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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jun 1995, p. 2

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2 - Oroi~o Weekly Thnes~ Wednesday, June 7,1995 Oroiw 'Weekfy 'lims Produce4 Weekly By Sonbon Publishing serving your cominunity since 1937 P'ublicatiorns Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issues Arinually at the Office Of Publication 63 10 Main $trof., P..Bo.x 209, 0;ono, Ontario LOB 1 Mo Telephone 905.983-6301 Fax 905-983-5301 Win. Troy Young Owner-Editor Our Town Orono is such a wonderful place to live in. I myseif bave only played a very minor role in our town. 1 played hockey and went to Scouts in Orono, but otherwise Orona was where the Becker's was. I went to school in Newcastle and Bowmanville, and the majority of rny friends were flot residents of Orono. Yet I amn here now, and love the town. I have been in mhe city, the big T.O. for the past five yearsand it is a welcome change ta be back. I love the fact mhat people stop me on the street or ini the I.G.A. to say hello and to tell me of different stories 1 might want to cover. I arn also pleased with the positive feedback I have received fram A of the people that stop in to sec me at the.Times. I iike the smail town feel, samething mhat was missing during my time in Toronto. Clarington has changed a great deal since I left (it wasn't even cailed Clarington then). I bave seen new develapment jumping up ail over thie place in Newcastle, Bowrnanville, and Courtice. 1 remember when Courtice was nothing more than Roy Nichais and farmland. Now it is one of the fastest growing areas of the Durhami Region, which in turfi is the fastest growing area in Ontario. Bowmanviile and Newcastle have bomh grown significantly. Orono has stayed tme saine. There is sornething to bc said for mhe status quo, but 1Itink it is now time for Orono to grow. 1 obviously ar nfot advocating mhe large scale deveiopment tmat is underway in Bowmanville and Courtice. In rny opinion they are happening way too, fast. The Town is now finding itself baving to deal wimh problemfs directly related to developrnent simply because it bas gotten out of hand. A srnailer, better pianned development is what I arn suggesting. In talldng ta sorne local people and businesses, rnany are for the development of Orono. Nothing big mind you. Part of Orono's charmn cornes from its closeknit carnrunity. To let development get aut of hand would destroy mhis. Orono's survival however is linked to growth. From what 1 have been told, the population is sbrinking. There are very few bornes availabie for a young farily, such as Lisa and myseif, to buy and make our own. Many of mhe Town's younger generation are mhus forced to look elsewhere for homes. With themn leaving the area, rnany wiil not return. Orono's existence is linked to keeping people bere i Orono. For those of you who have lived bere for decades and bave every intent on staying in Orono for mhe rest of your lives, mhis may not seern like a probleni to you. But as a member of mhe younger generation, I can honestly tell yau tmat had not the opportunity here at the Timnes developed, I probably would flot have returned to Orono. Why you rigbt ask? There really is very little to attract youmh to mhe area. Jobs are scarce and property flot readily available. We bave seen new businesses open and close on our main street for years. Even sorne of the alder, more successful businesses have told me mhat they have noticed a drap in their custarners. The signs are ail mhere. New develaprnent, properly planned and rnonitored, could help mhe area. New people would mean new business for stores lilce Arjays, Stutt's, Rolph Hardware, Orono Electric, mhe I.G.A., and even the Tirnes. The influx of new people would also increase our local tax base which would lead to more services and benefits for everyone. Sornething like sewers for Orano would flot only enable development to happen, but also take care of an environmental prablern mat bas been growing for years, narnely ahl the raw sewage that bas been accumiutating in batckyards and green spaces. 1 feel thàt Orono is due for a population boost. S mal develapmnent, properiy monitored. couid help our downtownvwithout greatly disrupting the town's preserit existence. New jobs would be available i construction. Our fire department may have ta hire somne full time firefighters. A new school would probably bc required, which would create employment for new teachers, rnany who rnay be Orono residents just graduating from teacher's college. These are just a few of mhe possible benefits for our town. We have to be looking out for Orono's future. If we can do it witbout disrupting mhe presenit too rnuch, then so much mhe better. I know many people have liked mhe fact the Orono hasn't cbanged too much in the past few years, but. change is inevitabie, and accepting mhat and working to help shape mhat change is preferable than having no control at all. Something bas ta be clone to keep our youmh in the town, or we may sorneday not be able ta say Orono is where the Becker's is because there won't be enough people ta warrant one. Humble for -Premier Unsure of who ta support in tornarrow's provincial election? One off the wall idea is ta vote for Toronto celebrity Humble Howard. The CFNY IJ/sornetime Dini Petty Show regular is asking for your vote. His gag campaign bas added a littie colour ta an omherwise duil campaign. If you really can't decide on election day, don't forget Humble. Environment Week This week is environment week. t is fitting mhat Election Day fails on mhis week, as mhe environrnent bas be-en really ignored during mhe camnpaiga. We have al become more aware of mhe envimonment, and the problims be-fore it. More and more environrnentally friendly products are comning out in the marketplace, and people are buying it up i large quantities. We have started on mhe raad to maldng the worid a better place, but we eaun fot stop now. Huge forests are still being clearcut ini Canada. Poilutants are stJIi fnding their way into aur creeks and lakes. We stili have a long way ta go. 1 remember whien I was in high school travelling ta Toronto ta rake part in Earth Day. 'We spent a warm spring day listening ta people speak and bands play in Nathan Phillips square. t was great. Everyone had a good uirne. The entire event was weil planned ai-d the amaount of people that took the tirne ta go out was astounding. That was only five years ago. Now Earth Day passes with anly a shadow of mhat event five years ago. It sceers as if mhe environment is fia longer as important ta the mnajarity. They feel that they are now buying the "riglit" products. fia longer using the "wrong" products. t 15 up ta us ta niake sure mhat mhe environirnent is taken care of. Our politicians won't do it unless we keep on mern to crack down on carnpany's that pollute and ta stop the clear cutting of aur foresis. Let's hope that bowever we elect an Thursday will rememrber the environrnent during their time at Queen's Park. GOOD NEWS JESUS CHRIST WUILRETURN; VERY VERY SOON. God ioved mhe world so much that He gave His oniy Son so mhat anyone wbo believes in, Hlm shaH flot perisb but bave eternal life. God d11<1nat send bis son into tme world to condemn it, but to save it. 3. 3: 16& 17 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MfILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GRU19:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene Risebrouglh, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, JUNE IITH Kfrby Unted Church 9:30 ar. Orona United Church 11:00 a.m. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m.

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