-~ t~ - Orono W.ekIy TIwneu5 W.dnemday, May~ ~O5 The show must go on "The Show MustGo On!" is an original play written by Pat Lemieux, a student at St. Stephen's High School in Bowmanville, and is directed by John Sheridan. Thethree act comedy runs May 4, 5, and 6 at St. Stephen's. The play starts at 7:30 and tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students. Reservations can be made by phoning 623- 7583. Each act of the play is shown from a different perspective of the entire play production process. In a sense, the whole production is a play withîn -a play. The first act finds the actors and the technicians planning for the performance. The second act shows the bebind the scenes work that goes on in a theatre, whîle Act three takes place in the make- up room after the play has finished. This unique insight takes a comedic look at the workings of the play-making process. The audience neyer sees the play that the actors are working on. Ail they are treated te is the dynamics that happen behind the scenes. According to Pat, '"anyone who has done anything in theatre can relate te the show." That dees flot mean that other audience memberswifl net appreciate the comedy of the production. It bas been dubbed a guide on "How te survive iniTheatre." Pat first approached'John Sheridan, drama teacher at St. Stephen's with an unfinished script of the play, and it seon bloomed inte its final stage. St. Stephen's encourages student written and directed performances, unlike many other high sehools which rely on weil- known plays. This is the second student written production at the school since its drama program began eight years ago. Pat is now in his OAC year at St. Stephen's, and plans on attending unîversity in the fal w continue his studies in theatre. H1e has worked in ahl aspects of theatre at St. Stephen's from usher to back stage, te actor, and now to writer. He bas also worked with the Bowmanville Drama Club in the past. Anyone interested in an entertaining evening please go out and show this young man the support he deserves. Fer those of yeu who have neyer seen a St. Stephen's production, yeu wül be very impressed. Durham CollegLoe again guarantees qualïty Again this year, Durham Coilege is offering the employer guarantee te cever ail 1995 graduates unil June 1996. The Employer Guarantee was introduced by Durhami Coilege in 1994 as one more way te inform employers how firmly it believes in its'graduates and pregrams. This guarantee applies te al graduates who are hired for an entry level position on a fuil-time, part-time or centract basis. If an employer finds the Durham College graduate it hired doesn't have the knowledge or skills normally required int his or her prograrn of study, the college wil provide additional training fer the graduate for up to one year after graduation. The collcee as received very positive feedback about the guarantee from employers and Durhami Coilege graduates alike. Since the guarantee was launched in June 1994, only four graduates and two employers have used it. "It's one more way in which we strive te be accountable te students and employers," says Durham College President Gary Polonsky. Breast Cancer Seminar You're a very important person! Take trne oui for yourself. Do you want te know more about breast care? Do you know how te self-examine? Do you mammography or breast ex-ray? We can answer these questions and heip you learn more about your personai health. We will be teaching, at ne cost Let your Iawn, display your Green Pride By Elien Henke John Deere Lawn and Garden Expert If you enjoy working on your lawn and take pride in it's appearance, you aren't alone. Millions spend a great deal of time working their yards. The question is why? A beautiful Iawn can enhance the beauty of your home's landscape, provide a soft play area for the children, and allow you te enjoy a sense of accompiishment -- the Green Pride that a beautiful lawn can inspire. And believe it or net... it is easy being green. By foilowing a few simple mowing techniques, you wili encourage a beautiful, heaithy lawn that you can enjoy year after year. First, foilow one-third rule, by cutting only one-third of the grass blade per cuuting. Some people let their grass grow too tail and then eut it too low -- this is called scalpîng. Scalping can actually kili part of the root systemn and make it more susceptable to thatch buildup and disease. By following the one-third rule or using a specially-designed mulching mower, you encourage a healthy, deep root system. Also, mow in a different direction each time you mow to prevent a "lean". And overlap the mowing path two te four mnches. Engage your blade when the mower is on the lawn and, whenever possible, turn the mower on a hard surface such as your driveway or waikway. These techniques prevent scuffing. Keep your mower blade sharp. A duli blade can shred your grass, turning it brown and previding entrance ways for disease organisms. Mow on the high side of the recommended mowing height for your variety of grass. For cool season grass, the ideal height is two and a haif to three and a haif inches. For most warm season grasses, mow at 1i w 2 inches. A beautiful lawn can make al the difference in how you feel about your home and your yard. and it's easy. Like my dad also said. . "Take pride in your work". breast care and self examination. Speakers will talk about mammography, diet, self- examination, treatments and doctor's exam inations, and al topics are explained in an easy-to- understand style. The seminar will be held at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Lecture Room A on Tuesday, May 9, 1995, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. or Thursday, June 8, 1995, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Seaing is limîted as we keep groups small to encourage questions, so registration is required, Reserve your space soon by calling Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville 623-3331 (ask for Diagnostic Imaging, extension 5400). Please register by May 5, 1995. have any questions about to you, a speciai1 programn about Another truck load C omposter Sale The Durham Region Works Department and Scepter Manufacturing, manufacturer of the "Garden Gourmet" composter, are presenting a Truckload Composter Sale and "How-To" Workshop Day. The sale & workshop will take place on Saturday, May. 6th, between the heurs of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the Municipality of Clarington. 1Rekker's Garden Gallery, located 2 kms west of Powmanvifle on Hwy. 2, will be home to this speciai day-long event. During the day residents can purchase a composter for just $15. Regional staff will be available to discuss the basics of composting, to answer questions about composting, and to provide, free composting information. Rekker's Garden Gallery will be selling composters year-round for Durham Region and residents who are unable te attend this evenit are encouraged te drop by at a later date te purchase their $15 Composter. Rekker's Garden Gallery wül also keep on hand a supply of "How-To" Compost booklets. MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Children and Aduits Rick Jones, NewtonvilIe 905-786-2793 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roasi Beef Dinner Weddings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB 1MO 983-9679 M N Northcutt Elliott îý1 Funeral Home THOUGHIFTFULNt ESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Coty Ku4pers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING WILDWOOD PARADIGM TRAVEL 'e~ O Vour local Travel Consultant for the Durham Region Minnie Kaldeway' Offers a wide range of personalized service at y=.i home or office. Business, Corporate & Personal Travel featuring " Domnestic'& International Air Travel Hotels/Car Rentais *AIl Inclusive Resorts - Cruises " Last Minute SeIl Offs - Ski/Golf Packages " Group Packages- Travel Insurance Fax 905-983-5916 or caîl Toîl Free: 1-800-563-8111 Ext. 411 Ont. Reg. No. 4244372 ..................... . ........... au 1