over 50,000 different items; make between 25% f0 50%/. profit. No quo- tas f0 meef. No inventory to buy. Info: send a sef-addressed stamped envelope to: STACEYCRAFT LTD., 25 Connie St., Ext. 105, Toronto, Onfaro M6L 2H8 MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24.000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poern, 20 fies or less: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1370, Owngs Milîs, Md 21117. MUSICAL INTEREST LEARN TO PL AY Musical Instru- ments the new, easier way, with Self Teaching Videýo Tapes. Free cata- logue. Best prices on ail musical instruments.' Musicare Inc. 1-800- 361-3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES (*A cost wil be incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us.. .Harness your destiny. Your pr e- sent and future revealed. *Love*Success*Money. Find out now. Cali 1-900-451 -4055. $2.99/min. 18+. LIVE PSYCHICS 1 ON 1. $398 /minute. Must be 18+. 1-900-451- 3004, Ext. 507. Touch Tone Phone Entertainment purposes oniy. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Thousands of satisfied caliers. Gift- ed, Caring, Accurate, Positive. Love- Relationsh ip-Career-Money. Live one on one 24 Hours. $2.99 min. 18+ 1-900-451-3783. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'Iî take it! Ameni- cas largest, odest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL. BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - WVin- ter Specials S Series Straightwals 20x3O $4,780., 25x32 $6154., 30x36 $6933., S35x40 $8,652. Incîudling Ends. Siding Doors, GST & Freight, caîl 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE.. .Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Guaranteed Iowest prices. Sizes 500-15,000 sq/ff. Straightsîded quonset with ends. Example: 25x42 $5,698., 3Qx48 $7,794. Cali Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. VACATION/TRAVEL WHITEWATER FUN! One and two dlay Whifewater Rafting Advetures in Easfern Canada on the famous Otfawa and Rouge Rivers, based from beautiful Outdoor Adventure Resorts! Family/Gentle Rafting, Horseback Riding, Mounfain Biking, Bungee Jumping available. No experience necessary. Caîl now for a FREE colour brochure. 1-800-334- 5033. The Newtonville Public School Orono Arena recently with two week its is a Broombail evenL has been making good use of the skating parties last week and this Education Budget meeting March 29 The Northumberland Clarington Board of Trustees and staff are in the midst of prepaning their 1995 financial budget with a further meeting being held Wednesday evening, March 29, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Office, Cobourg. The trustees have considered increases from four to four and a haif percent downward to a two percent increase in the mil rate. A motion to continue with a zero increase budget for 1995 was defeated-by a majority of the tmustees. The majority of trustees at the meeting first wanted to see the effect of a number of scenarios as to increases. As of the most recent meeting, the budget was set at $147 million, an increase of four and a half percent. A government grant for computers has been doubled this year with the local board receivimg $298,000. The $147 million figure includes $61 8,000 for on-going school maintenance and repairs, about $500,000 for a major computer proposal with IBM and about $1 12,000 which has been requested by principals in both public and high schools within the jurisdiction. 4« z Cal~ -S to bu>' or sel!... Orono and area's real estate rep. Kryàs tyna Jones S983-6013 Çeojty-Net ASSOCATES (DURHAM)Ilc. 1060 SIMCOE ST N. 103 -OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 CLASSIFI ED7 MARKETPLACE 1Advertise Across Ontario orA cross the %Countiy" THE PERFECT HOME OVERLOOKING GREEN SPACE. 3 BDRMS., 2 FULL BATHS, FIREPLACE! $1 22,900. ItIs Affordable 0 fes Fast a Its Easy e Om ME Voes It AU - Northeun ýnýar1o $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 - Alli Ontario $.180 National Packages Available Cali this paper fordetails! 1 - 1