COMÎNG EVEItTS MERLE HAGGARD- MARTY STU- ART - IAN TYSON- Goods - Gary Fjellgaard - Ron Hynes Patricia Conroy - Wayne Rostad- August 10-13, Havelock Country Jamboree. Camping 1-800-539-3353. Tickets. For flyer send salf-addressed stamped envelope to Box 10, Have- Iock, Ontario KOL IZO, c/o Jack Bakely. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOCKEY: ALL PLAYERS 15 TO 21. Junior/University Evaluation Pro- grams in Collingwood, July 1995. Do not pass on this opportunity. Scholarship and recruitment oppor- tunites (705) 721-9622. BUSINESS OPPS. ELITE-CRETE Concrete Stamping Tools 10 Mat Siate Set $1 550.00. We stock release powder, colour, concrete and pavingstone sealers plus colour hardeners. Contractor inquiries 1-800-667-5496. Fax 519- 638-3801. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE Pro- grams. Government aid, assistance, grants and loans money available. For your new or existing business. Call 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneer- ing. Next Classes: AUGUST19-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R .R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EMvPLOY$AENT OPPS. HO MECHANICS, MILLWRIGHTS, ELECTRICIANS; future uncertain? Semi-retired? y nemployed? Jour- neyman contra ct positions available Canada-wide. Mining experience an asset. Fax your resumé now to Mine Temps, 1-807-597-6820. FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- Spm year round. A real inside flea market, good dlean mèrchandise from crafts to cIliectibles. solid wood furniture. FIELP WANTED COMPUTERS. No previous comput- er experience necessary. Exciting opportunities nowv available in comn- puter programming. We will train suitable applicants. CMS 1-800-477- 9578. SALES HELP WANTED i$Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEWV $2.00 PROD- UCTS. Nothingi to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1 -800-383-3589 LOST LOST 42 BLUE TABLE SKIRTS between Ottawa and Kingston on Hwy. 16 or Hwy. 401 West. $500 CASH REWARD. Cal 1-800-361- 7166. MUSICAL INTEIREST LEARN TO PLAY Musical Instru- ments the new, ensier way, with Self Teaching Video Tapes. Free cata- logue. Best prices on ail musical instruments. Musicare Inc. 1-800- 361-3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Cal your Psychic Friend at 1-900- 451-3783. Live 1 on 1, 24 Hours, $2.99 per min. 18+ SBetter Living" is "Through Awareness". LIVE PSYCHICS! Genuine Canadi- an Psychics tell ail. Past, Present, Future revealed. Romance, WVeaith, Career. Live and personai. 1-900- 451-3778. Innervision Crystal Con- nection. $2.99/min .18+, 1-on-1, 24 hrs. LIVE PSYCHICS ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS Dreamn interpretations, Tarot Readings, Horoscope Read- ings CALL NOW! 1-900-451-3297 ext. 200. $3.99/min, 18+ Oniy, Touch Tones Oniy. Infoservice/Stu- dio City, Cal 213-993-3366. PERSONALS SINGLE? READY FOR A RELA- TIONSHIP? Twosomes provides professionai counseiiing and per- sonality based matchmaking f0 find that special person. Cali for Free relationship-readiness test (613) 235-2222. WOULD YOU LIKE f0 correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free infor- mation. State age. Ashgrove, PO. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? WeiIl take it! Ameni- cas largest, oidest resale ciearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FROM FUTURE - Q20x5ü or S20x38 or A20x36 $5,975. Q25x34 or S25x28 or A25x24 $5230. Q30x44 or S30x40 or A30x38 $7,626. including Ends, Sliiing-Doors, cali 1 -800-668-8653. BUILDING SALE ... Ontario Manufac- turer Direct. Ouonset style. 16x21 $1 698.00. 21x30 $2198.00. 32x40 $3988.00. 34x48 $4,988.00. 40x54 $7.144.00. 40x66 $8,7340.ùO 46x120 $17.544.00. Ends optional. Pioneer 1 -800-668-5422. C"LASSIFIEE? MARKETP LACE 'A dvertise A cross Ontario orA cross the Country" COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1 MO ON HWY- 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'W(Iiere Profession aEtique tte is Imnportant Funerai Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wilams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CA\LL 24 HO0URS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE Youth Committee Meets Any youth, interested volunteers, and community agencies wishiuag to attend the monthly meetings of the Clarington Youth Committee are invited to do so. The meetings are held on the last Monday of each month, frovi noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Community Addiction Services office at 200 King St. E. For information cati Kim at 623- 1741 (days) or Pat at 623-4599 (evenings). March of Dimes Needs YOU 'Me Ontario March of Dimes of the Durham Region is 1ooking for volunteers to assist with their Friday evening Bingo. The Bingo is heid at the Jubilee Pavillon ini Oshawa. Volunteer urne for the Bingo is about 4 hours. Al funds raised go to support physically challenged aduits in Durham. Anyone interested in volunteering can cati the Ontario March of Dimes at 434-5280. Support the Red Cross The Canadian Red Cross Society, Region of Durham branch needs volunteers for a wide variety of services, inciuding delivery of meals on wheels, teiephoning blood - donors, heiping withi bingo, and the new Ciarington miedicai equipment recyciing project. Contact Fran at 723-2933 for more informnation. Calme to buy or seil ... Orono and area's reol estate rep. 4KrystynaJoe Z 983-6013 (tealty-MNet ASSOCIATE (DURHAM)lnc. >11TEL(9 05)721-2112 ORONO BUNGALOW ON TERRIFIC RAVINE LOT . .. $137,00. tt ltto fdal, - lts Fast *Ifs Easy 0 One Bill Daos It Ail *Northem iOntario $63 - Eastern 0Ontarjo $91 Wýýestern Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $68*Ail Ontario $380 Naional Packages Avalable Cal this paper for details!