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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1995, p. 2

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2- Omno WoellyTIm.u~ W.dne~dmy, March 2~ 1005 Orono <!4e / nes 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, 0rono, Ontario LOB 1 Mo Telephone 416-~983-5301 Roy C. Forestfor, OwnerEdktor Subscription $1 7.00 perannumn.. (ýn1cW*ea Q1) Traffie problemns continue Traffic flow is somewhat similar te that of water flow it takes a course of lcast resistance and no matter whetbcr the designation of the road is 'local" 'collecter'or "arterial" it is the driver who determines tic course of traffic flot tic designation of the road on an officiai plan. This became most apparent at Clarington council on Monday night when a number of delegations complained of thc the road system ini south Courtice which bas been a continuai. complaint for tic past number of years. In this case many rcferrcd to the recent Totten Sim Hubicki report whicb suggestcd Uiat Prestonvale Road be a collector road rathcr than a local road. This would happen sometime in thc future. Present residents in Uic area complained of the increasing trafflc flow on thc soad wbicb some said bad been turncd into a'collecter' road. Some council members pointed Uiat in fact council had designateil Prestenvale as a local road and as such that was what it -was. But it was pointcd out that Clarington had rcccntly recon- structed Uic road wiUi sidewalks and a 66 foot width. It was said Uiat Uis measure of developmcnt was for a designation of a collecter road and Uiat Prestonvale was in fact being uscd as such. The Totten Sims Hubicki report showed Uic increasing trafflc flow on Uic road tiat was indccd edging te "collector' status. Time after time onc or more of Uic councillors stated that Uic road was designatcd as a local' and would remain se. But no matter of Uic designation and lilce water traffic will take Uic route of lcast resistance. 0f course Uicy could use more 4-Way stops, more barricadcd road ends and other obstructions but it should be realizeil Uiat roads are te move traffic and if you accept residential dcvelopment tbey have to plan properiy for traffic movemnent. t requires, at times, a firm stand te protect a well plan systemn of traffic flow for Uic best will neyer satisfy everyone. Kendal Clm Just in case you missed me last wcck, I was a wee bit under Uic weather and misseil gctting out te church. I guess I bragged too soon about flot getting ic flu or cold Uis winter. There bas been so mucb sickncss Uis winter, with Uic wcatber pattern cbanging so drastically, people are reacting te it. When it sbould be cold it isn't and wben it sbould be warm it isn't ail over Uic worid we hear of weather changes, of first, floods, snow and in other parts beat, I guess we had better get used te it, we have donc so much damage to the atmosphere wc can expect anything. Sunday was a typicai early spring day, sunny, brcezy and cool, looks like skiing is fmnisbed for Uic year only 3 or 4 cars there on Saturday and Sunday. A good turnout at churcb. Ian Savage was with us heiping Rev. Black out, David bas' a very bad cold s0 Ian opened Uic service, the opcning hymn was, "0 Sing A Song 0f Bethlehem". Ian led in the Invitation of Worship and the Prayer of Approach. The bymn "To God Be Thy Giory" was sung foliowed by Uic Prayer of Self- Examination and the -Words of Assurance. The cbildrcn wcre caiied forward, Ian held out a basin with watcr in it. He asked Uiem what Uiey couid do with it, Uiey said, wash their hands, be told Uiem te touch it, was it cold or warm? They said warm. Ian said that he bot whcn their moms told tUicm te go and wasb their hands they only put their hands under the water and didn't use soap, he kncw that was wbat some boys did. Some of Uic cbiidren said Uiey always used soap because their mother toid Uiem te. Ian, toid tbcm that Pontius Pilate was an infamous man, he could have let Jesus go free, but he didn't He did flot want te have to make a decision, the people wanted Jesus killed, some people bate and fear good -people and Jesus was a good man. Pontius Pilate brought out a dish of water and washcd his bands saying that this was asymbol that he washed bis hands of wbat wouid bappen te Jesus, it was up to ic people to decide. Pontius Pilate tried to wasb away bis evil, but you cannot wasb away the bad with just water, you need soap. Praying is the way to get rid of Uic bad things in your heart. The children's bymn was "He Paid A Debt." Ian sang the beautiful bymn, Glory Be To Jesus". David told us that Pilate washed bis bands of Jesus and then he turned him over to the crowd. Pilate, may flot have been a good man, but be knew that Jesus was an innocent man., Pilate knew that thiswas a persecution. He knew al Uis but be turned*away fromn doing anytbing. Pilate could bave set Jesus free, he washed bis hands of it, He would not makc a decision. Who was Pilate? ... He was a man who had reached Uic top, a man of influence and power but he was afraid to go against the Jewisb people. He was afraid to stand up to Uiem. Heput bis own ambitions abcad of justice, integrity. He knew that Jesus was innocent, but he, did not have the moral courage and faith in God to stand up to the forces of evil. Even today decisions are made based on the beliefs of the majority and they can be morally wrong. The force of evil can be seen even here in rural Ontario in brutality of women, children flot given proper teaching in what is right and what is wrong by theïr parents, it is left up to themn to learn from the TV. We see people using power for their own pleasure and gain. Years ago, Pilate was given the power to change the fate of one man, an innocent' man, he had an obligation, he washed his hands of it. We too face obligations, do we accept themn or do wc wash our hands of them. We will soon be facing an election, we must make a moral decision. We are faced wîth decreasîng healthcare, education standards, a decision that will effect ail people. Wül we make a moral decision or will we bc like Pilate and wash our hands of it? The choice is yours, today. Will you follow in the steps of Pilate or will you follow in the steps of Jesus? The hymn, "No Weight of Gold or Silver" was sung. The Prayer of Thankfulness and the Prayer of Concern and Commitmient was given by Ian. The closmng hymn was, "Beneath The Cross of Jesus". Sorry to hear that Pearl Clark had a fali injuring her knec, we hope she will recover quickly. George Mercer is home but stili flot feeling the best we hope with the botter wcathcr both Pearl and George will feel better. Glad to report that George Brewer is at home recovering from hip surgery. To ail those suffering fromn the sniffles, like- me, because the spring coat came out too soon, hope you feel'better soon. Advice from a Professiona ... "I went to a Beautician for advice on how te improve my looks. She suggested usmng low watt bulbs." Phyllis Lowery Driving imb for seniors (Continued from page 1) ditions and how to avoid those collision situations most common to drivers in the over 55 age group. The sharing of experiences and concerns by, peer group participants and driving information provided by trained instructors is an integral part of the program. Many seniors' organizations, home support groups and Board of Education already offer the "55 Alive" course. Interested persons or groups are requested to contact the aforementioned organiza- tions or the Canada Safety Council, 1020 Thomas Spratt Place, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5L5, telephone (613) 739-1535 to obtain descriptive material, information on course locations, spnsoQrsh ip or instructor Business plan for Ganaraska forest (Continued fromn page 1) exercise is to establisb a business plan for the forest and the operation of the forest centre. She also pointed out that within Uic next four to six years the debt to the Ministry of Natural Resources for the operation and developruent of Uic forest will be paid off from present day revenues from the forest. She said at this point some funds will be available to the Authority for forcst use. The threat of paying Uie ful share of forest land taxes, she said, has been softened, as the government is now paying a considerable portion of the tax bill through a grant to the autbority. Thýis was an issue with the local autbority over the past couple of years wben the govemnment threatened to cut al payment of taxes. Mrs. Gayle Wood, Chief Executive Officer of the Authority, has been reportcd to state, following Uic recent forum meeting that whatever they do with Uic forest Uic environmental integrity of the area must be protected. 1Mr. scott Berry, also wiUi Uic authority, has said Uiat concern was expresscd at Uic forum Uiat the forest flot become over- commercialized. GOOD NEWS JESUS CHRIST ILL RETUR VERY VERY SOON. God loved Uic world se much that He gave His only Son se that anyone who believes in Hlm shall ot pcrisb but have etemnal life. God did flot send bis son into Uic world to condcmn it, but to save it.' J. 3:16 & 17 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MUIL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO TnterhmNUMnister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICF, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YQUTH GR0UP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn RusScf Marlene '~Risebrougx, Secretary 983-5702 Chureh Office 98-5502 (2HURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 2ND Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m BAPTTSM SUNDAY, MAY 14TH If you would lilce to have your child/children baptized or yourselves baptized, please contact Rev. Russell as soon as possible. There wrnl be a Raptism workshop on April 29th. EXPLORERS Wednesday, March 29th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets everyMTursday 7:30 pin. EASTER GIFTS! Gund Confectionary I Cologne Cards by Carlton z;CHILDREN'S DRAW ORONO, ONTARIO0 983-5009

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