S4-Orono VWeekly Tfixnes, WVednesdayv, Junte 7, 199-5 Bake Shop d for Being ke-Free Happenns...(cont'd) Speaker on Hlearing and Various Aids On Tuesday, June 13, the Clarington Older Aduits programr wil be featuring a speaker from The Hearing Centre who wil speak about hecaring and an dhow variaus aids cau be of assistance.This -Eo Arts Centre will speak about the summer programming. Cards and board gamnes available. Local transportation can be arranged by calleil Comimunity Care at 623-2261l before noon Monday. Clarke Museum *Book Sale Clarke Museum wil hold another Second Hand Book Sale on June 17 at the Museum in Kirby. There will be thousands of books ta choose framn on every tapie and subject. Sale begins at 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Donations of books for the sale are always welcome. You may contact the museum at 983-9243. Prlize List First Sign of Faill Fairs Li cd an award two The annual agriculturae fair is probably one of the oldest tradi- tions stili practiced in Ontario. This year the tradition continues with yet another fair at the Orono Fairgrounds, the one hundred and, - ainea iurIic $0 tax increases forty-third edition. A sure sign that the fair is approaching cornes with the appearance of the prize-list bookiets. This bookiet has been revised this year for easier accessi- bility and readability. It contains s trustee, gional councillor ipal budgets with VOTE June 8th Com mon Sense fora %CHmA NG E *Cut taxes to create employment - The average family will receive ($ 150/Mon th) tax relief *Welfare Reform - Disabled, seniors & single parents are flot effected *Employment Equity (Bill 79 quotas) will be repealed - Hiring will be based on merit & ability *Balance the budget - Cut spending & eliminate the deficit in the first term * * S Have you seen our video, "The Common Sense1 CoU for information or if you need assistancea Bowmanville Port Peri 697-1433 985-388 Authorzed by the CFO for the John OToole Commtitee Document"? on June 8th. rry 82 lu J 44 pages of information on variaus classes ranging from "Ambassador of the Pair Contest" to "Woodworking" with thirty-one other classes in between. Most people wil find a class ta suit their interests or lifestyle. Among the new and cxpanded classes this year will be a new class for amateur photographers. They will bc invited ta bring their camera ta the fair and take photos ta be entered in a contest ta bc judged a month after the fair. Over $200.00 in cash and prizes will bc awarded ta this class. In the Culinary Arts section a new special has been added, called 'Wilmot Orchard Special', here $35 .00 is available ta the bakers who can praduce the best blueberry pies made from commercially grown blueberries, Those quilters, knitters and sewers famiiar with the needlecraft sec- tion will now locate their craft under the heading "Cultural Expressions," A special prize list hias been printed for tie elementary and high sehool children and will be avail- able wherever the regular prize list can be picked up. New in this list is "Y outh Poster Competition", the themne for this poster is "promat- ing your fair." The winning poster will be entered in a province wide competition for a grand prize ta be awarded at tie O.A.A.S. (Ontario Association of Aizricultural Societies) Convention ini February. Anyone not able ta locate a sehool prize list may cail the chairperson in charge, Gail McKenzie at 993- 9542. The Demolition Derby will be a Special Feature again this year and the Demio Derby Application Forms are now a.'ailable at Highway 115 Truck and Auto Sunoco Station, on the Northbaund Highway 115, 8 km north of Hwy. 401. Only 30 applications are available and expect ta be sold out fast. Pnize lists have been mailed ta regular exhiibîtors and extra copies are available at the Co-op and Orono Weekly Times office in Orono. Newcastle Lumiiber in Newcastle and in Bowmianville at Welcome Feeýds, and Bowmnanville barber Shop. Exhibitars unable tü secure a copy may caîl BUIl Tomlfinson at 983-580.3. The Durhiam Central Pair will be held on September 7, 8, 9, and 10 this year with new extended hours on Saturday, Septemnber 9. igton. John« 00le *John has Iived in Durham East for 25 vears versity of Toronto Economics. with General Aw