"It's Not Fair!" Life is made up of an accumu- lation of many experiences which are part of the learning process beginning at an early age and con- tinuing throughout one's life. 1 have had the opportunity of late of witnessing one of these experiences which 1 arn sure grand- son Billy, 110W at the age of 10 years, will flot forget and no doubt carry the knowledge of the experi- ence through his lifetime. 1 do hope it will flot miake htimta fico-conservative of which we no read and hear about since the elec- tion of Mike Harris. 1 can oniy hope for the best. The oldest grandson, Jamie 110W 14 years, has taken on a business enterprise selling "Dixie Dee" ice creamt bars fromn a refrigerated bike stand. He sets up shop in a smiall Provincial Park at Lake On The Mountain during the husy portion of the afternoon. The park next door to tbe Wrigcht home from vihat 1 have seen over the past weeks can get quiet busy especially in1 the after- noon and sornetines in the iiiQrni- ings. Jamie is somnewhat of a sports buffand spends his morning at the Picton Golf course but is on hand to operate the ice cream sale business in the afternoon. Billy, on the other hand ias bis own agenida for the mnorningus always keeping busy at one thingor another. I ar nfot sure just what it is but there is neyer any comiplaints as to what to do. He is a busy boy. On one partîcular h ot mnorning there was a lot of activity at the side door of the bouse and Billy was bustling in and out of' the house. Billy was busy selling ice creamt frorn bis brother's inventory in the fridye. The first report frorn the young and enthusiastie entrepreneur were sales of over $ 15.00. Billy kept me up to date on bis sales whicb final- ly reacbed an unprecedented higli. "I've made $27,30", said a lee- fui Billy and set about once again a recouat of bis fortune. -V've made $2ý7.30", lbe repeated. I've been in business longý enougbl to kowtbat what comies in in revenue is not what you get to, keep for yourself. But as well 1 have been around long enough to keep my rnouth shut and not burst the bubble that would have to come sooner or later. Somebody was going to be disappointed and of course that soneone was Billy. Later in the day Billy joined me wearing a sad frown "Its not fair" he said. It's not fair grampa" "What's not fair?" 1 asked. I have only got $6.00 - it's not fair". I didn't have to ask any ques- tions but it was apparent that somte- one had explained the economnies of doing business and altbougbh wasn't fair at the tine for Billy lie was accepting the outcomne'and witbin a short time bad turned bis attention back to play. I thiouglit it was a good lesson and one which will likely always be remembered. Believe It Or Not! You mnay remnember rny dinner experience in a Cobourg restaurant of late, - no0 -50",.1no main course at the buffet, no0 Steak Stir Fry4tromu thec menu and a suggestion that there was no) charge. At the uirne of wvriting tbe particle suggested that 1 would return to see bow things were turning out for the owner. 1 righ-lt say there was some interest as to the location of tlic restaurant and if'1 Ibad yet been back. - Friday evening, you mniglit remnember, was indeed a stormny evening but being in Port Hope nd after taking a peak at the restored Capital Theatre, the town' s enter- tainm-ent centre, 1 remnembered the Cobourg restaurant and madle off to the site. Looking tbrougb a shieet of' pouring ramit was observed that tbe restaurant wvas still tbere and in business. For a better look I turned into the parking lot at whicb tine the ligLfits in north Cobourg wý,ere dashed along with a crack of thun- der and a brigbht spark of li.gbtning. WilI I or w"on',t I - t is better that 1ILgo homne and corne back another day and try ag-ain. Musical Carnival f or Bethseda Ho use Bethseda House held a musical event at the Baseline Commnunity Centre in Bowmanville tbis past Sunday. The mfix of island and dance mnusic kept tlie crowds hop- pin' for hours even in the summier beat. Karen Digman, thec Executive Director of Bethseda House, was on hand to answý,er questions. Bethseda House is a shelter for- abused womnen and chidren. Its location is kept secret to belp ens;ure the safety of the occupants. It baLs been open since Febrtury and bas been full to capacity since its second week., "Thiere is a definite need for it and even another shel- ter," said Dgnn Beth.seda House bans space for 1-5 womnr and their cbildren. The event was organized by Karen MeLean, a former resident of the shelter. During bier stay she decided she wanted to give somec- thing back to the shelter. This musical extravagariza received a lot of support fromn sponsors and Betbseda House bopes that this will turn into an annual event. The goal f'or tbe day was $5,000. Unfortunately, they only made it to about the hall' way point. Betbsedla House is still accepting donations biowever.' Aniyonie want- ing to donate to this very worth- whi orgaizattion can reach themi at 62-3-6045. Clarington Fireftigters Overworked as of late Letter to Letter to the Editor thè'Editor Dear Editor: Tbis past \\eekend's storn was perbaps one of tbe imost spectacu- lar storns we bave seen in this reg'ion ninyears. Most of, us wý,ere abruptly awý,akened in the early morning hours on Saturday to a braeof ligbIteniiing, Ieavy down- pours and violent winds. Unfortunately in the storns after- math, we were left witb a signifi- canit amnounit of damage to the re.gion' s electrical system-. Many residents had their electrical power knocked out for not only hoeurs but also days, and hiad to endure the bardsbip of running there boeuse- biolds wýitbout power. The swelteringz heat over the weekend and the stress of not lhav- ing electric2ity' in the home obvi- ously results in upset hydro cuIs- tomner, whlo ultimnately take out tbeir frustrations on the emnployees of Ontario Hydr o. Thiis is an uinfor- tuniate situation because any ratio- nal person would realize the folks at Hydro don't control tbe weatber. fin facithte men aInd womnen at' Hydro are the unsýung hero's xwho work diligently in the storms after- math to restore power to our- homles and businesses. We are indebted to tbe linesmen' who worked 16 hour shifts, and more, in unbearably bot weatber, to restor e our electrical uines. We are indebted to tbe operators at H-ydro whio took our phone calîs and patiently listened, remained polite, and told us tbey were doing the best tbey could. Thce menl.rs of the North Clarington Ratepayer's Association extend thecir sincere tbanks to the men and wvomen at Hydro for- doing the best _job that they could in an extremecly difficult situation. Keep Up the good work! Respectfully YouFs, CIay Taylor President Nor th Clarington Rtpyr Association hmc. Dear Troy Thank you for your great edito- riais conclerning demnocracy in Clarington. They sure mnotivated mie to miove on with it when 1 was on the brink of saying "the helu with it." Thanks again Carson Elliott BOWMANVI LLE Dykstra's King's Mi Ik North End Market Vanhouts Variety HAMPTON Hampton Gardens WILMOT CREEK Valerie's Variety From Around Roy Forrester HuO M . LOOK UNERLEARN. Cedar Valley Resort Relaxed Atmosphere SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $968.00 Service imci. 7 kms. east of Orono/Hwy. 11 5 Enter Clarke 4th or 5th Cono. Line 1 -905-786-2562 Kirby Burgers a Bakery' ____NEW HQURS 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. BURGERS -LEAN GROUND BEEF - MADE ON THE PREMISES BREAST 0F CHICKEN - ON A HOME BAKED BUN FISH & CHIPS - OUR OWVN BATTER/WVITH FRESH CUl FRIES HOT DOGS - ALL VEAL HOME BAKED GOODS *PREMIUM I0E CREAM * SHAKES and much more! HWY. 115 AT KIRBY - (905) 983-9225 SHOWV US THIS AD AND RECEIVE ONE FREE KIDDY CONE August 2. !ý95