- OonoWetçt Tmes ensa~Jn ~19 n 's Band at St. Fr for apples, and a few others. St. John's were also there. There was also face painting, cotton candy and balloons. Two boys were kept b)usy ail afternoon drawing cartoon chiaracters, much to the delight of everyone, They also hel-d a sidewalk art competition. If you were hungry you could buy a hotdog or a hamburger and a pop, or something from the bake table h was a fun day in the Sun and everyone had a great time.ý A big thank you goes ou&. to everyone who helped in the, planing_ and for hepnaut 'in any way anid for making this project turn oui to be the great success it was. St,. Stephien's band perforing( for St Francis of Assisi as a warn Canmada's Wondcerland. ,New.vcastle United Church Yard Sale We would like to, begin this week's column by correctng an error made a few weeks back in which it was stated that the Optimist, Club of Newcastle had sponsored a free family swim at the Bowmanville Fitness Centre. The free swim had been ,sponsored by the Clarington Bloc-k parents not the Optimisi Cl u b, weç most sincerely apologize for this error. Children between the ages of 19 and 18 danced thie night away a i the dance the Newcastle Opimist Club field for ithcm at the Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, June 2nd fromi 7 p.m. unatil 10 p.mn.IL was the last dance [bat the club wiIl bc holding until Septemijber. A big thank you gocs out t0 ail the volunteers who hielpedi in any way to make the dlance the great success it turned out to bc. Children between the ages of 4 and 12 can register now for the SonTown Vacation Bible School which is to be held in the Newcastle United Church fromrr iuly 24 uni July 28 by cailiing 987-3842 or 987-4628. It is 10 be a week full of gamnes, crafî,s, sonmgs, bible stories, snacks an11 mutchmoe The giant yard sale at the NcwcastLe( Uniteýd Church on Salurday, June 3 had a little bit of everything. There were clothes, toys, oo9ks, furniture, small kitchen appliances and bikes. Ouîside one could buy a hotdog om a sausageý and a cold drink whichi were being sold ai the, barbeque. They were also selling differeni kinds of candy, candy- floss, tea and coffee. AIl proceeds wilI be used where they will bu most neuded. The chiltiren were also able to have their faces painted. A big thank you goes out to ceveryone who hielped in planning and preparing the yard sale and for making il the great success ilt umed out 'wt b. Patrons' who-- were a't the Massey Hlouse Restaurant and Pub on Saturday, June 3rd not only enýjoyed the e(-stablishiment's fine food and service but îhey were entertaine.-d by M.ýike MycGrath who was the live entertainmi-ent there. A fun time was had by one and ail. The owners of the Massey ' bouse Restaurant and Pub would like to, invite one and ail to their establishment on Friday, June 9 to listen to the sounds of the Fuli Count Blues Band. They wiil be playing LIVE! Children of aP ages are invited to become mnembers of h Readers of the Round Table, by joining the Summer Reading Club. Registration begins o)n July, 5. For more informiation please caîl (905) 623-7322. On Sunday, Jn 4, people of ail ages arrived at, Ibo Newcastle Public School ,o take part in the walk-a-thon that wAas being held to help raise funds for the Sick Kids Ho,-spital in Toronto. Before starting off everyone was given a nibbon to wear. Thie yellow ones were for the families with cildren fromn Sick Kids and the green ones were for the families (lThiank Your'Father on Father's Day in the Orono 'J4ee kfy Iflmes Special Classified Rates NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMAN VILLE CORPORATION TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1995 7:00 PRM. CAFETERIA, ME1MORIAL HOSPITAL - 8OWMANVILLE 47 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. Hearing of Reports 2, Report of Hospital Auditors 3, Election of Directors * Special Guest Speaker* Mr. Peter Tudor-Roberts Subject: Partnershîps for the 90's and Beyond Il h te john Authorized by the CFO for the John OToole Committee