- Grade Four studêntgç .ing out Students in grades one and six at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School held a bake- sale on April 27 to help raise funds for their class trips. Everyone in the school was invited to corne and purchase somctbing from ail the tempting bomemade goodies that they had to offer. Staff and students were also able to purchase tickets on the two cakes that one of the parents generously donated. Congratulations goes out to Mrs., Henry (the kindergarten teacher), and Krista Swynar, thc two lucky winners of the cakes. Both stude nts and teachers of the two classes who hcld the bake sale would like to say thank you to ail the parents, staff and students who genemously helped in any way to make this bake sale the great success it turncd out to be. The Newcastle-Clarington Block Parents are sponsoring a free farnily swim over at the Bowmanville Pool on Saturday, May 13 from 3:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Everyonc is invited to join in. If you would like to put a little spring into your wardrobe then corne on down to the 'Weekenders Party' that is, being hosteti by the Newcastle, Lioness Club on Thursday, Mary 4 at thc Newcastle Community Hall. The fun begins at 7:30 p.m. and admission is fi=c. Everyone who visited Bev's Pet Food, located at 880 Regional Road #17 in Newcastle, on Saturday, April 29, were pleasantly surprised by the bunch of penguins, ail dressed in their formai attire, that weicomed them. They had been piaced on the lawn in front of the shop in honor of the store's third anniversary by Marion Knapp and her husband Emnie. Ail patrons that day wcre served coffée and donuts. There was also an anniversary cake that Mrs. Barbara Dagger had made. Ail the people who shopped at Bev's Pet Food on Saturday would like to thank the owners for al the delicious refreshments and to wish them a Happy 3rd Anniversary and they hope they wiil have many more to corne. The Newcastle Optimist'Club will be holding a youth dance on Friday, May 5 at the Newcastle Comrnunity Hall. The cost is $4.00 each at the door. Anyone bctween the ages of 10-18 years is invited to attend. The dance starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 10 p.rn. Pop and chips will bce made available for the low cost of 500 each. Parents can rest assured that the dance will be well supervised. Members of the Knights of Columbus prepared and served the brunch that was enjoyed by al the members of the St. Francis of Assisi Women's League on Sunday, April 30. The meal consisted of scrarnbled eggs, hash browns and ham. For dessert thc ladies were treated to a fruit cup as well as fruit danish, butter tarts and different squares. After Uic meal two of the members Eva White and Linda Pleasance, were presented wiUi their 25 year pins. On Saturday, April 29 members of Uic Newcastle Youth Bowling Leagues were prescrnt at their banquet that was held in dic basement of the Newcastle Cornrunity Hall. A member of thc Big Brother's Association opened the ceremonies by presenting the bowlers who had raised funds for their organization with a smal token of appreciation. Mrs. Crockett, who runs Uic Newcastle Bowling Lanes was presentcd a silver engraved tray from al Uic youth bowlers for ail her bard work, followed by the presentation of trophies. Pizza and pop were served and every ch ild went home with a smiie on their face-as they were ail presented witb at least one trophy, witb a total of 128 trophies in ahl being given out. Congratulations to one and ail. Newcastle Lions News The Newcastle Lions Club met in the Lions Room on April 26 for their regular meeting. Tbe Providence Shaws Woman's Institute served a delicious casserole dinner toppcd off wiUi a scrumptious ice creani cake. President Amos Langley chaired the meeting and after dinner, asked Lions John Bugdlli to introduce Sharon Elefie. Sharon operates the Heiping Hand Foodi Bank from ber home in Courtîce, she expiaincd the operation of the food bank and bow she prepares food and freezes it for distribution to necdy families. This is a registered charity and is managed by a board of directors, with Sharon as the sole operator. Many questions were asked of Sharon and she was thanked by Lion Terry Graham and presentcd witb a token cheque for Uic food bank. Other guests on hand were Lion Ralpb Foden from the Cobourg Lions Club and Tony Clements, a Past President of the Newcastle Lions. Lion Tony now lives at Lake St. Peter and is a member of Uic Maynooth Lions Club, many friendships were renewed with-both Lion Tony and Lion Ralph. Next on the agenda was the induction of 'a new member of Uic Newcastle Lions, Paul Bennett. Visiting Lions Tony and Ralph along witb four Newcastle Lions On Monday, May lasthUi grade four students from Newcastle Milis to open campaigli office 1Local residents are invited to join Durham East New Democrat MPP Gord Mils at an open house and officiai kick-off at bis Re-election Campaign Office on Saturday, May 6Ui. The open bouse will begin at 1 p.m. to bc followed by a nibbon and cake-cutting ceremony at 2:00 p.m. at 68 King Street East, Bowmanville.2 Everyone is welcome to attend. served on the induction comrnittee and formally inductcd Lion Paul. Five couples, from the Newcas tic Lions attended tbe District Convention in Kingston on Uic April 22 weekend and Lion Frank Hoar gave a report. A trophy was donated by Jean Graham in tbe name of Lion Brenton Rickard to commemorate the years that Brenton spent as Chairmnan of Multiple District A's Effective Speaking Commîttec. Tbis trophy will be awarded annuaily to a specific category winner'of Uic M.D.A. Effective Speaking Contest. The Newcastle Lions Club wiil donate a special carrying, case to boid this trophy. District officers for 1995-96 were confirmed as District Governor, Lion Richard Cooper from Marmora and Vice District Governor, Lion Jon Moore from Desoronto. The Newcastle Lions were awarded Uic Visitation Tropby for clubs over 30 members. A donation of $150.00 was approved to buy a special stretcher for the Bowmanvîlle Ambulance Service. Tbis wii bc a special cbiid's stretcher. Final plans were made for Uic, Lion's Annuai Chicken Barbecue on June 25. Lion Kari Kampe will be Uic Chairman in charge of this event. Lion Warren Tate was presented widi a Key Award for sponsoring a new member. There wilI not be a regular Lions meeting on May 10 as thc annuai "Wild Goose Hunt" will take Uic place of Uis meeting and wil bc eld on May 11. Public, School started Education teacher, Mr. Kendricks bad taught Week off wiUi a song their French Uiem. OBITUARY Doris Doreen KNAPP Boni in Cobourg, Uic daughter of John Edward and Maude Blanche Smith, she was edncated at the Stone School north of Wiclow. S he marricd Rosel Robert Knapp on Marcb 14, 1953 and resided at 5771 Main Street, Orono for forty-two ycars. Her pas times were spent knitting, crocheting and going to yard sales. After a lengthy illncss Doris passed away on April 3, 1995 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville at 60 years of age. She is surviveti by ber husband Rosel Knapp; cbildren Wesley and bis wifc Margaret; Donna; Dora and ber husband Dwain Whytc and Nelda and ber busband Van Ripley; grandchildren Leanne, Jessica, David, Trevor, Rick, Shawn, Caleb and Elinorab. Also survived by ber brothers and sisters. Funcrai services were held Thursday, April 6, 1995 at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilce, with Rev. Mervyn Russell officiating. PaIlbearers were grandsons David and Trevor Warwick, Rick and Sba wn Whyte, Jay Rogers, Vincent Bruton, Honourary Pallbearers Ken Brine and Jim Colwill. Interment Bowrnanville Cemetery. COMPLIMENTARY FACIAL Mary Kay has a skin care program designed for your skin type. Ail basic skin care products are non-comedo- genic and clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy. Most are fragrance-free and safe for sensitive skin. Calil today to receive your complimentary facial. ê;LMARY KAY FACE TO-FACE BEAUTY ADVICETM SaIIy Staples Independent Beauty Consultant (905) 983-6430 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 I'm always available to, address any of your questions, and for your convenience, in - home appointments are available any time! 1-800-361-8154 RANDY REID LienAURIA Sales &Leasing ýPOPORTH O E ONT.