Oron WeklyTi mes, Wednegday~, April. 51 1995 -15 83 KCing Street West Newcaste, Ontaro Il B 1 L2 Telephone 905) 987-3200 MatthewaitAssociates INSURANCE BROKERS LTD Pauline Moto, A.I.I.C., C.I.B. Branch Manager HAMILTONS ~ ISURNCESERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 1-905-983-5115 Fax 1 -905-983-8228 MERCER HEATING -Furnace Cleaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service Over 21 Yrs. Experlence CALL 983-5w41 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING& HEATING *Pump Repars & Isallationi New Work Repars Fumace Cleanng Free Estmates For fi endly Expert Senke. LCALL 983-6214 FINANCING lB AVAJLA3LEi Were lhermte serve you ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATINO - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONINO Repaira ta ANl makes of Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning May Tag Appliance Repaira 4 Duchess St. 983-5293 Orono, Ont. 983-221 BYAMS Pumbing Heating Incorperated Sales and Service 24 Hour Bumer Service Gulf Financlng Low lnterest Rates 263-2650 .J . .. .. PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systeffis Septlc Beds Plumbîng Installations Generai Repairs Free Estimatea Fonneily Ham".yPanner Ud. CARPET Installations 25 ears Expeience Restretching Our Speciality FREE ESTIMATES D & N DUNCAN 987-1799 or 987-1800 COTTONWOOD -Clothlng, Fabrlcs, Glfts and Notions 85 STATION ST., ORONO 983-9167 Stle~ ORONO BUILDING e CzJ1 &DECORATIlNGCENTrRE beau. Cffib Ru. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB IMO Free Estimates Bus. (905) 983-9167 ALISTAIR ROZARIO Res. 905) 983-S344 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING PhnPOLE LUNE CONSTRUCTION 983-5546 or, 983-5940 Women. in Abuse Relationships For Help Cal "The Denise House" For Women and Children Toit Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentially Assured If you want to drink, 'Mat's your business. If you want to stop, 'Mat's ours. cal Alcoholies Anonyntous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 Impr(xrng your oMd AND Sfl'OK, FOU NATIOJ'l1killei: Douglas Simpson DECORATING .Orono Painting - Papering Renovations 33 Yars Experience 983-5104 ALAN RISEBROUGH REFRIGERATION DOMESTIC and COMMERCIL REFRIGERATIO.N SERVICES BOX 29, R.R. 2, ORONO Phone 983-5702 ACME HOME RENOVATIONS .Home Improvemnents Specializing in Stone Facing Rooflng -* Renovations Complete Window & Door Replacements FREE ESTIMA TES MIKE BONNEAU ORONO 983-9005 435-4181 <mobile) IVAN JONES - TONY FANARA' Ij&T Carpenters Lcensed - 25 erni Expenience HOUSE TRIM STAI RS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES Ail Carpentt Related Work Orono 983-5303, CourtficelHampton 403-4700 ffWoet Wantedll D&R CUSTOM FENOING and CUSTrOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARNO 983-9627 WES'S SmaII Engine Repair We Do It AU SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING VOU NA ME IT WE DO IT 5105 Main St., Orono For service cail (905)-983-9772 ti General sewing done in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761. tfn Ctolonital <cQurstv it &* ' ttutit 0 HORSEBACK RIDING HORSEBACK RIDING Colenial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundle Rd. <Courtioe> is now accepting new students children and adults) for our ridring and horsemariship progranis, summer camps, etc. For further information and to register Cal 1-905-623-7336 Home of the Sa wman ville Pony Club L.ollins NITravel CRUISES Hawaii, Bermuda, South Pacifie and moe CRUISES ,Specialists Cali Alfred or Paul Corporate Accounts Welcomne 1-800-267-9214 Pickering Corporate Centre Door ta door delivery of travel documents and brochures for the Orono area. Waîit to LUse Weight -and keep it off? Losig weight safely and keepig it off can be sunued up by just four words: Herbalife Weight Control Program The only weight con fro1 program you'll ever need. Cali 905-697-2410 15,22,29,ap D. V. PAIN11NG Certif led Painter FREE ESTI MATES 370f Cono. 5, Orono AQUATIC SUPERVISOR (SEASONAL POSITION) Reporting to the Recreation Co-ordinator, the successfuî candidate wilI be responsible for the day-to-day programn responsibilities that are invoîved in the operation of a busy aquatic facility and two outdoor pools. Duties include scheduhing, supervision and evaluation of part-tîme aquatic staff, ongoing programn evaluation and communitylpublic relations. Degree/diploma from a recognized u niversitylcommu nity college program in recreation or related discipline is preferred; Two years related supervisory experience in a municipal recreation environment is preferred; Current certificates in Red CrosslR.L.S.S.C. Instructors, National Lifeguard Service (N.L.S.), Standard First Aid and Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (C.P.R.) are mandatory; Certificates for R.L.S.S.C. examiners and Red Cross Leaders certificates are preferred; and Must be able to work irregular shifts inoluding evenings, weekends and holidays. Equivalent qualifications and experience WiI be considered. AIl interested applicants should submit their application/resume no later than Thursday, April 13, 1995. Off ice of the Chief Administrative Officer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Please auogte ile L: 6-95 We thank you for your interest but onîy those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Dates of Publication: Wednesday, April 5, 1995 P.O. 3410 VENDORS WANTED Crafts, Produce, Antiques etc. New Indoorl0utdoor Market Opening May '95. Northbound 35/115 Cail 983-9540. 5, 12, ac VENDORS WANTED for Giant Yard & Craft Sale at Newtonville Public School on Saturday, May 6,1995 Call Grace (905) 786-2884. 5,12, cpn You are invited to bclp celebrate the 80TH BIRTHDAY of Ewart Robinson on Sunday, April 9th at Orono Oddfellows Hall 2:00 p.m. - 4:00- pan. Best Wishes Only S,cpn Maple Syrup and Apple Butter nowavaîitae Fruit Market Apples Crisp and Julcy C.A. (Controîled Atmosp hors> McINTOSH, EMPIRE, MUTSU, CRISPEN, DELICIOUS CoId Storage - IDARED' Quench your thirst with 'Wileys 100% Pure Fruit Juices and FRED'S PURE APPLE CIDER Farm Fresh Eggs- Browns Potatoes CoIrcin, Pear i Dcrtn