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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Aug 1995, p. 7

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Oron WeklyTims, ednesday, August A, 1995-ý7 Mayor Hamre is keeping on, top of things - you might say! Bowmanvile's Mayor Diane Hainre, is pictured here with champion horse Thunderboit at die Mayor's Luncheon. Diane welcomed everyone to the celebration of the Clarington Rodeo Days. Author's tent new this year at Dûurham Fair For the price of admission any- one who has, or isabout ta have work publisbed will have a special place at the Durham Central Fair. An author's tent will be erected on the grounds and local authars are encauraged ta came and bring their books or publications and other promotionai material. Chairs and tables wiil be supplied. This tent area wiil bc available for the entire time of the.fair, Sept. 7 - 10 and theauthors wili be able ta choose their own hours, The anly stipulatian will be that, each persan taking advantage of this opportunity mustregister and buy a membership in the Durham Central Agricultural Society. The cost of the membership is $5.00 and cames with two free, passes ta this years fair. This can be done at the Fair office in the Orono arena anytime from Sept. 5 ta the end of the fair on Sept. 10. Quenies may be directed ta Ron Locke 987- 4406. COMPLIMENTARY -FACIAL Mary Kay has à skin care program dcsigned for your skin type. Ail basic skin care products are non-comedo- genic and clinically tested for skin irritaricy and allergy. Most are fragrance-free and safe for sensitive skin. Call today ta receive your complimentary facial. ILMARy K(AV FACE TO FACE BEAUTY ADVICE"' SalIy Staples Independent Beauty Consultant (905)>983-6430 Last week while watchmng the premier's conference in Newfoundland 1 thought of how lit- tde bas changed in, the relationship between the provinces. We are a great nation. But we continue ta bang aour collective heads against the wall with this Quebec question of separation and premiers' attitudes toward the country. As expected Jacques Parizeau was dishonest. But what can Canadians - and mare importantly Quebecers - expect from a man who wasn't elected ta create a savereign Quebec. Yet, he contin- ues ta flag the issue whilethe province, and its people, slide deeper inta debt. 'Me man reeks of being a future tin pot dictator who is hell bent on taking a great province, and a praud peaple, and reducing them ta second ciass citizens in a banana republic. 1 don't think - I know I wan't bç - Canadians are wiiling, as Mr. Parizeau suggests, ta underwrite an independent Quebec's debt. Thar wauld make Quebecers the laugh-ý ing stock of the international cam- munity and Canadians just plain stupid. How does it effect us here in Durham? Who wili be negatiating mort- gages or other interest bearing loans while the lunacy of Quebecer's referendum farces up interest rates taking incarne away from us. Congratulations <ta Saskatchewan's Premier Romanow who understands Parizeau can't be taken at bis word and wanted everything the Quebec Premier said in writing. But this is where my lation of the provincial premiers ends. Most of their discussion centred around getting the federal gavemn- ment out of the way, especially in the area of healicare standards and educatian. If the Premiers don~t understand then l'Il remind tbem: The Canada Health Act wàs put in place ta pro- vide for a uniform systemn of uni- versai medicare across the country. It bas its prabiems, but it has served ail Canadians weli. I once witnessed a dying man in Fiorida piead with his doctar not ta take him ta hospital because he couidn't afford it. Do we want ta emulate this kind of healtiicare system? I concede Canada's spending on healthcare is much taa high. All OECD countries spend about 10 percent of their Grass Domestic Product on healthcare. Canada spends 12 per cent. Studies show those countries are no less heaithier than Canadians. I believe controlling cosns buiids efficiency into the healthcare sys- tem. Canada's healtbcare system has become ta heavy with administra- tors but short on doctors and nurs- es who deliver the services we need. The Premiers are shortsighted. The answer isn't too dismantie the healthcare system but ta make it financiaiiy efficient. -Allowing same provinces ta charge user fees means different fees and healthcare standards across Canada. There should not be 10 different systems witb different standards. Stop and think. These premiers have no vision of this country other than what lies within their own bar- ders. This is sad. .Much worse they have no com- mitment ta medicare. The rich get better coverage than the poar. Haven't we as a nation progressed beyond this? To mave forward we necd a new type of provincial leadership dedicated ta a strong united Canada with universai standards in heaith- care and education. The bickering of the past should die with the past. On a lighter note, I'd like ta invite everyone ta a free corn roast l'lm hosting Wednesday, September 6 between 6 - 8 p.m. at the Gamnet B. Rickard Recreation Compiex, located at Hwy.,2 and Hwy. 57. Corne out as my guest and l'Il give you ... urnm . .. "an ear fuit." "Let' s Celebrate the Harvest...", Free Corn, Roast-W Sponsored by Alex Shepherd, MP (Dur-ham) Alex Shepherd, MP Durham is known worldwide as a great agricultural area. 1 would like ail of Durham's residents to celebrate this year's harvest with me at: Garnett Rickard (Bo'wmanville) Arena Complex Corner of 'Hwy 2 & Hwy 57 Bowmanville Wedncsday, September 6 between 6 pmn and 8 pm Ail are Welcome Event will be held inside arena if it's raining Bring your-family to meet mine! 100 & 200 Amp Services Resiclential or Commercial Wiring Fully Qualified Electrician 24 hour Emergency Service Additions or Renovations No Job to big or to small intruder alarrns-central vacs Cati/ for yo ur free es tima te 905-987-9879 Owned and Operated by Davîi Sharpe

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