I L Oron Wel<J TîesWedesday, ue1~1~ Track And Fielid at Kirby Public Orono Fuel Novices continued from page 4 game. Illinois proved te be a very talented passing team, streng on positienal play with and without thc puck. Orono Fuel!/ KLH Stars led twice early in thc second peri- od, but succumbed eventually 7 - 4 in an entertaining match. The semi-final round pitted Uic Orono Fuel!/ KLH Stars against the host teamn, Central Ontario Selects, a teamn that Uic boys had handled easily in the first teumnament ef Uic year. On Uiis day it was a différent story, however, as Central Ontario had iniproved their defense signif- icantly. Shots ini the game were dead even at 20 each, but our boys fell short in this one, Iesing 4 - 2 and a chance atthe toumnament championship. 'Me boys went back at Central Ontario in an exhibition match on June 7, followed by a couple of much-needed practices ever the next few weeks leading up to the Amour Cup Tournament in Wasaga Beach. The Orono Fuel / KLH Stars scoring summary for the Lakeshore Thunder and Ontario Cup tourna- ments is as foilows: ht was a busy day at Kirby Cenitennial Public Schojol last Wednesday as students cempeted in a variety of track and field events. The day came at the eind'of the Quality Daily Physical Education program, which die students par- ticipated ini for the past 2 and-a- haif weeks. Every day the students would train after recess, using the fitness trail ai the school. The day itself was a huge suc- cess. Over 150 students from al grade levels competed. Parental support was overwhelming, as over 40 parents were on hand te help organize the day. Refreshments were made available in the gym during rest times for everyone From the Oak Plains to the Lake front by Sher Lectooze Searchngoui ithe history of a township is relatively easy in thai most communities have their his- tory written down somewhere. Sometimes it's ail in one place, but most often it is scattered ail over - in smail bookiets written by folks in the past, and covering those things they found interesting; in church histories that document the early settlers, and who gave land for the church, etc.; in old diaries stil held by descendants - the list gees on and on. But the history is there, we jusi have te find it. When doing a whole township it's a matter of starting with one community, then meving on to the next and the next until you've cov- ered the whole place.. Sometimes, as 1 arn finding, a new serap of information wilI corne along about a community that's already been researched, and Io and bchold, it throws the Whole thing eut of kilter! That's when the FUN begins - cross checking and double checking and rnaking a few phone cails te con firmn this or that. As I said, it's an easy job, but it's net necessarily straight for- ward, as folks that have done this sort ofLthing before wiIl atiirm. When 1 compiled my irst book, THE FIRST 200 YEARS, A Brief History of Darlington Township, 1 discovered very early on in thc pro- cess that 1 weuld net be able te include the whele history - that would have taken about 12 vol- urnes, and 12 years! So il is with Clarke Township. Each community has such a colourful history! If only you coul( l al sift through the old docu- mnents and read il for yourselves. You'd bc amazcd at the prosperity there rcally was back then - and thc hard work tee! What happened te cause the decline in what have corne teo be smail dots on our map?7 They were once populous thriving, places, and now show us only a gathering of houses, clustered around an aging church, or disused school. Perhaps mankinds folly. Perhaps mankinds ingenuity. Perhaps rnankinds search for Eutopia. As I sîft through Uic past, 1 arn convinced that, somewhere along the fine we did îndeed find that Eutopia, but in our haste te progress into the future, we failed te sec il, and lest it. The histories of our townships attest te this, if you read closcly, and put yourself into their shees, if only for a few moments. I won't be able te include ah I1 find, but 1 wiII pass on the high- ights, and thc best parts. Everyone 1 talk te about Clarke Township has Iaughed when 1 ask themn if they'd like te go back-te Uic 'goed old days'. "What, give up indoor plumb- ing? Give up good warm school rooms? Lose my washer and dryer?" Then they really start te Uink about Uic past. The fact that people were real neighbours Uien - Uic fact that people knew how te do a full days work, work that shewed they could survive againsi most odds - Uiat was good.* That was what life was and should be ail about. Like Darlingion, Clarke was ful of real pioneers - people who net only madc their mark, but Icft us a Iegacy that'is still pertinent today. They wcre indeed glorieus days, as you, wiIl sec in these colurnns, and in the book duceut in November. 1 will take you around Uic tewn- involved. Champions that day are as follows! Gr. 1: Boys-Matthew B., Girls-Jçnna M. Gr. 2: Boys- Justin C., Gyiris-Echo S. Mites: Boys-BilIy S., Girls-Ashleigh H. Atoms: Boys-John C., Girîs-Erika S. Baton: Boys-Tom L., Girls- Kim M. -junior: Boys-Aaron R., Girls Poriige M. ship, commnunity by community, happening by happening, and yeu will seS for yourself the how and why of today. Fer our todays and our tomorfows were ail planted deep in our soil nearly 200 years ago, and we are now gathering the fruits from that planting of yesteryear. But now the great question aris- es, "Where do I begin?" The best place is at the beginning, 1 guess, and that would be in the year 1775, or there abouts. Clarke, at that time was still a wildemess, but happenings in other parts oe1f the province would soon sec il corne to life. In next week's column l'Il tel you ail about it.. stay tuned to this spot...- SUBSCRIPTIONS $10.10 June lit - January lst w HY PiW THE HIÇH CO5T 0F ÇRA TXIiTION PHOTO0& WUEN VOLI C/AI COHE TOÎ NEttC4STLE PHOTO ÇRAPHIC CiILL U5~ lOtIlY FOZ Pi1CK/4E5 19 K(NÇ 5T EAST N EWCA5TLE ,' -.-,.~ ~<Y 60 FT. - 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME Large add on room / shed / dock. Very private large yard by river, Many recent upgrades, minutes f rom town and ail amenities. Cali 697-0497. A must see! 9Lrt de Coffectabes (705) 277-1350 See our booth at the "COUNTRY MARKET" Iocated at Ganaraska Leathercraft on Hwy. 115 *Special for Father's Day* JAMES LUMBERS "MR. HOCKEY" $299.00 Compare, you wiII neyer get these prices at a gallery! Clip this ad, bring it in SAVE 10% on any purchase (except Mr. Hockey) We have affordable realistic prices!