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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1995, p. 2

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-mmmm( 2 - Qrono W~Jdy Times, Weclnesclay, May 24, 199S ~ Kendal Column Bill C-68 Bill C-68 is the controversial gun control legislation presently being worked on by the Federal Liberals. Allan Rock the Justice Minister is vanguarding the legisiation as a means to cut down on the use of firearms la criminal acts. While bis idea is commendable, Bill C-68 is flot the answcr to the gun problem. Hunting rifles and shotguns are flot the weapons that are being used in the violent crimes mnvolving firearms. More often than flot thcy are handguns or autnmatic sub-rnachine guns. Many of these guns are aiready illegal to own but still manage to find their way into the hands of criminal elernents. It is here that the problem lies. Srnuggling a firearmn across the border from the United States is a lucrative business; often the smuggler can receive almost five or six tirnes the gun's American value in Canada. It is here that the Federal goverament should be concentrating their efforts. Many of the gun owners that are voicing their support of Conservative candidates are responsible owners that have followed al the legal procedures to date in acquiring their guns. Many people have collections and heirlooms valued in thc Uiousands. Gun owners are flot reimbursed for any guns Uiat Uic goverament deems illegal and scizes. I can sympathize with these honcst collectors. However, this is a federal issue. It is Uic federal Liberals Uiat are bringlag in Uic legisiation and it is the federal government that will order Uiat the law be enforccd. The provincial candidates have no direct power over the legislation. It is truc that they could voice their opposition to the law, but in the end will be forced to uphold it. It seems that this legisiation is being made into an election issue, but it should flot be. The Conservatives are receîving a lot of support over this issue, simply because they arc flot thc Liberals. Yrour Neighbours The Orono Weekly Times is presently in the planning stages for many new and différent wcekly columns. One that we feel is our best idea to date is a colurna called 'Your Nighbours'. In it we propose to highlight different people from Orono and around Clarington each weck. We will corne out and take a picture and interview people for thc colurna, I pcrsonally sec the colurna focusing on a person, giving a brief blurb on their life and a story frorn thc past, whether it is the tirne they and two friends stole someone's car and drove it lato the millpond or just a sirnple story about what life on the farm was like. We want this paper to becorne even more involved la Uic community and thc community in our paper and Uis is just one of Uic many ways in which we propose to do so. If anyone is interested la being a subject for this colurnn, or knows someone that would bc an ideal interview, please contact us at 983-5301, and.ask for Troy. Orono Scouts N eed Our H-elp For Uic past few weeks we have beer> givlag a lot of press te the Boy Scouts la Orono. 'Mat is due te Uic fact that both my friend Scott Jordison and I were Scouts and feit that Scouting had a great impact on our lives. I for one would hate te sec Orono lose its Scouts. Scott and I have voluntecred to help out as leaders, as long as wc can get support frorn the town. What is desperately necded is Group Cornrittee Members. A President, Vice-President and Treasurer are ncedcd. Group Cornrittee is responsible for the smooth running of Uic troop and acts as a interrncdiary between Scouts Canada and Uic local tmoop. We know that it is a lot to ask of people as this is a very time consuming undertaking. The good work and values taught by Scouts makes it worthwhile. If anyone is iateirested contact Marg Bradley at 983-5748. You really could make a différence in a boy's life. Let's Welcome... .We have had comments upon thc appearance of our photos la the last two issues of our paper, mostly on how clear they scecr to bc. The person behind ail of ibis is Scott Jordison. I met Scott lanrny first year at university and we have been friends ever since. Many a tirne bas becn spent by Uic two of us getting into ail sorts of trouble. Scott studied photography at York and bas been playing around with our developrnent proccss to sec what cari bc donc to improve quality. He bas left a good job and cornfortable life la Toronto to help nielanrny endeavors. It would bc very nice if we could welcorne bim to our town and make hirn féel at home. H1e is originally from Northcmn Ontario and1 is vey kecn on Uic outdoors, and would love te mect people from Uic area that share similar interests. You cati find hlm here at the paper almost any Urne. by Phyllis Lowery How nice it has been to have a whole wcek of nice, warm weather, at tirnes it feit like the weather would neyer warm Up. Everyone's gardens look so beautiful, with ail the tulips and daffodils in full bloom. The fields which werc brown are now tumning green with fresh growth, this is the Urne of the year that the birds are so plentiful, they ccrtainly ernpty my bird feeders fast. The finches are- so colorful and dart past the window in their red and yellow feathers, there seern to be more of thern each year, and a few more sparrows this year. Well enumeration is over, now it is just a matter of listening to, speeches and watching the T.V. and making up your rnînds who to vote for. At least here in Canada we don't sec as rnuch as on the Arnerican stations, it seems that somecone is always running for public office there. 1Sunday was another lovely day and there was a good turnout at church. Ian -Savage was our Minister and Lyle and Yvonne Benderprovidcd the mnusic. The service opened with thrce songs, "His Name Is Beautiful," "There's Sornething About That Narne" and Unto Thec O Lord." Ian welcorned everyone and gave the announcements. The hymn, "O God Our Help In Ages Past" was sung. The Invitation to Worship and the Prayer of Approach rcpcatcd. The hymn, "Ail Creatures 0f Our God and King" was followed by the Prayer of Seif-Examination and the Words of Assurance. Ian called thc children forward, hc asked them what he was holding in bis hand? They ail said a book, what was the book? Thcy said a Bible. 'Men he hcld up another book and asked what kind it was they said a notebook. Ian asked them the difference, they said the Bible told the stories of God. Ian told thern that there werc ail kinds of bo oks, history books, story books, some wcre fiction and some wcre truc stories. A lot of people write about God, but the Bible is the truth because God does flot lie. 'Me children's hymn was, "'Jesus Loves Me." . Ian sang a beautiful solo, "More Love To Thec O Christ." The Scripture readings were from Deutcronomy 6: 4-12; and Psahn 19.- 7-11. The sermon was titled, "Who Wrote The Bible?" Over the ycars modem science bas taught us that, air bas weight, but over 3000 years ago, that was written in a book. A man does flot hold up the earth, it is suspended in space. Starts travel ln a definite path, we know the world is round, ail this was recordcd in a book, over 3000 years ago, the Bible. The Bible bas sometimes been called, out of date, old fashioncd a bunch of fairy talcs. Yet al these things that science bas dhscovered, were written about in the Bible, The Bible was wri .tten by many, frorn Genesis to Revelations, the last book. Each person writing, tell of the words of God through a host of other people. God did flot write His words, H1e sent His messages through men inspired by God. In Greck, Inspire, means brcathcd life into. They did flot write according to their wili but according to God's wil. Many people do flot do their own writing of messages or letters, a secretary does it for them, but they sign their name to ibis because it is their message. Today we tend to accept what we want to believe, we pick and choose, we read or sec things on the news and we make the choice of whcther it is truth. But the Bible is truc, it tels us that Jesus' words will neyer pass away. Man once believed the world was flat, lhe Bible told us it was round, we now know that the Bible is right. The Bible tells us what is right and what is wrong, it wamns us of things that will change. We ou ght flot to ignore the Bible. So, who wrote the Bible? The Bible says, heaven and earth will passaway but My words will neyer pass away. God uscd many to write His words. The hyma, "Breathe On Me Brcath of God," was sung, the Prayer of Thankfuîness and the Prayer of Concern and Commitment given. The closing hymn was, "Crown Him With Many Crowns." This year will be the 125th anniversary of the building of Kendal Church, and we are hoping to make it a real celebration, plans are in the making to have Anniversary Collector Plates, andi a cornmittee is looking into having a steeple put on the church. I wiIl write more about thîs la future columns. Smile awhile ... Saint Peter to ncw arrivai: "How'd you get. here?" New arrivai, "Rlu". GOOD NEWS JESUS CHRIST WILL.RT VERY VERY SOON. God loved the world so mucb that He gave Is only Son so that anyone who believes in Hlm shall ot perish but have eternal life. God did flot send bis son into the world to condemn it but to save it. J. 3: 16& 17 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUF 9:30 a.m. ORONO SPASTORAL ~,CHARGE h- * Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn kiisseII Marlene Rlsebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 98-1-5502 SUNDAY, MAY 28TH Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. SPRING BAZAAR Orono United Church Saturday, June 3rd 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. meets every Thursday 7:30 pin. Because Everyday is UVA/UVB Day For Summer Sun Protection BAIN de SOLEIL 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO - - ......................... Im

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