Jobn OToole, Milking Cbamp, (and by the way. our MPP) greets ail the people along tbe roadside durlng tbe parade to the fairgrounds. Thbis youngster was part of the Loyal Oranige Lodge Band that played in the parade down Main St. to belp wet- corne in the falrs busiest day. This birdhouse is just one of the many fine pieces of woodworking on display at the fair, Only in its tbird year, the woodworkIng display bias gained a lot of interest from wood- workers and wood-lookers alike. Ride the women and cbildren! These nasty pirates were on just one of many floats and bands- the Shrmners orga- nization entered into the parade. The cannon on tbe front of tbe float kept everyone on their toes. Bill Wells works bard at tbe Pick-a-Colour gamne on tbe idway. Bili wanted this pic- ture sent to his mom in Etobicoke, who he hasn't seen since Apnil because of hiis commnltmlent to tbe fair. Hi, Mom! The PNewcastle LIon's Bingo tent was the big place to be, wIth winners about every five Horseshoes was just one of tb e many things that you minutes. Some people walked away witb jackpots over $20. could do at tbe fair. Orono weekly Ilmes, \#.e.dnesday, September 13, iâ95 - là