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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1995, p. 11

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Memorial displays new equipment Dr. Paul Hardy, Gencral Surgeon at Bowmanville Memarial Hospital demons traies how ibis picce of cquipment, called a videa gastroscape, operates. It is inserted througb Uic mouth and is uscd by doctors ta examine for ulcers, cancers, or causes of intemal bleeding. A tiny camera magnifies the area bcing cxamined anto the screcn bchind thc doctor, enabling any problems ta be scen. Usc of Uis April is Cancer month Mr. Emie Eves, treasurer of the Claringtan Brancb of the Cancer Society and Councillor Ami Dreslînski unfurl Uic Cancer Flag to fly in Newcastle Village during Uic monUi of April. Mr. Eves refers ta Uic work undertaken by Uic Cancer Society in tbe healtb of those in tbe Wc talk about the persan holding Uic purse strings as Uic anc wbo bas power. The control af the flow of maney equals power and authority. Rigbt? Did l'miss samnething then? Ini aur family, I carry Uic purse, but wbcn I peer ia oits dark void I sec ittle maney. I feel little power. Let's take a look and sec what there is .. First, Uic calendar. I tells me whcn, wbere and what time h sbould be ai important functions: my sons hockey games, saccer games, piano lessons, appainîmenîs witb doctors and dcnîists, biribdates, meetings and unpaid bilis, flourishing in the space and time between Uic days and months of my existence. Some people wauld bc hast community and acrass Canada. Support Uic local Brancb wi your donation Uis month. Mr. Eves states there is a nccd for volunteers ta assist wiUi Uic annual canvas. Thase wisbing ta belp are asked ta contact Audrey Bates of Newcastle Village. withaut iheir heaas. rfley, i . .- withaut mine, but witbout my calendar, 1 am more than hast; I am lame. Calendar, then, equals cantrol. But, power? Well, tbere's the wallet. It's old. ht bulges. You'd Uink it was full of ibat money that equals power. Nope. Mingling witb a few nickels and dimes are diaper pins wbicb baveforgotten ibeir function. A kernel of comn wbicb represents more than a kemnel of lave. A paisbcd sione wbicb symbolizes the eternal place in my memory of a visit an the beach. And, af course, because I'd baie ta leave home withouî tbem, my sans' bealtb cards wiîbout wbich I cauld flot gain cntry ta a baspital cmergency ward. scope allows for carlier diagnosis of problems, Uius enabling-for a mucb speeder treatment. The vidco gasîroscope was one of many pieces on display at the baspital an March 31. Tucked into plastic sbrincs are pictures of my sons .. . as babies, as young boys. They go everywherc witb me and tbey smile up ai me cvcryîime I open my walleîta the demanding bands of a- cashier. Faithfülly, I amn reminded of my motherhood. Now, wbat lies ai Uic boîtom of Uic black void wbichbebckons my sans' curiosity? I suppose ifs5 Mary Poppins' fault. You knaw, tbat scene wbere she wiUidraws from ber carpet bag the lamp and Uic patted plant and Uic psycbic tape measure. Well, ever since Mary Poppins, childrcn seem ta posse ss Uic belief ihat Uicy will find tbings inside thai sack of mystical power Uiat mathers' hold the Ucpurse. "I'm borcd", be tells me ai Uic dacter's office. "Can I sec what's in your purse?" Yes, Uicy beieve in Uic Poppins' magic. There wil be somcUiing there, at Uic bottom. Ail it needs is the pudgy bands of a cbild ta withdraw it ia the lighî of bis imagination. 1Out comes the calendar. On your lap he lays your life. Oui cames Uic wallet. On your lap he lays your wealUi. Then, bis face follows bis bands in their determined scarch for Uic magical relief of tbeir borcdom. And there it is. A Ferari. Vrrooom, it emerges from the purse. Your child then races bis imagination around.Uic floor of Uic waiting room. Or, some Crayola's langing for bis embrace demand Uiat a page bc tamn from yaur, calendar of days sa Uiat he might draw yau a Picasso. A picture of yourself witb a magnificent smile encircling your bcad in huge abundance. Sa there it is. The wealth and power whicb I hold i my purse strings. Reminders of place and trne and season. Tokens of love. invocations of magic. Testimonials of motherbaod. Credit Union celebrates 5th The Ganaraska Credit Union apened uts doors in Part Hope in 1945 and since bas grown toaa mcm bcrsbip of 52000 and wiUi assets of $320 million. It was familiar teritory for us on Sunday as to aur weekly birding experience witb a trip ta thi, Port Perry sewage lagoans. .We were expecting ta add to Our waterfowl list of last week at Presquile Provincial Park. Just for the fun of it we.recorded those birds seen an the trip ta and from Port Perry as weIl as the find at the lagoons. It totalled 30 when adding two species ai the home feeder at the last moment. In waterfowl the usual was present witb the exception of an American Coot. The Coot, according to Jim Richards, is an endangered spccie. He States he recorded 7 or 8 nests ai the Oshawa Second Marsb in the early seventies. He said he was flot sure that even one pair wcre nesting in thc marsh last ycar. Bill Bunting and I were somcewhat surprised ta sec the Coot jump up and sink into thc shallow waters at the edge of Uic bulirushes but according to literature on thc Coot this is onc of thc peculiarities of Uic bird. 1Although Uic maie Réd- wing Blackbîrds are back there was no sigbtings on Sunday of Uic, female of the species. They generally arc some two ta ihrec wccks later in arriving back from Uic south. Over Uic past two wceks Uicre has been a number of reports on the rciumn of thc Bluebirds and Julie Harris from Uic sevcnih linc dropped in ta say Uic for rent sign on their Bluebird box at Uic end of their swimming pool bas been taken down. Lama AIkins informs us that a Robin spent thc wintcr ai Uic back' of tbeir place on Centre street and was daily seen nipping ai Uic fruit on the Mountain Ash in the backyard. A loi of birds have already retumned from Uic souUi but there are stili a big number yet ta come through. Last week wc reported, the conflici betwecn birders and a hunier ai Presquile. The Monday Star reports another conflict in the Don Valley Parks betwecn birders and Mountain bikers. Mauntain biking, apparently, is a grawing sport across the cauntry and a number can generally bc found woring out in Uic Ganaraska Forest. gfts - home.,decor 210 King St. W., Newcastle 987-1978 NNorthcutt Elliott î}EFuneral Homne THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funcral Services Prearrangcd & Prcpaîd Services - Crcmation Arrangements Alternatives ta Traditional Funcrals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers -President 53 Divsion Street 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontaria LiC 2Z OFF STREET PARKING Flight Now? QUOTATION CLARINGTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION INVITES QUOTATIONS FOR Service Center and Substation Ground Maintenance Contract Quote # (PM 95-002) f rom Mayl1, 1995 to October 31, 1995. Sealed quotations shall be submitted no later than 9:00 A.M. Wednesday, April 19, 1995 to: Mr. R.W. Plain Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission 2849 Hwy. # 2, Bowmanville, ON Li C 3K9 Quotation documents can be obtained from the office between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday to Friday. The lowest or any bld wilI not necessariiy be accepted.

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