mmmm- 4 - Orono Weekly Times, Wedinesday, Juiie 4, 1-995) Orono Midget round Syracu boys, Basebail News achiev, On June 1 the Orono Donut Gallery iMidgets played host to the C.B.A. Cobourg Midgets. The game progressed well until the bot- tom of the sixtb. Up to that point Orono beld a 6 to 2 lead. Kyle Mongomery pitched a strong four innings allowing just two runs on five hits and striking out five. In the offence department Jeif Tonks had a double and a single, Rob Winnacott and Tomnas Wakefield each had doubles, while singles went to Nick Brown, Corey Stapleton, and Ryan Dewulf. Then in dhe top of the seventh Cobourg sent eleven batters to the plate. Orono helped by wallcng three, committing three errors and losingour discipline. 'Me officials didn't help Orono by their in-action and baffling ca!ls. Final score 9 to 6 for Cobourg. On June 5 the Orono Donut Gallery Midgets travelled to Cobourg to play the Cobourg team sponsored by the Police. We were flot expecting such a subdued team by comparison to last year's super vocal squad. Tbis was a well played close gaine that could have gone eiher way. Alan Lee pitched an impressive three innings allow- ing just 1i mn on 2 hits wbile strik- ing out 4. This was a much improved, more disciplinied teain that showed up for Orono. Scott Logan dropped a double into right centre to score two runs, singles to Nick Brown, Kyle Montgomery, Corey Stapleton, Rob Winnacott, and Ryan Dewulf. Brent Dixon played well for bis first time tbis year behind the plate. Tomas Wakefield had a slow start at bis first time pitcbing in two years, but ended strong withi 3 strike outs. Nick Brown came in for the final three outs to save the wmn for Alan Lee. Final score Orono 6, Cobourg 5. Orono Novice Girls Softball The Orono Novice Girls contin- ued undefeated with a corne from behind victory over the Roy's Enterprises teamn on Monday, June 5th. Witb the score tied at 9 the Roy's teaim scratcbed out 2 runs in the top of thefiftb. Mie top of the order for Orono camne up in the bot- tom of the fifth and scored three to giv c the Orono teamn the 12 to 11 wi i. Ashl'ey and Patty combmned foi most of the pitching while the oùiier girls provided sound defence in tbe field. Scoring for Orono were Katie O. and Jennifer witb 3 runs each, Erin with a pair and sin- gles to Ashley, Heidi, Amy and Lindsay. Their second game of the week came on Thursday, lune 8 when they travelled to Courtice to face R oger's Cable. Rogers got off to a quick 6 to 1 lead, but the Orono girls fought back in their now famous corne from behind form. They scored 5 in the third and 7 more in the fourth and final inning to make it close but couldn't pull off the win as Roger's had contin- ued to score as well. They handed the OiIrono girls their first defeat of tie season 18 to 13. Once again thec girls were weli suppo)rted by their loyal f'ans and displayed fine form both on the field and at the plate. Whle infielders and pitchers seemn to get most of the action, a tip of tbe bat tbis week to our outflelders who had more tban tbeir sbare of action in thîs game. Well done Maia, Sarah, He idi, Lindsay, Amy, Micelle and Katie J. Our next game is on Monday, June 19tb at the Fairgrounds against Lange's Phioto. Wehope to see you there. Orono Fuel + Lumber Minor Novices Fali Short Tbe past two weekends found the Orono Fuel & Lumber i Kids Love Hockey (KLH) "AAA" Mfinor Novice Starts first in iceigand then Lindsay to par- ticipate it' two very competitive tournaments. TePckrc Tournament was bosted by L-akeshore Thunder out of Art Thompson Arena and included twe.nty teams, many frum thc U.S., divided into five divisions. Our boys drew somec tough opponents in their d:ivision, which consisted of Pro Hockey Elite (Toronto), Cambridge Hornets and Fraser Falcons (Ivchigan). These tcams played sound positional hockey, witb strong passing and forecbieck- ing skills tbat our boys were unable to couniter for sustaîned periods. The Orono Fuel / KLH Stars came up short in ail thiree division.- ai contest, l osing 6-î to Cambridge, 5-4 to Fraser, and 8-2 to' Pro HckyEite, who wouldý- eventually go on to win tbe tourna- mnent's "'A" championsbip. By virtue of tie complicated tourna- ment format guaranteeing ail tearns at least four games, tbe Orono Fuel / KLH Stars advanced to the "C" positive from teus rournarnent expe- rience, Orono Fuel / KLH Stars battened down the hatches and defeated Muskokca 5 - 0 in a rough game. Ian Crasbley (Orono) and Geoff Nîblett (Ashbumn) faced 14 shots in notching the shutout and helpîng the team to salvage the "C" championsbip. See below for the tournamnent scoring summary. One week later, the Orono Fuel IKLH Stars competed in the "Ontario Cup" tournament, hosted by the Central Ontario Seleets out of Lindsay and Woodville. This was an 8-team tournament that included teams from Toronto, Muskoka, Eastern Ontario, Western Ontario and Illinois (U.S.), split into two 4-team divi- sions. The Orono Fuel / KLH Stars breezed throughi the first gaine, winning 10 - 0 over their friends from Eastern Ontario. Bryan Barchard and Jordan Morrison led the way in this game, with Bryan notching 3 goals and 2 assists, wbile Jordan contributed a hiat-trick and 1 assist. Next Up were the Toronto Rangers, who unfortunately were short~ both goaltenders at gamne time. In the spirit of sportsman- ship, Orono Fuel's Ian Crasbley undertook to defend the Toronto goal, and he was perfect on att but one of the six shots that he faced from bis own teammates. His part- ner, Geoff Niblett, meanwhile, stopped ail six shots aimed at hlm by the real opponients. In due time, a Rangers' goalie arrived, and Orono Fuel / KLH Stars went on to defeat Toronto 4 - 2. In game tbree, the Orono Fuel! KLH Stars met and defeated the Muskoka Stars for the third time this spring, this time by an 8 - 1 count. The big shooters in this gamne were Stephien Cornelissen, with 3 goals and 2 assists, Bryan Bickell, with 2 goals and 2 assista ,, and Jordan Morrison, with a goal and 3 hielpers. As a lime, tbese lads proved that quick and accurate passing is the key to generating scoring opportunities. Witb this win, the boys guaranteed them- selves a first place finish in their division, so that ncthing except pride was at stake when they met the Illinois Selectsi their fourth continuedl on page 5 Lakeshoreý Bryan Barchard (Bowmnanville) Jordan Morrison (Uxbridge) Bryan Bickcll (Orono) Adam Cull (Newcastle) Michael Richardson (Courtice) Stephen Comnelissen (Courtice) Rene Cartier (Courtice) Mattbew Dolan (Uxbridge) Christopher Lyons (Uxbridge-) Trevor WadIdell (orie Mark Sau fPedro (Wbîhby) Matt Mitchell (rono) Sandyv MacKay (Uxbridgec) AnrwFracz (orie MaitthewMiiltn(brg) Ontano Cup G A Pts. 6 3 9 5 5 10 2 3 5 1 0 1 1 5 6 5 4 9 3 1 4 2 0 2 0 2 2 gifts -home decor& 210 King St. W., Newcastle 987-1978 MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Cla sses for Chîldren a nd Aduits NWA -ilabfe..M art! 1 :Arts --upplbie s>ý Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 RANDY REID Sales & Leasing T'. Treal c I'm always available to address any of your questions, and for your convenience, in - home appointments are aval lable any time! 1-800-361-8154 AranA LAiIRIA PORT HOPE ONT. IE NATU RAL NUT c 5925 Main SIL. N., Orono Éments Available by Appointment Onby * Reftexology * Aromathe.rapy, and other natural therapies GIF CETIFICAESAVAILABLE Please calli Sandra Topper Certified RZelexologist & Aromatherapist 983-816,2 -V We carry