Otono W..kly Ttm..~ W.dnoday Aprli O~ t~9O - 5k Classified Continued Grlst Mill Auction Contre Newtonvllle FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH &:00P.M. Selling a large offering of househoid effects, sectional chesterfield; attractive pine dining suite; 3 pc. coffee table set; glassware; china; Royal Doulton figures (Rose, Ribbons & Lace); kitchen and household items; high chairs, 20 Persian carpets; weights; electric furnace (51,000 BTU); wire cages; Howe scale; bikes; and a large variety of other articles. TERMS: Cash, Approved Choque, Visa, Interac AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 FARM EQUIPIENT AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 15TH 12:00 NOON At the farmi of Ross Little, R.R. 2 Campbellcroft, located south of Bewdley, 1-1/2 miles east of Hwy. 28 on Concession Rd. 7 Hamilton Twp. MF 300 combine (Cab, 10 fi. grain head); JD Mod. A row crop tracter (1945); AC Mod. CA tracter; several plows (3A45. furrow); bush hog offset disc (8-1/2); 9 ft, 19 ft. discs; Massey tillers;, MF seed drills; JD Mod. FB-B seed drill; five cultivators; 3 manure spreaders; 300 gai. Incorporation caddy; sprayers; MF No. 9 baier; forage harvesters; forage wagons; rakes; bunchers; hayloader; numerous tires and rims; set 20.8 x 8 boit on duais and large selection of other equipmnent. For Consigniment Information and Terms Contact Ross Litte (905) 342- 5390, Geo. Marshman (905) 342-5701. TERMS: Cash, Approved Choque Ail Sales Final on Sale Day AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 905786-2244 Note: Auctioneer and owners not responsible for any accident, injury, or loss in connection with this auction. 5,12, o -A11-Way stops, hit barrier Three separate requests for six separate AIl-Way Stops in Clarington bit a barrier at the General Purpose committee meeting on Monday. The committee denied al applications and as a resuit of the spread in requests for A1-Way Stops council bas set-up a committee to consider the use of Al-Way Stops for traffic control. The traffic committee is made up of a representative ftom the S. T. Worden Scbool, municipal staff, Regional Police, the Better Transportation Coalition, Councillors John O'Toole and Mary Novak. Couincil on Monday ruied out a request for three All-Ways in the Mearns/Soper Creek area along with two in Newcastle Village are, Baldwin/Ruddell/Edward S ts. RE/MAX CORNERSTONE realty ltd. realtor 623-6000 rIiinkjtng of seding? Caf m.efor a free apraisa(ofyour property - or to view your4 potentia( new fhome! SALLY STAPLES associate broker BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN Import/Export Agency. No investment. Full adviso- ry service since 1946. For free bookiet call Wade World Trade. 1- 800-322-9233. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Financial independence. Unique and tested business ideas. For FREE details write Marketing Willman, 429 St. Eustache Street, St. Eustache, Que- bec J7R 2M8. CAREER TRAINING BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Learn Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspondence. Earn your certifi- cate now. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training experience. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence courses for the Certificate of Coun- selling studies to begin April 15. For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. FL.EA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- 5pm year round. A real inside flea market, good dlean merchandise from crafts to collectibles, solidi wood furniture. HELP WANTED CHARLTON RESORTS IN BANFF, Aberta offer year-round employ- ment opportunities for HOUSE- KEEPING ATTENDANTS and FRONT DESK AGENTS. Competi- tive salary, excellent working condi- tions. Contact Jason Braun GM Tel 403-762-4485 Fax 403-762-2744, P.O. Box 1478, Banff TOL OCO. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $200 PROD- UCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. CANADAS LARGEST CALENDAR and Promotional Advertising Com- pany needs self-starters to seil to Local Businesses. Up to 33-on-(A), 13-on-(G) for Experienced Agents. O'Donnell-DRG, 487-16 Westney S., Ajax, LIS 6W8. (905) 427-8520. LIVESTOCK - HORSES MINIATURE HORSES. AMHA/MHAC Reg. Proven breed- ing stallions. 32" Sorrel, broke to drive, and 30" Golden Palamino. Mares, and yearlings also available. Show quality. (519) 334-3665. With rolling his, mixed hardwood and softwood bushes, ponds and total privacy this beautiful, right bungalow includes a stone fireplace, separàte dining rom, 2 baths, walk-out basement an moe. $21O0 Travel Talk with Elizabeth Belanger-L ink lette r CTC ... YOUR ALL INCLUSIVE HOLIDAY With the reoent cold snap and the general winter blahs, our telephone has been ringing off the hook, and everyone is looking for that special all inclusive holiday. There are a number of reasons why; the most obvious being the strength of theý Canadian dollar. You, like more and more people have seen the value of a vacation that is fully paid for before you beave home. While you are away there is no need to reach for your wallet ever time you turn around,- all inclusive means just that, meals, activities, drinks etc. Optional items such as jet skiing and parasailing will cost you a little extra. Side trips such as snorkelling or deep sea fishing are the exception and of course the golf shirt that yeu just must have te tell the world just what you have been up te. Se if the winter blahs have get you in their grasp, caîl your travel agent and have her look into that «perfect" ail inclusive that will suit net just your lifestyle but aise your budget. Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vastone MMl 623-0005 J, Jo~ MUSICAL INTERESTS LEARN TO PLAY Musical Instru- ments the new, easier way, with Self Teaching Video Tapes. Free cata- logue. Best prices on ail musical instruments. Musicare mnc. 1-800- 361-3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES (*A cost will be incurred.> HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Thousands of satisfied callers. Gift- ed, Caring, Accurate, Positive. Love- Relationship-Caree r-Money. Live one on one 24 Hours. $299 min. 18+ 1-900-451-3783. PERSONALS MEET LADIES FROM ORIENT & WORLDWIDE! Friendship Office, Box 42117, Acadia P.O., Calgary, Canada, T2J 7A6 (Tel 403-271- 4654). REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take itl Ameni- cas largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FROM FUTURE - Q20x5O or S20x38 or A20x36 $5975, 025x34 or S25x28 or A25x24 $5230, Q30x44 or S30x4O or A30x38 $7,626, lncluding Ends, Sliding-Doors, GST & Freight,,calil1 - 800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM series of buildings, Straightwall wood/steel and ail/steel buildings, Arenas, Stables, Work, shops, Barns, Etc. Contracting and Financing Available, 24ý hours 1- 800-561-2200. VACATIONITRAVEL 5 DAY CANAL CRUISES: Explore Ontarios heritage waterways aboard the newly expanded 38 pas- senger "Kawartha Voyageur'. Enjoy the mature Company, home-style cooking and cheerful crew on the calm waters of the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal. Send for brochure to: Ontario Waterwavs, Box 135, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3 or caîl 1-800-561-5767. WHITEWATER FUN! One and two day Whitewater Rafting Adventures in Eastern Canada on the famous Ottawa and Rouge Rivers, based from beautiful Outdoor Adventure Resorts! Family/Gentle Rafting, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Bungee Jumping available. No experience necessary. Caîl now for a FREE colour brochure. 1-800-318- 7238(RAFT), CaÉ 1 me to buy or sel ... Orono and areas real estate rep. Krystyna Jones 1983-6013 EteJty-Net ASSOCATES (DURHAM)lnc. 1050 SIMCOE ST.N. #103- OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 SPACIOUS ORONO VILLAGE HOME ON LARGE LOT, $1 24,900. oeâ MARKETPLACE "A dvertise A cross Ontario orA cross the Country" 1t ItuAffoîdabloe *Itkw Fast a Itk Easy e One P81110... It Ail -Northemn Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 -Ail Ontario $380 -National Packages Available - Cali this paper for details!