Or~ino W~k1y Tir~ W~dn~sday~ A~agust 14199$ 3 rrHappy Birthdays PORT HOPE, REJECTS RADIOÂCTTVE WASTES KENDAL NEWS, continued from page 2 This story was flot meant to be first hand reporting like we hear on the news. These stories are ail stories of God's love for us. On ne hand there is nothing more unbelievable about this story than the story of a virgin giving birth, of water turned to wine. In Greek, "on", is translated as, "about". So that Chapter could bc translated as, Jesus walked about the sea, on the shore ... It really must have been a bad storm, as four of those in the boat, were experienced fishermen, and they were afraid. The story really focuses on the fact that when they were afraid, Jesus, came to them. This is what is reaily important in this story. To a child, who is afraid of the dark, it doesn't matter how his mother got to him, it is only impor- tant that she appears at his side. Thisweek we saw and heard on the news of how a woman shielded a child with her body, in the sub- way crash. She didn't care how help came, who was going to res- eue ber, she just kept saying that she"was covering the child. She was protecting the child. Surely, if the storm was so bad that experienced fishermen were afraid, they were probably too busy trying to stay afloat, to survive, to worry about where Jesus came from or how Hie got there. The fact was that Jesus came to be with them, Jesus stayed with themn in their time of trouble. This is not to bc confused with the story of the time Jesus was sleeping in the boat and Hie was woken up by the others because the waves were s0 hîgh and they were afraid and asked for His help. That time He stilled the waters, thi s ime He came without being called. God cornes to us in times of trouble without being called, He knows when we need help and is there, we do not know how Hie cornes only that Hie is thee when we need Him. The hymn,' "The Haven of Rest" was sung. Prayers were given for those not able to be with US. Ian sang the beautiful hymn, "Happy Day, When Jesus Washed My Sins Away." Ian gave the Invitation to the Lord's Table and contintjed on page 12 ILove from Mom, Dad, Kristina, Korey, and PapaVLoyd. WOOD FINISHING TIPS from MIN WAX (NC) TËo test for rough spots aiter sanding, put a sock on your hand and rub the surface of the wood. Sand where you hit a snag. When You Visit any of our advcrtiscrs tell thcm you saw their ad in the Orono W!eekfY 'Times Port Hope Council voted against using natural caverns under the Town's Waterfront to store low level radioactive waste last week. The project, which could have seen a $120 million site located under the Town was deemed by Coundil to be unsatisfactory. The controversial proposaI would have seen over one million cubic metres of radioactive waste in a series of natu ral cavemns. Port Hope Council's decision was flot- unexpected, as there have been serious misgivings by many of the people in the area. The Town also turns down an $8.75 million com- pensation offer from the fédéral government for hosting the site. Port Hope was one of two towns still competing for the site, the other town being Deep River in the Ottawa Valley. Deep River will be deciding whetherý or flot they will accept the site in a referendum to be held o n September 21. If they turn down SERVICES the site as well, plans to clean up dump sites in Welcome and Port Granby just east of Newtonville wilI be put on hold. Most of the waste stored at these sites cornes Iocally from the old Eldorado (now Cameco) uranium refiner y in Port Hope. By tuming down the site, Port Hope also turfis down an estimated $34 million boost to the local econ- omy that the dump would, have brought. Council decided that money was flot an issue. They feit that it was a bad idea to store this waste underground, where it could flot be monitored. Also, having the waste stored so close to a popula- tion centre influenced their deci- sion. The Deep River site is flot near any significant populated area. Many residents in the Port Hope area are elated with the tumning down of the site. The effects that such a dump would have on the areas property values was a major concerni to most people. JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-5491 L AN D SC A PIýN G eINSTALLATION - GROUINDS MAINTENANCE *WATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS. CONSULTING - DESIGN NorCom Cellular NorCom Cellular NorCom Cellular Bell Mobility Centre Bell Mobility Centre Approved Agent Oshawa Centre 419 King St. W. Oshawa (905) 571-0088 595 King Street East Qlust East of Wilson) Oshawa (905) 432-0088 8 Strathy Road, Unit #2 Cobourg (905) 373-4475 Engagement Kelly and Sandy A dams are pleased to announce the Engagement of their son Shayne A dams to Laura Giorgi, daughter ofFPino and Ann Giorgi ail of Mississauga. Bell Mobilîty i