4ý 12 O0r ono Weék ly T i ne s, We dn e sday, ýJun e 7, 19 9 5ý Together" atnd the Lions Memorial Hospital's, "We're Better Together" campaign, received a valuabie boost in the form of a $ 13,500 donation from the Bowmanville Lions Club. The contribution made the purchase of cystoscopes and cystoscapic tele- scopes possible. The "scopes" rep- resent an important addition to the Hospita's existing equipment The Forrester Prediction According to the elections poilis we are about to vote Mike Harris and his much touted Common Sense team and program to victory. That may well be for 1995 but with littie real ideology on the com- mon sense program wil it hold up through dhe next four to five years. Corne the year 2000l, and pro- viding Harris wins in 1995 and car- ries out his Commion Sense -pro- gramn, he will meet the fate expectedtet happen to Bob Rae on Thursday and did happen to Peterson, Liberal, in 1991. It is hard to imagine that Ontaro wiIC1hIe .. BroigOwl Threatened What S on earth woulcj wc JO wtliOUt tF Canadian Wiliife V'»FFederation 2740 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2B 1 A2 1-800-563-WILD The cystoscopic telescope (70 and 30 degree) is valued at $ 10,200. Urologists use these scopes to look into the bladder. They can be used to diagnose cases where blood is present in the urine, and diagnosing prostate conditions. The scopes can also be used as a form of treatment for bladder or prostate tumours, both benign and will sustain a program as offered by Harris - tax cuts that indeed bene- fit the high eamners at the cost to those in lower income brackets. The tax cuts reduce revenues which must be balanced with cuts la ser- vices. It is a simple equation and unfortunately affects those who will find it dhe hardest to pay. We can ask, "will organized labour,stand by to se-- their gains destroyed through the dumping of Bill 40 and new proposed labour laws that wll weaken the labour movement. Privatization as proposed is a move ta, eliminate high paying jobs ta be repiaced by minimum wage emnployment. Harris, in general, Advocates iower wage rates. "Does this mnake for more money in al the taxpayers' pockets?«?" There is no doubt that changes have to corne and camne they will. t lias been happening during the NDP regime and to mention but a few: hospital re-organization and the Royal Commission on Education. Both havelhad a posi- tive side and, in general, have been accepted. We have to think that the eiec- torate in Ontario hias a more gentie approach la providing the needs for a meaningful life for ail people. We are concemed for our neigh- bours. Our prediction holds that with the election of Harris and his Common Sense teamn we wilI sec another change in 2000. malignant types. The cystoscopes (17 and 19 degree) are valued at $3,300. This is used in conjuniction with the cys- toscopic telescape. On Wednesday, May 3l1st, staff from the hospital and Lions Club officiais were together for an offi- ciai presentation. They also used this opportunity to pose for pictures with the new equipment. Cedar Valley Resort Relaxed Almosphere SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $968.00 service imci. 7 kms. east of Orono/Hwy. 115 Enter Clarke 41h or 5th Conc. Une 1 -905-786-2562 ORONO Arjay's Video Beokers Stutt's Pharrmacy Dulees NEWCASTLE Beckers Maxi Drugs Mikes Place Gruff les N EWTONVI LLE Newtonville Convenlence Plus BOWMAN VILLE Dykstras North End Market Vanhout's Variety King's MiIk HAM PTON Hampton Gardens Parti1 - What is Àromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of organic essences obtained from plants and made into essential oils. The knowledge of aromatics has developed gradually since 3500 BC. The Egyptians bumnet gurns and resins such as Frankincense to clear the mmid. Thec Romnans used essential oils for massage. During the l7th century the English made pomnanders made of oranges and cioves to ward off the Black Death. The discipline behind the use of essential cils is that they affect your sense of smell, touch and even the way you think and feel. Natural essential oils used ini aromatherapy can be used in mnany ways through; inhalation, massage, in bath water, as a compress a,,nd soinL can be taken internally. The oils work by penetrating dhe skin (epidermis) ta reach the smalt blood vessels (cap- illaries) located in the dermais which is the layer just below the skin. Once the oil hias reached the capil- laries it can then be carried by the blood throughout the body giving us their healing properties while at the same time rejuvenating the skin. When aromas are inhale d they affect our olfactory response, the message is sent directly to the brain which in tumn produces our behaviour and emotions. Natural essential oils are anti- septic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. They help to repair tissue, increase circulation, help with urinary prob- lems and help to break down mucous in the respiratory system thus causing expectoration. Using essential oils are a natural way to hielp your body rid itself of unwant- ed toxins by improving a sluggish bowel and aiding in indigestion. Aromatherapy is excellent for the treàtment of stress by providing dee-p relaxation. If stress controls our lives then depression and/or other mental disabilities set in which in turn causes our bodies to become unbalanced.- Our bodies were designed ta heal themselves. The body does its best healing whien it. is relaxed! Source: Available upon request. Note: When in doubt about any medical condition always consult your Doctor. ~ THE NATU RAL N UT 5925 Main St. N., Orono Treatrnents Available by Appointment 0nly *Reflexology *Aromatherapy and other natural therapies GIR? CERIFICATES AVAILABLE Please cali Sandra Topper Certified Reflexologlst& Aromatherapist 983-8162 TO DESTROY NOXIQUS WEEDS Notice is hereby given ta ail persans in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Contrai Act, R.S.0. 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds, and/or weed se'eds, grawing on their lands within the Municipality of Clarington are destroyed by Wednesday, June 1, 1995, and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land, and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. THE CO-OPERATION 0F SOLICITED. Date of Publication: Wednesday, June 7, 1995 ALL CITIZENS IS EARNESTLY C. Morrison, Weed Inspector Patti L. Barrie, Clerk Municipalitly of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 5704 GOOD HEALTH - NATURALLY by Saiidra Topper, Ccrt. Reflexologist, Aromatherapist