.................e da > ugu * 0,19 S Great photo opportunities at Durham. Fair A new cas worth $190.00 plus a dinner at the Massey House has been added to the Durham Central Fair Prize List this year. But instead of something you would bring to the fair, thi is something to be taken away, photographs. The prize list booklet contain/ýs 16 classes for slides and three classes for photos taken at the fair. The photographers will have one month after the fair to submait their work to the fair board, after which urne they will bc judged and the prize rnoney paid out. The winning slides and photos wîll then be entered in the province-wide con- test at the annual OAAS (Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies) convention ini Febriuary. Interested, amateur photogra- phers sbould pick up a prize list containing the classes and rules from one of the following retail- ers. Welcome Feeds (at Vanstone's Miii), Uic Bowmanviiie Barber Shop, Gould's Cards and Gifts or Lange's Photo Shop. In Newcastle at Newcastle Photographic and in Orono at Uic Orono Times Office or Uic Durham Farmers' County Co-op or the Apple Blossom Shop. They will also be available at Uic fair office in the Orono Arena anytirne from Sept. 5 to Uic end of Uic fair. A flt make cancer patients radio- active, irradiation does flot make fd radioactive. This is hecause thunerg y levels used are too lowý to id c ular activation. $5.00 rnerbership in Uic society which cornes widi two free passes to this year's fair will be required, this can be purchased at Uic fair office during Uic sarne tirne period. Queries rnay be dircctcd to Ron Locke 987-4406. DAY TRIPS! Aug. 29 Joseph's Dreamncoat Sept. 2-4 Reba McEntire and Alan Jackson Sept. 9 Canadian Open Oct. 12 Crazy for You Nov. 17-19 Watertown N.Y. Shopping Nov. 29 Sunset Boulevard Goliger'sTravel (905) 623-1511 CLAS SIFIE D "A dvertis A cross Ontaro or A cross the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. SCHNEIDERS POPCORN PARTIES acfively seeking represenfatives to mar- ket excfing popcomn producta. If you are interested in a home-based business/earning extra income, cali 1- 800-665-6484. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMVENT FUNDS. Governiment assistance programrs information aveut able. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and boans. Cali 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINING BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER..with our great home-study course. Cali for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writ- ing Schooi, 2382-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ont. KI L 6R2. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our great home-study course. Cati for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829, The Sheffield Schooi, 1006-38 McArthurAve., Ottawa, Ontaro KI1L 6R2. OUICK/EASY TAX COURSES. Build your career/earning potential by self- study. Free brochure. 1-204-956-7161; 1- 800-219-8889; Fax: 1-204-949-9429. Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0V3. BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Learn Income Tax Prepara- lion and Bookkeeping by correspon- dence. Earn your ceriicafe now. For f ree brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Schoois, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training experience. ý EDUCATIONAL OPPS. NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITYI Train, upgrade retire in a powerful new prof es- sion. Become a Certified Master Hypno- tist/Hypnotherapist. Free information package. Alandel Schooi & Clinics 1 -800- 661-2099 Ext. 250. FOR SALE WHOLESALE HOT WVATER HEATING Systems and Parts factory direct prepaid. Exchanges, pump, underground insula- lion, furnaces, etc. Free cafaîog. Cali message centre 1-800-616-4666, ater Spm. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Sfudents$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money seliing chocolats bars NEW 1,2.00 PRODUOrTS. Nothing to psy in advance. Fast delivery 1 -800-383-3589. KATYS CLOSET. 100% Canadian direct sales company featuring affordable ladies' fashions, needs coordinators in ,your area. Earn 30%Acomrmission. Start your business with $50 investment. No experience necessary. 1-800-563-7752. HIGH COMMISSION. Home-based employment. Full training. Ful/part-time representatives required throughout Ontario for identification sales. Send resumes f0 Search Ouest, 30 Foster Street, Perth, Ontario K7H 1 R7. Lt VESTOCK 6 FULL-BLOOD Simmental buls, born Janiuary 1995, vaccinated. 613-396- 5680. MUSICAL INTEREST BAND PARENTS. Ail musical instru- ments for school classroom use. Sales, leasing & rentais. New & used. Fast Ser- vice. FREE 36 page catalogue. Musicare Inc. 1-800-361 -3323. PAY TELEPHONE SERV, PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied customers. July - 3 iottery winners. Solve ail problems ... Answers about love, money, career ... $3.49/min .Talk lys i1 on 1.24 hrs ... 18+...aii calis confidentîi. 1- 900-451 -4336. PSYCHIC MASTERSI Genuine Canadi- an Psychics tell ail. Answers on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Num- bers. Live and personal. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/min .18+, 1 -on-1, 24 hrs. .C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friend of thousanda, muti-talented inter- national psychics. Relaionships, Future, Finance, Career, Live 24 Hours, $2.99IMin. 18+. 1-900-4511-3783. RARE GIFTED Psychics will guide you in ail aspects of love, success, money, diffi- cuit decisions. Take control of your des- tinyl 18+. $3.99/min. Cail now! 1-900- 870-2778 Ext. 175. UNEXPLAINED POWER! Psychic tels you thinga you may not even want to know! 1-900-870-2217. $299 per minute. 18+. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? WelIl take It Americas argest, oldeat resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS Future Summer Seliebration. Check these Specials on Quonsets inciuding Curved-Angles 25x30 $2543 - 33x40 $3843 - 35x(48 $4843 - 42x54 $6943 - 42x66 $8543 - 48x120 $16443. Cal Future 1-800-668-8653. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS... "ROCK BOT- TOM PRICESI 1l8x24 $2177. 20x32 $3192. 25x40 $45-0. 30x44 $6,124. 30x40 $6,323. 40x48 $7,643. 40x84 $1 2,999. Others. Ends optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- wall Type - nof quonsef - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14233, 50x90 $20443, 60xl26 $31,314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R. R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBi1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 - RCK AUT * - SIS T SERVING DURHAM REGION SNE14 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID »Wh£ure fProfrssiona[ Etiquette is Important' Funeral Dirctors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wiliams Gary M. Conway Ooug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLIE ci> lE Ca:me to buy or se/I ... Orono and reaOs real estate rep. Krystyna Jones 983-6013 ilelty-Net ASSOCATES (DURHAM)Inc. 1050 SIMCOE ST N. 103- OSHAWA TEL:(905>721-21 12 SUPER NEW LISTING...' BUNGALOW ON 1.42 ACRE LOT, ORONO, $1 43,900! REIMAX CORNERSTONE realty ltd. realtor qhinking of se(hug? .Caf( me for a free appraisatof ycur property - or to view your potentiafunew hFnioe SaIIy Staples-Humphrey associate broker 623-6000 Ontaro Brain Injury Association What's in a helmet? I.The helmet should have an oter shell of bard plastic or fiberglass to, proteet yoor cbld' s bead in the event of an accident. 2. The bard styrofoam liner should be firmn,flot spongy wben you press it. Ater an accident, the liner may be destroyed and tbe liner or belmet will need to be replaced. 3. Foam pads or straps inside the belmet will belp it fit your cild's head. 4. The chin strap should be ad- justed to hold the belmet on secureîy 50 that it cannot slip over the child's face. Many belmets have strap adjustments in the back or on the side to help the helmet fit securely. 5. Helmets range in cost from $40-$80. If you' find one for under $30.00 make sure you look for the ANSI, Snell or CSA approval stieker. Unapproved belmets will not protect your child. 6. HTockey or footbali lbeilmets are CSA tested differenitly fro11 bicycle bielmiets. They are not made to proteet you from blicy\cle injuries. PUT' YOMUR BKRAIN IN GEA R WEFAR, AIHELET11 For more information, please contact the Ontario Braiji Injury Association 1-800-263-5-405. JUNE is NATIONAL BRAIN INJURY AWARENESS MONTH F . Is Affordable e Its Faste fIts Easy a One D111 DosItAff - Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 -National Packages Available *- CalI this paper for details!