County Senior Citizen's Lodge. Mr, and Mrs Terrill are long imne residents of the area, having lived in many different homes in the Clarington) area. They have three girls and one boy, al of whom were in attendance with their families for the occasion. Their anniversary is actually on August 18, but they decided to cel- by Arthur Black First Scientists: We've decided to stop2 using rats in our experi- mnents. W'esicigt ayr insteaid' Second Scientist: Why is that? First Scienist: Wel. yýou know how it is -- ou et so atachied to rats. Besidles there are- somne things rats just wntdo. Poor old lawyers. Ever since Shakespeare's tmime the.y've been taking in the shorts fromi the rest of' society. to paraphrase Rodney Dangi-erfield, they juist can't get no respect. Ail our money, yes. But no respect. But then they bringL it on thiem- selves, don't they. There was ai story in the paper last wveek about a skating party in Hamilton hIeld by the Youing Lawyers and Articiing Students Commnittee. Ail the local up and coming legal types Igot together at a city arena to skate a few laps and get to kniow ,,one another. Aw, but one of ithelfe down. Broke his hip, as a matter of fact. So what did he do'? Why, he sued, of course. He was a lawyer, after ail. I was just protecting mny inter- ests" the equilibrium - chaiienged weasel explained, I was injured". eyes on Jzieanor ai a dance wiiere she winked at himn to cet his atten- tion. Later hie found out that she had not wvinked at ahl; sh~e just had something, in hier eye. Whien-asked for' advice on hiow,, to mnake a mnarriage wxork for- fifty years, they both replied: It takes a lot of hadvolk." Here is wishing, many more happy yeaý"rs together for the cou- ple. ____________ A local aldermian took a more astringent vewofth le situation. "It's a sad comninrtaryv on the iegai profession" grum-ble'd Aidermian Henry Merling,. -1 would have thought that any solicito... would find it beneath their dignity, to attem-pt to sute a City for their own i inabiiity to skate.", Adirab le sentimnients, Aiderimanbut you obviousiy doni't know layers. TheyCý are the iast g-unsliinge-rs -- except that Lunlike usines lawy ers neyeri risk their own lives - - neyer risk, anything, reaiiy. You gÏot a Manison, an O.J., a Berniardo or nOklhoma Bomber needs a muouthpiecce?ThelieaIý beag-I i un-uIp wiil be threeC-deepi. A 'few years blac k, Ew Gireenspanl, one of, the best (and mnost expensive) criminal laiwyers this country ever produced -- ag-rc-,edL to represen t H111eLIut BuixbaumII, the sadcocin dde schlemniel \01o put out a contract on his own"i wife. Everlybody in the esrnworIld k new B ux baumi was gui ity. Greenspan said hie'd diefend hlmi. For a million bucks. Up fro nt. Win or lose. Fast Eddy got his million. Helmut, to absolutely no one's sur- prise, got ife. Recipe of the Week Recipec cmplimiens of the 01r)o Buik Food Store, Main Street, Oronio. Yruited Rice Pilaf 2tbls. butter or margarine )/!2 cup chopped scallions 1/2 cup rice 1/ý2 cup bulgar i cup orange juice 1/2 tsp. sait 1 cup water 114 cup raisins 1/4 cup sliced almnonds in ,saucepan over medium heat They just don't get it, the big- namle lawyers. They don't under- Stand why, no mnatter how mnuch mioney they make, a significant portion of Society wil a'-lways regard them a*is pondi scumn. And the're a littie touchy about it, tLoo. Rccntly, 'l'le Law Society of Upe Canada, wvhich is the gov- eringiL bodyv for Ontario's lawyvers, hosted anl auction to raise money for charity. Eighty-eighit art works creaýted by lawyers and judges went under the gavel. Twenty-four thousand dollars was raised. But one sculpturewolntsi for lov, money or liti gation. t was a work by Fran Cudlipp, ain amateur artists and former crim- inallayr A six-foot, high paper-mnache, jet black rat dressed in lega] robes, CIclcingi a book of statutes in one paw and it' s own i tail in the other. Title:Lavra. The Law Society wvas not amused. "'There2 was a lack of any sense of humour about thec piece" sniilffd auiction organizer Geraldinie Sharpe. Weli, 1've seen the Lawyer/Rat sculpture and 1ithink its il!arious. if you don't happenl to be a lawyver. or a rat. melt-butter. Add scalions and cook until iightiy browned, about 5 minutes. Add rice and bulgar cook stirring, constantly for 2 minutes. Stir in orange juice, sait and 1 cup wxater. Bring to a boiL. Reduce heat to iow, cover and imruil ail iiquid is absýorbedt - about 20 mninutes. Stir in raisins and almonds. Plut moDre moDney in yout-r poDcket pand a lot less in yoýur garbage at ORONO BULK Fe"OODJS 5331 MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-1143 We now have CAKE PAN RENTALS Shop ut home service- pick-up or homne deliverV aucailoble WtCIý--i FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS"'! H.W.JU Wood Industries Inc. WINDOWS * WINDOWS @ WINDOWS NOT 5 YEAR, NOT 10 YEAR, NOT 20 YEAR BUT LIFETIME WARRANTY VINYL REPLACEMENT Which Covers Seals, Vinyl, and Hardware *Euro-Tech Vinyl Windows* WE ARE Sa CONFIDENT 0F OUR WINDOWS THAT WE WARRANTY THEM FOR LIFE Installations Available cati (905) 786-2979 For Free Estimates .1 .* . .... Orono Amateur Athletic Association ORO\'v.-ïNO MINOf"R HOCKEY REGI STRATION -. 1995/96 Date: Thursday, August lOth Place: Orono Arena Time: 6:30 -9:00Op.m. if first time registering ini Orono, Please bring a copy of Birth Certificate and Health Card (Early Bird) RegLstration Fée Sehedule (AfterAugust lOt/z Registration Fée will be up S20.00 andmay be restricted byRegistration numbers.) Note: House Leage Coaches are needed at ail levels. Division Age (Dec. 3 lst/95) Fee (Hou-e League/Rep) Mite 4 $110 (2 Hr/Wk) inor Tyke 6 $220 / $260 Major Tyke 7 $220/$260 Novice 8 $220/I$260- Atom 10 $220/$260 Peewee 12 $220/$260 Bantani 14 $220/$260 idget 16 $220/$260 Juvenile 18 & 19 (Not set) Registration Forms can be pickcd up from: Ray Bester 53 Peters Pike 983-5584 or Art Reid 92 MIII St. 983-9495 (Payment by cash or chequepost dated September lst) Il wýearmsd