Boat Weekend $e From The'Heart This 1955 Shepherd Spindrift was just one of the many wooden boats on display at the 'Port of Newc astle this past weekend. Over fifty wooden boats of various styles, woods, shapes, and sizes Homestead His -Stables compete at Fali Preview Pictured - back row (-r): Nicole Marrett, Wendy Clark, Megn Carter, hli Cooke; fr-ont row: Kera On Sunday, July 16 Homiestead Stables comipeted a t the Agricultural Society Faîl Preview Show beld at the Orono Fairgrounds. In the Novice Division Nicole Marrett riding Avenging Angel won the Novice Chamnpionsbip. Hallie McKinnion riding Royal Charmi were the Reserved Champions. Nicole Cave riding Dust to Dawn placed 4th in Equitation, tb in Pleasure, 2nd in Hack and i st in Hunter Over Fences. Collier and Hallie McKinnion. Absent Nicole Cave and Barb King. In tbec Equitation Division Megan Carter riding- Dust to Dawý,n wvere the Equitation Champions. Jihi Cooke riding Top Gun were Reserved Cbampions. In the Low Hunter Division 2'6- Barb King riding Top Gun were tbe Low Division Cbampions; Jli Cookec riding Top Gun were the Reserved Champions; Wendy Clark, riding Tidle Bay Dancer- placed 3rd in Hunter Over Fences, and 1ist in Hunter Under Saddle. Congratulations to you all Prom Ottawa Alex Shepher d, MP Durham Imagine a country wbo's leaders want to keep tbe nation united and the separatists caîl this a conspira- cy. That's the nonsense comning from Jacques Parizeau's mouth. What's worse is the number of provincial premiers wbo say no such plan exists. No plan to kecep tbe Country togetber? 1 would bave tbought a plan cxisîed. If there is flot there sbould be one and no one sbould be asbamned to admit it. Parizeaus actions of the last week indicate just bow bankrupt the separatists are. (Speaking of bankrupt tbey are the only province in Canada not dealing with thecir debt problemn. The separatists wil blame this on Canada as well.) It's odd tbat in tbe area of cdu- cation - something that constitu- tionally faîls exclusively witbin provincial jurisdiction - Quebec's were on display. Tbis 28 foot mahogany beauty was for sale on tbe weekend. drop out rate is bigher than any other province. Can't tbe PQ deal with that problem instead of running around the media inventing conspiracy tbe- ories to fi newspaper- space. And ail of us are guoing to get stuck witbi the bill for tlie millions of dollars spent bolding a referen- dum. Tbe rest of' Canada does not w,,ant to negotiate more power for tbie province of Queb1ec. If there aire conspirators out thiere it is Bo uchard and Parizeau. Let's cal tbemj Fiddle-Dee ard Fiddie-Duma. Atrai you can't tell tbem apart. Motpolitical ramnifications are uisually tied to somle otber gr'eater econoic self-interest. Tble fact that Mr. Parizeau wan,-iits to Ccate a presidentiai palace in Quiebec City and set tbe', separatists up as demad- g'ogues and re-wvriters of bistory sbo0u11011no(be quickly passed wover. Thelir iony in tbis Situation is tbat the people who are trying to keep this country united wouid be better off economricaily wý,itbiout Qulebýec drainîng the tax dollars. No formn of mnagicalI accounting, and I've seen tbem ail, can bide the fact that Quebec bas been a maýjor net-economnic ben,2factor in con- federation. As the referendumn approaches 1 know tbe people of DUrbaM \will want to bave a) greater say in wbat's going on. Tt isn't going to be decided inside Quebec. 1 amn pleased to bave invited tbe Hon. Lucienne Robillard, Minister of Labour and Minister Responsible 'for tbe Quebc Referendum to Durbami on Saturday, September 23 to mecet witb conlstituýents. Sbc will be tbec federal gyoverfi- mient's Iead hand in beating flbe separatists in tbe province of Quebec. Lt was Robillard wbo sbrugged. off tbec conspiracy îbeory and I'nm sure sbe will bave many other alle- guations tbrown ber way by tbe sep- aratists before tbec referendumi is beld. In any case if there is a conspir- acy please count mie in, And if there isn't one let's get il going" by Sandra Thiornill H ere Cornes the Bride It's tbe joyful events In Our lives that, màke us realize Just how much we really miss our- loved ones who haepssed away Fourteen years ago miy dad died fromi lung, cancer and tw,ýo years later miom died. At the time, miy daughbter Nellie was onily twelveyears old. Neilie wvas certianly hier nanny's littie grl.Mom ýdolted on lber, thoug'ht she wýas pret The two of tbem er very close. it nearly broke Nelli's heart when ber, nanny passed away. Mom amissed s50 many wonder- fui tim-es: Nellie's graduation, ber first romnance, ber first Job, ber years at university, ber numerous successes and failures over tbe years. in two weeks my daugbter wilI be getting miarried. Mom would bave loved to see ber littie Nellie ahl dressed in white dress with long train and a gauzy veil. She would bave been the proudest happiest grandmother ever. Making wedding arrangements together would bave been fun. Tbeo tbree of us laugbhingý and talking about.silly little tbings: planning tbat special day. Yes, it is bappy moments in life tbat we truly miss deceased loved ones. And today I miss miom and dad very mucb. Somectimies when La sadness overishiadows ajoyoujs event, a se cial ray of sualshine is sent into our ives to chase away the darkness. Jutst as it bas into Neli's and myci life. Nellie's soori to be step-miother în-law, Linda, bas taken Nell-ie unider her wing, and given bier advice and belp in making wedding, arrangemnents. Linda, Nellie and l met at the re-ception bhail last week to check over last minute details. The list sceems to continauilly get longer as the wedding day draws necarer. A leisurely supper at The Olive Garden rounded off' the evening. Just the three of us. L'inda seems tIo have gently slipped into the em-pty place left in mly daugb-ýter's heart by the loss of her, grandmothier. Linda is destined to carve o,-ut hier own littie corner in my daughter's heart- I see a rmutu- ai friendship growing. No one will ever replace my momn. But Linda bas Igiven a littie extra of herseif because- of ber gen- uine caring. This caring is that spe- cial light that has made some of those empty moments during the last few weeks a hitte fuller, a iittle brighter for Nellie and 1. On Nellie's wedding day, when she walks down the aisie on the earmi of her father, mom will be tbere in spirit just as she bas been for the past twelve years Hey momn, hasn't our littie girl becomne a beautiful young woman! Remember ahi our hopes and dreams for Nellie? Wish you were here in more than spirit. 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