Vol. 59, No. il ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29,1995_ Mary Novak choice of Durham East liberals Trent Universîty offering courses at Durham Trent University of Peterborough will be offering more than 20 courses in Oshawa at its Durham Cellege campus this year. Degree courses are available in 14 different subjects. By studying in Oshawa alone, a student cai obtain a Trent dcgree in any of eight subjects, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, English, history, political studies, psychology, and sociology. Courses are also, offéed in administrative studies, computer studies, environmental studies, geography, German and native studies. Courses are offered during the day and in the evening in sessions that meet for six, eight and twelve weeks. Register by April 24 for the eight -and twelve week sessions starting May lstÈ by June 26 for the six week sessions that begin July 4. For a brochure and more information on courses, admission policy and registration, call Trent's information office ini Oshawa at 905-723-9747 or in Peterborough at 705-748-1229. An'information session is being held March 28 from 3 to 8 p.m. at the Oshawa Public Library auditorium. Mary Novak, of Courtice, was the fmnal choice on the third ballot of Uic Liberal Preferred ballot voting system to represent Uic Durham East Liberals in ic upcomingOntario election which has te be held prior te an early date in September. ~MMr Novak won eut over George Khouri, Whitby, Dave Robinson, Port -Perry and Douglas Bird of Bowmanville. Above Mary Novak, right, expresses her thanks te Richard Lovekin and Mayor Diane Hamnre for their support in nominating her as a candidate to represent Uic Durhamn East Liberals. Prior to voting ail candidates spoke to those in attendance outlining their stand on a number of issues. Mary-Novak said Uic decîsion to munis not easy but said se wished to be the next MPP in Durham East. "Bob Rae days are over", she said. She said that health care was a right, that money should be spent in the classroom rather than in administration, that hospitals could not take further cuts; and further stated that the liberals have been building a team with Lyn McLeod. Ganaraska Forest Business Plan, forum shows interest in keeping integrty of forest There was strong interest shown in a reçent public meeting held by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority relating te a proposed long-terni business plan for the forest. Close te 60 attended the meeting held in the Port Hope High Schooi. The meeting was designed te collect community input for thc $5 1,000.00 business plan for Uic forest. Consultants have been hircd te setfoihUicebusiness plan after consulting with the general public. A final report is expected te bc presented from the con- sultants sometime in September. Consultants are te take information from the recent forum for consideration in the draft of Uic report. A number of members from the Save The Ganaraska Again Cornmittec (SAGA) were present at Uic Port Hope forum. At Uieir (SAGA) meeting last week Uiose attending the Ganaraska forum expressed concern that il would appear Uiat some consideration is being given te use revenues eut of the forest for other than the forest, Uic Forest Centre and Uic educationai program. t was felt by SAGA that revenues from the fores t should only bc used te protect the integrity of the forest and the p rogram s Uiat are offered wiUiin the forest and that fun&% for other Ganaraska prograrns should corne frem Uic province and Uic municipalities. The SAGA group have asked te meet wîth the chairman and executive officer te clarify the purpose of Uic business plan. That meeting, we now understand, is being held today, Wednesday. The Authority had assernbled a considerable number of people frorn Uic arca te formulate criteria for the business plan and te proceed te the hiring of consultants. This work was completed with Uic hiring of Uic consultants, Marshall Macklin Monaghan,, The RETHINK GROUP, Haliburton Associates, Chrismar Mapping Serrvice. The cost of the preject of $52,000 is being shared by the Authority, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation. in speaking with Ann Dreslinski, one of twe repre- sentatives from Clarington on Uic Ganaraska Board slie said the (Continued page 2) 55 Alîve/Mature Driving Course readily available The Canada Safety Council's 55 ALIVE/MATURE DRIVING course is fast bccoming more and more popular with mature drivers over 55 in Ontario. Those drivers who have already enrolled in Uic program have enthliusiastically endorsed it because this driver refresher course heips Uiem maintain their independence longer. They learn the ernments of safe driving and it made them aware of the physicai effect of aging process and how o compensate and cope Katiin and Adam Colvile, of the Orono Skating Club, as Pre- Novice pair piaced Uird on Math 19Ui in Uic Ontario Interciub cempetitions heid in Belleville. Thesister/broUier team, 1 1 and15 years of age have been skating individuaily for a number of ycars and as a pair for Uic past four years. The Colvilles place second in Uic Easterm Sectional Intcrciub competitien and cariier in Uic year placcd first at Uie Pineridgc Intcrclub and the Eastern in todays hectic driving envir- mnment Here are some of Uic oUier tirnely topics covered durmng Uic 2-3 hour ciassroom sessions. * the latest and safest driving technics and the alternatives te riSk situaion-s. * ceping with the frustrations experienced in today's traffic situations. * a review of Uic current miles of Uic road. *driving in adverse weather con (Continued page 2) Sectionais. The pairs skaters will be advancing te Novice competition this spring and usual are leoking forward te the competition that wil cerne frorn this classification and te be able te reach the Canada competitions. The pair skaters wili be a feature at Uic Orono Skating Carnivai being hcld at Uie arena on Saturday, April lst. 1Congratulations te Uis young pair of local skaters. ........... ............. Aff Amv jr ron.- , cv, tmes Inc. G.S.T. ty Servîng Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville ...... ... . .. ..... ................. ................. ..... ........... ...... ... ..................... ..................... ...... Happe nings.. SOLD OUT Congratulations Io the Oddfellows and Rebekahs for selling out al seats for their up-coming Supper and Euchre Night "hi Thursday. SKATING CLUB CARNIVAL Don't forget this Saturday is the Annual Carnival sponsored by the Orono Figure Skating Club. Show timnes are 1:30 and 7:.30 p.m. with guest skaters the Royal Blades Jr. Precision Team from Peterborough. Tickets available at the door. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! Well it's that time of year again to spring ahead into the warm weather and lots of sunshine. So don't forget with spring cornes dlock changing and that's this weekend. So before retiig Saturday night remember to set your dlocks 1 hour abead. EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wednesday, March 22 with 16 tables in play - high scores Ray S tapies 86, Margaret Todd 83, Robin Alldred 82, Alec Martin 80, Velma Jakeman 80. Low score Vance Cooper and Bernice Partner. Draw winners Gladys Greenwood, Myrtle Sparkes, Vi Haywood, Vance Cooper, Matt Julicher, Ann Julicher, Minnie Taylor and Marg Todd. Euchre is held every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Lunch provided.