(k~nWekI TmeWednesdayý, Auguist 23, ý995)-ý Oraîow Iee k/y 'lhmes Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing serving your eommunity since 1937 Publications Mail Regijstration No, 0368 Puiblishingç 47 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication Pinted by Jamnes Publi;hïng 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Wm. Troy Young Owner-Editor Wedding Bliss 'As some of you may or may flot know, 1 amn to be married this upcoming weekend in the town of Milton. This has led to a very hectie week (past couple of weeks actually). Hopefully 1 will be able to get back on track soon after the wedding. This has meant that I have rushed certain things, or missed covering things, or just been out to lunch on a number of things. Don't worry, things will improve soon enough. People keep asking me if 1 arn nervous, or if 1 feel the noose tightening. Nervous is one thing I Pin not. The womanthat I arn marrying, Lisa, is the nicest woman I know, and my best friend. Nervous about marrying her? No way. 1What I arn slightly nervous about is the day itself. For those of you who have been married in the recent past, or those of you who have sons and daughters who have done so, wiIl remember the planning and the co-ordinating that goes into a weddîng. Right down to the littie things like who can and cannot sit next to who at the reception for a variety of minor reasons. t can be a very hectic time for ail involved. So much emphasis is placed upon this one day. I remember days just five short months ago where if I wanted to 1 could stay in my pyjamas ahl day long and do nothing but watch t.v. until my brains oozed out of my ears (just a typical day in the lives of mfost university students; parents don't expect your kids to keep you informed of this one). Now I find myself up and at work somewhere, around eightish (eight-fifteenish, if, the truth be known) and often here unil well past sundown. This is a definite change in lifestyle-for me. 1Yet I have managed so far. t has been difficult but I amn stili not ready to cali it quits. t has been a definite roller coester ride. Perhaps that is why I look ta my upcoming nuptials without nervousness or hesitation. Lisa has been the one constant in my life for the past three years. She has also been the only reliable thing in my life in that sane time period. I arn marryîng hier because 1 want to, flot out of any necessity or ulterior motive, but because at this moment in time it is the most important thing for me to do. For those of you who meet me and think that I seemn a little distracted, or maybe flot giving your problem the attention you feel it deserves, you will ahl have to understand that right at this moment, the only thing that reall' matters to me right now is that I make it to the church on time and in one piece this weekend. For these past few weeks, I have let the news sîip a littie, due in part to my upcoming celebration. 1 don't mean to let anyone down by this, but for me the happiness of one woman is ail that matters at this moment. And I will flot let anything spoil that special day. Thank yous Next week you will flot have my editorial ta read as we will be spending a few well deserved days together. Our real honeymoan will be taking placein September, when the two of us go ta Disney World in Floida for nine days. Hopefully after.the hecticness of the wedding cools down 1 will be able to get back on track and get things back the way they should be. t will be nice to be able to establish a routine again. Thanks for ail your patience with me so far, and I must take this time to thank each and every person who has given me their vote of confidence and voiced their approval of me. I amn young and inexperienced, and have made a few changes to a very good and respected newspaper that flot everyone can agree with. But so far I have been treated- with nothing but kindness and support by you the readers. I hope that this can continue. Last week was miy third month as editor of the newspaper. That is only fourteen issues. There has been a lot ta learn in thîs-time, and I replace a gentleman who did this samne job for fifty years. I can onîy hope that 1 can do the job as well as Roy did, and would be happy to receive only haf of the acceptance that hie had. The people in Orono have lone an excellent job in making me feel welcome in my new position, and I cannot thank you enough. Price Changes After taking the time to thank everyone, 1 now have to bc the bearer of bad news. Over the past few months, paper prices have skyracketed. 1 first reported this way back in May. The large dailies such as the Toronto Sun and the Toronto Star have countered this by downsizing their newspapers. Unfortunately, as we someweeks only put out a twelve page newspaper, it is impossible for us to become anemaller. This the-n mens an increase in the price of the The prices of paper have changed s0 quickly, that there has been an incremS of around 35% in the few sho rt months that 1 have been here, Anyone who gets printing done or buys paper at places like the Business DepQt wilI have already seen these whopping increases. There is no prediction by the paper industry on when these prices will ever setuie down. To counter this, after discussing this with an expert in the newspaper distribution field, the Orono Times will be makîng an increase from $17 a year for a subscription to $23 a year. This will also cause a rise in the newsstand price by twenty cents to sixty-five cents an issue. This will be coming some time around the end of September. Sixty-five cents seems like a lot of money; I remember when the Orono Times was only a dime. I had originally planned to raise it only to fifty cents, but even then the cost of printing and distribution of the newspaper is not covereti. Sixty- five cents should cover flot only the presenit costs, but any unforeseen increases in printing costs that may arise. This is one thing I really did not want to have to do; L was hoping that it would be a few years before the pric@ had to change. Unfortunately that is flot possible. Look at it thîs way, the Orono Weekly limes will still be cheaper than a ýingle cup of coffee. Sewer Meeting Wednesday night at Mabel's Cafe at 8 p.m. concerned citirgefs of Orono will bc meeting ta discuss the need for sewers in the village and what shoulti be done to convince our palîticians abogt this need. Everyone is welcomne to attend. For those who feel the lied for sewers is great, but for whatever reason cannot attend the meëtiflg, petitions are available to be signed'at the IGA, Mabel's Cafe, and Rolph Hardware in Orono. The only way changes can occur is for us to stand up for our own rights andi demand what we feel is a necesgitY for our town. LETTEit TO TUE EIO Dear Constitgents of Durham East: .As your newly elected Member of Provinlcial Parliament, I wish ta express my thanks for the vote of copfidence you have given me and our Progressive Conservativd Government on June 8th. I.WiIl work hard to deliver on the- promises made during the elWction. You may have read or higard about some of the issues we arc dealing with on your behaif. Our Caucus- has met several times and we have been, given the opportunity to express the concemns wtç are hearing fromn you, aur constittients. Over the ne'xt few weeks, it is my intention ta continue the tradition of having a regular article published in your local newspaper. Thanks ta the local press, they are an important part of the communication process. Please feel frec, to write or phone me with your concerns and comments. We have had aur office open in Bowmanville since July 4th andi have been receiving same 50 calîs per day. 1 arn enclosing my address and phone numbers for our local office and our Queen's Park office for your convenience. We are here ta serve you Monday, through Friday during regular business hours. Over the past few weeks, we have establisheti contact with aur partners in each municipality, the regian, school boards and other boards. It is aur intention ta work together ta bring a 'Common Sense' accounitable and accessible style of representatian on your behaîf. Please keep in touch. Yaurs truly, John O'Toole, M. P. P. Durham East John R. O'Toole, MPP Durham East 75 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 1N4 Telephone (905) 697-1501 Fax (905) 697-1506" GREAT GAiv&iLAsKA~ ADVENTURE continueti from page 1 operations specialize in traut, beef, sheep, goats, chickens, and horses. Local gardeners will share the secrets of growing everything from artichokes ta zucchini with you. Learn ta braid garlic or grow daylilies. Make this adventure yaur own, seeing what interests you. You can't see it ahl and everyane seems ta take a different tour. That is what makes this such a special weekend, nat just for us, but for all the visitors from outside aur area that camne on aur tour. If you have missed this adventure before, comîe, brirîg yaur family or your frientis, and intraduce them ta the Ganaraska, If you have came before, came back, there is much mare ta discover. This event is organized with the -co-operation of the Ganaraksa community and proceeds will benefit; Saga (Save the Ganaraksa Again>, The Clarke Museum and Archives,-and Dorothy's House Museum. The tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children, 7 and under free. You can purchase tickets locally: in Orono at the Apple Blossom Shop, in Newcastle at Flowers Plus, in Bowmanville at the Lntowne Gallery, andi the Clarke Museum and Archives. For more information cali 983-9339. The mnovement for active, heallhy living St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONT ARIO Interlrn Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene Rlsebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Orne 983-5502 SUMMER SERVICES August 27 - 10:30 amn at Newcastle Unitedi Church Regular Services begin again on Sunday, September 3 Sunday School resumes on Sunday, September 17 A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. StutI Il' hL rm1 uFl. 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO