BUSINESS SERVICES FREE1INTERNET*FREE* Turn your computer into a money making machine! Freef Cati for your Free Demno Disk. No obligation. *24 lours 1-800-664-2922, 24 hou rs*. GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE Pro- grams. Governimenî aid, assistance, grants snd boans money availa1ble. For new or existing business. Cal 1-800-915- 361 5. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTICNEERING et fthe South- wiestern Sohool of Auctionceerng. Naxt Classes: AUGUST19-25: NCVEMBEFI 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Cntýar!o Sohool of Auctioneerîng, .R.#T5, Wood- stck, Ontario N45 7V9. (51 9) 537-2115., TURN YOUR WVRiTING TALENT initd money insîantly. Make money writinig t home. Free Information. RMCJ Enterprîs- es, Box 2396-SR, Sidney, B.C. V8L 3Y3 - Fax (604) 656-0962. BE A SUCCESSFUL WvRITER .with our greet home-study course. Cal for a FREE BCCK. i-800-267-1829. Tha WVrit- ing School 2353-38 McArthu-r Ave., Cttawa, Ont. KiL 6R2. FLEA MARKETS SMi FALLS FLEA MARKET 6,13- 283 8448 every Sunday 9ami-5pm year round.i A real inside les market, good dlean marchandise fromr craffa f0 col- lectîbles, soîîd moudl furnture. FOR SALE SPCRTS EOUiPMENT: 'TRÀAMPC LINES: Factory Direct*Eceletfor fami- Iy fun. Save $$$, Parts and service oni al makes. 1-800-663-2261 or 1(604)222- 1263. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TC DRAWV. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $2 00 PRCDUCTS. (o ig upay mn sovance,--as[ oeivary 1-800-383-3589. LIVESTOCK OSTRICH SALES AND INFCRMATiCN. African Blacks, Zimbabw Blues, al agasb. Go Cstrich Ranch Red Deer, AB, 403-341h5073. Deivary across Caniada. Fax 403-341 -4306. Cstrich - beat inveat- ment. MUSICAL INTEREST lNTO PLAYMuicalInstrumenits the new, easier way, wiithi Self Taachingj Vcdeo Tapoes Frce calalOoUa. Basf onices on al mufsicajl instruments Musîcare lc 1 -800-361-3323. sio Csti 'urnIer$trio . .9 ,'m .,18+t, 1-on-1, 24 hrs. PERSONAILS SINGLE? READY FOR A RELATION- SHiP Twosornes provides professional counselling and personality based match- mnaking to finid that special persan. Cali for Free reltioniship-readiness test (613>ý 235-2222. SUPER SEX FOR SENIORS, even wtt medical problems. Ail erection problems overcome w ih simple, medicaily- approved exercise. Free information: Per- formance Medical, Box 418, Valemo,)i* B.C-, V0E 2Z0, 1-800-663-0121. WOULI3 YOU LIKE to correspond withi uniattached Christian people ars Canaa fo tr cmpanionship or marriage? S.A S E Fre information. Stale age. Ashgrove, PC.ý Box 2015, Chase, B C., VOE 1IMO.C HAS YCUR chili beeni harmed by tlhe DPT vaccijne. Please ,Write me our story. Ruth lngle, Box 1231, Saimon Armi B.C. VI E 4P4 JEHOVAN S WJITNESSES, fiands andJ famiies- find out tacts the Society dent wýant you to ConfidenlialWrte JWJ Fals Box 2, Nelson, BC, VIL 5l9 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDiCMHOME da must ea. QCuaity construction. Energy efficient. Central aur/vac, oak kitchen, large Ilot/deck. New,ý prîice, seriîous oniiy 6 13-646-2547 evenîngsj, MAIN:FabUIOusbuins, rctnet, SOft shor!elîe tr, trgand shop. Very busy hîghway. Two,,sté,rey hm Asinqj $6'99000. Dale Austini Realty, Ltd. 705-,286-4441. G 0CT A CAMPGRCUND miembecrship/tfimesýhare', We Il take t! Amercias largeat, o,1ldst resale cleaarîg hiouse. Pesoin Sales International 1-80,- 423-5967. Tîmeshare renitais, needed. Cal 24 hours a day STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FRCM FUTURE - 020x50or S20x38 or A20x36 $5ý975. C25x34 or S25x28 or A25x24 $5ý230. Q30x44 or S30x4-0 or A30x38 $7,626 Inclingr Ends,, Slidlino-Dooýrs. cal 180 5 SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS lD. Exclusive istrîbutors of thie MAGNUM series of buildings, Straicghtwalî wood/cJsteel and aHilsteel buildings, Ara- nas, Stables, Wýorkshiops Barns, Etc. Contracting and Fînanicing Available, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. VACATION/TRAVEL WHITEWVATER FUN! Cne and two day Whiiteýwater Rafting AdventureSIn Eas arn Canda oin theý famnous Cttawa and Rouge Rivars basad from bIeauitîlul Cut- dr (ftAdeenrtuira Resortsl iFaimiy/genitleý raftînig ,roback iing, moujntainbik- ing. buingea umpîng javaîlabla. No xpr ance niecessary. Cali now for a Ireaý cojlour brochaure i 800 334 5033. Clarington Concert Band The Clarington Concert Bandl, centred out of Orono, are booked for three public appearances over the next three weeks. The Band has been busy preparing a new folio of music for the events which will bc presented. On Thursday, J une 22 tie band is playing in the bandshell in Port Hope with die concert starting at seven o'clock. On June 29 the band plays in Orono at a garden party spo)nsored by the Orono United Church. Furiher details will bc provided. OnJuly lstthe band wflbxone of many features at die Orono Park oie the Canada Day celebration sponsoredl by dic Orono Towni Hall Board. Its a family, event with games for the kids. The band wifl 'Ke playing at 12 niooni. ORONO Arjays Video Beckers Stuif's Pharmacy Dulees N EWCASTLE Beckers Maxi Drugs Mikes Place Gruff les NEWTON VILLE Newtonville convenience Plus BOWMAN VILLE Dykstras North End Market Vanhout's Variety Kings Milk HAMPTON Hampton Gardens COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1 MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PH-ONE (905) 983-9151 SERVING DURHAM REGIOIN SINGE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "1lfierc 6!raýfessr,çon( 'Etiqîsette is Important' Funeral Directxrs PaulR. Morrs Robert E. Wlams Gary M Coniway DoUg R. Rutherford ANSWI; RINC YOUR (CA\[LL241 ILOU RS 623-5480 80 WMAN VILLE l its Affordabl eulit s Fast * Its çEasy a One Bill Does It Ai/ * Nortem ,taio 63 *Eau enOnaro,9 .Wester-n Or]ntario $102 Cetral Onitarjo $168 - Ail OntarlIo $380O National Packages Available * Cail th]s paper fror details!.