83 King Street West "à Newcastle, Ontario L B 1 L2 Matt es on(z05987-3200 Math'wsL-Associates SINSURANCE BROKERS LrD Pauline Mots, A...C., C.i.B. Branch Manager HAMILTONS pINSURANCESEVC1 334 MAIN ST, BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 1-905-983-51 15 Fax i1-905-983-8228 -cc- Women in Abuise Relationships W'ES'S For Help CalilSalEgn e.pi "The Denise Hbuse" SnaEne D Repta ir For Women and Children SNW Do JrSA Toil Free 1-800-263-3725 LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, or 728-7311 CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING Confidentially Assured YOU NAME IT WE DO IT ta drink510É Main St., Orono if you want odik For service catil That's your business. (90)5) 983-9772 if you want to stop, tf Thiat's ours. Cali EUS Alcoholics Anonymous Automotive Lakeshore Districts. Air Conditiofllng (416) 728-1020 Service AND S mia' FOUINDAT OJ kii~ LjCiimtiýucti;nPpi >',, D jn BYAMS Iumbng Heating Incorporated Sales and Service Douglas Simpson DECORATING Orano Painting - Papering Renovations 33 Years Experience aQ 4fl rA ALAN is RISEBROUGH .REFRIGERATION DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SERVICES fater AIR-CONDITIONING SERVICE & REPAIRS ans BOX 29, RR2 ORONO s 'A 98-570l2 ACME ence -Home Impravements Speciaîizing in Stane Facing Roafing -Renovations Complete Window & Door Repacements FREE ESTIMA TES MIKE BONNEAU ORONO 983-9005 435-4181 <mobile> DOD Glfts and Notions a5 sTKAl I&T Carpenters Lcensed - 25 ears Experienu HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES GCENrTRE ation Street LOB IMO ted Work 5303 npton tedal 1 Service and Bepairs to ail makes of vehiicies WE DO SERVICE CALLS for Off Raad Equipment. County Road # 9 Just East of Kendal 983-5422 Ufn CLARINGTON GLASS Aluminum and Vinyl Windows Se-aled Unit Replacement Custom Mirror Work RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL Steven Campney 5665 MAIN ST., ORONO (905) 983-6143 (905) 718-4426 24,31,.7,14, cpn HORSEBACK RIDING HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) is naw acceptflg new students (chiidren and adults> for aur riding and harsemanship prograins, summer camps, etc. Far further information and ta register oel 1-905-623-7336 Home of the Bowman ville Pony ClubJ Louins NITravel CRUISES Hawaii, Bermuda, South Pacifie and more CRUISES Specialists Caîl AIlfred or Paul Corporate Accaunts Welcam-e 1-800-267-9214 Pickering Corparate Centre Door to door delivety of nravet ,&,.,,, ,,,,nts and brochures for D.V. Yo0arMI NvCE V to attend a belated SOth Wedding Anniversary Garden Party for lîarold (Miac) and Norma Ransberry Suinday, June Il 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at thie Ransberry Farm on H-ighway # 115, fîve miles north ofr)olio. (In the event of rain it will bc hield at the Orono Arena) Harold and Norma encourage you to corne for the entire aftemoon and enjoy the live music. Best Wishecs only. Everyone is welcomne. 24,31,7, ac Applications for student help bcing accepted at the Village Bake Shop. 7,ac MOVING SALE Friday and Saturday june 9th and 10th 3236 Concession 7 (1 mi. north of Taunton between Leskard and Townlme> '7, cpn Large Antique & Yard Sale Friday, June 9th 12 noon - 4:00 p.m. Saturday, June 10 & Sunday, June Il (Rain dates June 17 & 18) 2341 Taunton Rd., Hampton (1 st house west of Hampton Gardens) Too many items to mrnion. 7,ac YARD SALE Moving 35 Centre St., Orono Saturday, June 10 & Sunday, June Il 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p. Includes siate pool table. 7,a2 Maple Syrup and 4, Apple Butter Fruit èkrket now avallable APPLES CRISP AND JUICY C.A. (Controlied Atmosphere) McINTOSH, EMPIRE, MUTSU, CRISPEN, DELICIQUS, IDARED Quench your thirst with Wileys 100% Pure Fruit Juices and FREDS PURE APPLE CIDER Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario ITARIO RETUREMENT TEA for ROY FORRESTER Sunday, June 25th 2:30 p..m.. - 4:30 p.rn. at the ORONO TOWN HALL Main Street, Orono Sponsored by the Orono D. B.ILA. 7,14,21, ac BowvmanviIIe Museum 37 Silver Street 10 Km Fund Run & WaIk Sundlay, June 11lth Waik 8:30 a.m. - Run 9:15 ar. Pre-registration Fee $1 2.00 Day Registration Fee $1 4.00 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for age categories Refreshments and raffle draw after race. Aplications available at Museum phone 623-2734 for more information. 7,ac clocument aiiu ur the Orono ý 1 1 1 1 l'