t2 - Orono We~1dy T ne W~dnesdfiy,Àpg~t IS 1995 We originally took this picture at Wally Boughen's bouse in Newtonvile on Canada Day, and promised him that we would get it ini. Better late than neyer here it is. Wally is a true patriot who obviously loves the country he lives in. Is your migraine medication 'CU RING' or CAUSING your headache? (NC) Canadian migraine sufferers take approximately 29 million prescription analgesie tablets for migraine annually. Canada also has the highest per capita consumption of codeine in the xorld. Physicians are just beginning to understand the repercussions of the heavy use of these medications. The danger of overusing analgesics is that the patient can becorne reliant on them su it becomes necessary te, take the medication daily or almost daily to combat constant headache. This over- use of analgesics is nut an addiction but can lead to a condition known as 'Medication Induced Headache' (MIH), and occurs when the drug has stopped relieving pain, and actually causes headaches. The vast majority of Medication Induced Headache sufferers are migraineurs. Since migraine attacks can be recurrent and often require mcdi- cation, sufferers are susceptible to becoming reliant on their prescription analgesics or even some over-the- counter painkillers and are therefore susceptible tu Medication Jnduced Headache. How can Medication Induced Headache be recognized? There are some commun signs that can help identify Medication Induced Headache: 1. Headaches occur almost every day and are, often present'first thing iru it! cmiorning. 2. The paiis a, teady ache rather than the throbbing or pounding feeling that is characteristic of migraine. The pain is usually all over the head, not j ust on one side. 3. Daily headaches have been occurring for at least six months. 4. The frequency of taking the medication increases beyond the physician's recommendation. 5. Medication works only for a short time, or dues nut completely relieve the pain. 6. The headache worsens if the usual dosage of medication is missed. 7. Analgesic medication is heing taken at least three times a week over an extended period of time. Which medications can cause Medication Induced Headache? Almost any of the usual headache analgesics used for acute migraine can cause MIH including the drugs with codeine, or barbiturates that your ductor prescribes. Many of the over-the-counter medications, that can be purchased at the pharmacy can also cause MIH. Newer medications specifically designed for migraine have nut been shown tu cause MIH. How is Medication Induced Headache. treated? Those who suspect that they are suffering frum MIH should, make an appointment to discuss their symptoms FOUNDAT] sufferers and their doctors may wish to consider preventive medications to address the underlying problem. It is important to realize that preventive medications will work only after the use of the MIH-causing analgesic is stopped. By working closely with a physician, the pruper treatment strategy for migraine can be determined depending un the symptoms and triggers. As a team, ptient and physician will have to determîne the best way to control future migraine attacks. Since a patient's histury is important in diagnosing migraine and-determin- ing the best possible treatment, a 'migraine diary' can often be helpful ~AJNE for buth the patient and physician.- A diary (wyhich includes such information j N as: how often migraines occur; where a the pain is located; what the syrnptoms 0N are; what triggered each attack; and the severity of each migraine) helps to with their doctur. Effectively treating MIH will mean, in consultation with a physician, stopping the use of the medication that has led to the analgesic reliance. Treatmnent of MIR requires patience on the part of the sufferer. It takes time for MIH te, develop, it will, therefore, also take time for it te, gu away. Making a firm commitment te, take control of your situation is the first step in your battde with MIHR The treatment for MIH, like the prevention and/or relief of migraine- may involve making important flfe style changes. Regular exercise, for example, is the best way tu increase thei body's own natural pain killers, endorphins. Other changes may include quitting (or cutting down un) smoking; lowering alcuhol intake; and maintain- ing regullar eating and sleeping patterns. A treatment plan may also include adopting such techniques as re laxation, meditation, or iofeedback. What happens after Medication Induced Headache treatment is completed? After MIH treatment, a patient's' daily headaches will be gone, but migraine attacks may still uccur. It is important to realize that- the initial problem that started the cycle of overuse stilI exists. Theretore, if migraines continue to disrupt daily activities, monitor attacks, su pruper treatment can be determined. How can Medication Induced Headache be prevented? MIH is a preventable condition. Since it is caused by increased frequency of analgesic use, migraineurs must take precautions not to overuse these medications. Good migraine manage- ment invulves more than medication. The best defense against MIR is to be as informed as possible about migraine prevention, triggers and treatment options. Apprupriate drug therapy 'at an adequate dose to relieve primary headache is vital to the prevention of MIH. Patients should talk tu their doctors about the apprupriate use of their medication. Newcr medications have been developed to help cuntrol the pain of more severe attacks (bo th during and after MIH treatment) and other medications are available te, help prevent attacks. Any medication should be taken unly as directed. If you have any questions or concerns about Medication lnduced Headache, or migraine, contact your doctor. If you would like more information about the Migraine Foundation, Write tu 120 Carlton Street, Suite 210, Toronto, Ontzirio, M5A 4K2, or caîl The Foundation at 1-800-663-3557. KENDAL NEWS continued from page 3 all were in vited to, share in the Bread and the Wine. While Communion was being taken, music was provided by the Benders. The closing hymn was, "Love Lifted Me". Everyone was invited to the CE room for lemonade and a ime of fellowship. If you have any garden vegeta- bles that you could donate to the U.C.W. to be used on their Harvest Table during the Ganaraska Tour, they would be appreciated,,also plants or fruit., Lunch, will be served in the C.E. room on the Saturday of this great Tour. Fresh homebaked pies will be served for dessert. Kendal will have other places to visit during this Tour, the Orange Hall will be open, corne and see a bit of the history of this hall and learn about the organiza- tion. Also visit dhe Brewer bouse- hold farther east on Monck Street at the corner of Dickie, learn about how die Ganaraska was and what happened to ail the trees there and how it is today. This village is only a small, but interesting, -part of the tour and we wil do our bet to help you enjoy your time with us. Sonry to report that a former res- ident of Kendal, David Thrower is a patient in Bowmanville Hospital, but am, glad to report that he is on the mend. 1 hope thal you enjoy this little column, it seems to be a long time since I have sat at this old type- writer, 1 have to use the hunt and peck style and amn a littie rusty. If there ar any Typ erors, blamne the prinurs, maybe they will do better next week. Your Guide To Saving Money and Helping the Environment Don't idie away your time (NC) If you're interested in spending less money on your car and saving the env irunment at the same time, une of the best things you can do is to be Auto$mart. The first thing to remember is that when your car is idling you are wasting fuel one tenth of a litre every 10 minutes; that's 250 grams of CO, released into the atmodsphere. Turn the car off when you park. And don't idie to, warm the engine for more than a minute. Idling is no better mechanically for your car than driving slowly, plus it's much worse for the environment. Always try to plan outings that combine several errands into one trip. Fewer trips mean fewer starts, less fuel consumption and less pollution. For more Auto$mart tips, cali 1-800-387-2000. I DAY TRIPS! Aug. 17 Senior's Jubilee Aug. 17 Woodbine Raceway Aug. 19124 C.N.E. only $22 Aug. 24 Rankin Family Concert Aug. 29 Josephs Dreamncoat Sept. 2-4 Roba McEntire and Alan Jackson Sept. 9 Canadien Open Oct. 12 Crazy for You Nov. 17-19 Watertown N.Y. Shopping Nov. 29 Sunset Boulevard Go liger'sTravel (905) 623-1511 B3ALLS RADIO &T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES' STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 NNorthcutt Ellioti liEFuneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famlly Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuepers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z OFF STREET PARKING Llndmay -P6rbomgh~ 35 115 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Ms35d1 115________________ vile 401 Phone ahnad or by chance MIL 83351HwY. 35/115, Orono LOB 1MO (0)983-9540 Medication taken - 1 PÉ iýd Eeé,(Cý al dTus wealim, off