12 Orono WeekJy Times. Wednesciay, Mev 24.1995 Newcastle Horticultual's Spring Show On Tuesday, May 16, the Newcastle Horticultural Society, held their annual Spring Flower Show at the Newcastle Community Hall prior to their regular meeting. There were roughly 50 people in attendance. After the meeting was called ta order the president, Hazel Crago, read a poem about the miracle of life in spring. Then the minutes of their last meeting were read by the secretary, Dorella Forget. Dorella was married just recently and ta mark the happy couple's day the society presenîed her with a small gift. Arnold Mostert the guest speaker, was next on the agenda with his slide presentation of the different styles of landscaping and architecture that he had taken on is trip while touring England, France, htaly and Rome. He also saw the WhiteCliffs of Dover. Arnoldis a graduate from the University of Guelph. He is also a member of the Ontario Landscape Architecture Association. Some of his handy work can be seen along the waterfrant in Cobourg, at the main Oshawa Library, in front of the Oshawa Sydenham Museum and along the waterfront dawn ai Bond Head. After the slide presentation there was a short question and answer period. Then the president, Hazel Crago, thanked Arnold for coming and sharing his slides withthe society and presented hlm with a small token of appreciation. She then congratulated the member who had received the highest number News from Clarke Museum Ia conjunction with the Royal Ontario Museum ROMBUS Mem bers Committee programme, Mark Jackman, Curator of ýthe Clarke Museum will be leading a special day long workshop dealing with funeral customs in the last century. Beginniag at the ROM, Mr. Jackman will present the Clarke Museum's own 'In Repose, Victorian Funeral Customs and Practices' lecture. Following the marniag programme willbe a guided tour of the MacKeazie House, a rcstored town home that inierprets a l9th century home ln mauraing, lunch at Hart House and a special walking tour of the Necropolis Cemetery with Mr. Jackman and the Manager of the Necropolis. This day long programme orgaaized by the ROMBUS Committee takes place today, May 24. June 17 from 10 arn ta 3 pm Clarke Museum will bc hosîing iLs first second hand book sale of 1995. There will he thousands of books to choose from. Paperbacks seli for oaly .10 cents cach, while hardbacks arc .25 cents cach or [jvc f'or a loonhe. 1 once bought an almost new book worth $35 for a mcre, 25 cents ai thîs sale. In the eveni of main flic sale w ilI be field on S un(lay J une 18 (saine hou rs). Donations of' books l'or the sale arc always welc<ine. Over the pasi ninc years, the Museum bias recycled over 85,000) books tlîrough i hese annual Sales. Soîne oftheUc nw exhibitions at the Clarke Museum on right now are 'Red Suspenders' an overview in pictures, text, and artifacis of firefighting in Bowmanville and the area beginning in 1854. TMe other display is 'Celebrating a Milestone' an avervhew of the Clarke Museum and its role in the community for dhe past 25 years. Bath of these dîsplays are on now; 'Red Suspenders' runs until December, while 'Celebrating a Milestone' is on until October. * * * *k * * * Other events at the Museum this year include: August 26-27..The Great Ganaraska Couatryside Adveaturc September 2 ... Anniversary Party for the Museum September 23 ...Giant Second Haad Book Sale October 29...Harvest Hallow'ea party Dcecmbcr 9- 10 ... Holiday hands on workshops for children The Museumn really is worth going out to sec. A lot of work gocs into decsigniing the displays and ail deal with fascinathng aspects of local history. t only takes about twenty minutes to sec everytlîing, so it is casy to fit it into your sehie(ule. Also there aire picnic fZicilities on hand. li taka ice Saturdiyatrnn trip a nd is ceducational in the piocess. 'l'lie M usciimi is open to tlhe public Tuesday ihrough Sunday I11-4. of points in the Flower Show. They had accumulated 26 points ln ail. Then it was time for the door prizes to be drawn. The lucky winners were Lamaa Crockett, she won an African Violet; Betty Blaker and Pam Daley bath won gardening magazines; Ron Daley, Wayne Blackburn, Darlene Sullivan, June Heard, Jack Gordon and DorellaForget ahl won some gladiola bulbs which the society hopes they will plant and enter them in next year's flower show. Once ail the door prizes had been handed out the president once again thanked everyone for coming and invited them ta help themselves ta the deliciaus lunch that members Eileen Allin and Betty Blaker had prepared. Sby Betty Formosa Helpmng people learn to learn if you or sorneone you know would like to improve readmng, wriing or math, look iinder i FARN intheYlo Pgeldrcois CALLING FOR LOCAL TALENT We are looking for Cartoons of any nature ta add life to your paper. If you have a cartoonf you drew or are interested in drawing contact the Orono Weeldy limes at 983-5301 or drop into the office at 5310 Main Street. ~N Norihouti Ellioti 'SEFuneral Home THOUGHITFULEW, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering:- Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kupers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C MZ 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING RE-miNK oias ONc- /'AYKE WE INAD ýErrK ~-~)rT Johnl * Hall b'ack the Kae Taxes VOTE FOR A omnile6713 COMMON SENSE Bwavle6713 GOVERNMENT Port Perry 985-3882 FOR A CHA N GE Authorized by the CFO for the Johni OTooe Committee