( Orono We~1dy 'flxnes~ W~dnesday~ September 13 1995-13 ~ From Around Roy ForrestrH Successfut Fair The Orono Falrgrouflds have been a most active cor- ner of the municipallty wlth weekend features of eques- trian events, a musical event and over the past weekend another successful promno- tion of the Durham Central Fair. One would have to say it was flot only successful attendance wise but also entertainlng. New Feature Some of the new features introduced in recent years are growing most popular and in this list one would have to include the antique tractor show. the pet show and the entries in the wood- working department. Likely there are others and Alec Moffat adds the photographs that were on display. There were somne excellent exhibits of art and a number from Orono who were in competi- tion. It is interestlng that these events are ail part of the hobby world. Their part does help to add greater interest to the fair. This is not to take away from the agricultural aspect of the fair but. It could onfly be in the pet show that you could have a class: A pet that most resembles the Fair President, Bill Tomlnson. Believe me there were ten entries. Its A Mysterg The PiA or Duck races at the fair is old hat but each heat always brlngs on smiles- and some wonderment from the audience as these ani- mals perforrn. It has been in the past that the little porkers willl tear Up the turf for Oreo cookies and the Indian Runner Ducks for splnach or a few kernel of corn. 0f course-they had to be kept a little on the hungry side. Somnethlng has happened down at the farm of late. Trhe three Indian Runners who this year camne UP frOm Coîbomne to set a new track record defied all past han- dling practiceS. in fact the Runners had it ail figured out before they arnived in Orono. There was no need to starve themn to tempt themn with food to race. Sound the trumpet call- ring the bell- open the door- they were off. No food offer- lng for the two trips around the track and then rlght back into their barn. They did eat well at their own table neyer havîng a hungry feeling. And there was no need for training. Prom T10 Inside fthe Band of The visit ofment ofWales the Royal Re reentl at the Orono 2a ren was well recelved and espe- cially so froffl the Orono community. for this the Clarngtn çPcert Band Is most appreclative as well as ail others who brought the attendance Up to 850 adults plus chlldren. They all bent their ear to a great programn of music and the viewlng of precision marching and playing ln the Ceremonlal Retreat. 1 amn sure ifwIIb- a night to emeberfor the mem- bers of thé Clarlngton Concert Band1 who listened to the progra'm "From the Inside" being seated ln with the vlsiting band members from Wales. ýfhe local band took part in a mass band playing 'Coîotpel Bogey and Pomp and Cerun1stance No. il. It was a grând opportuni- ty to hear wliat was being continùrgd on page 14 Enjoy a hot clog 1ani a cold drink at the Schneider's hot dog cart. Alit proceeds from hot doq sales clonated to Habitat for tlumanfl SPECIAL MPerICIN-MIS DANY ONLYI R_13 x 15 $1445 per bag R-21 .5 x 23 $53 e a Saturday, September 16 at ORIONO FUEL & LUMBER Station st., Orono with Elizabeth Belanger-L ink lette r C TC yesterdaY that 1 was tellUng you about those laZy hazy days of summer. in the last week we have had a bit of nip in the air and i l as seemed more like October than August. There have been a number of people in to gel NEW brochures and with the new faîl season cornes a mnyriad of changes in the travel business. Most of the tour companies have gone to what is called ALL INCLUSIVE pRICING, not to be confused with an al! inclusive holiday. Ail inclusive pricing will el iminate most of the taxes that only taxes that you wiIl have ta add on Wili be Canadian air tax, toreigri air tx, nnd OT if appliable. This wiIl mean that now you will KNOW how much your holiday will cost. The price may seemn higher at first, but remember there should flot be much to add on, the other .thing to keep in mid is the drop in our dollar against the US dollar. Do a comparison, you wili find that the new brochures are much easier to read and will make it more convenient to plan thai special holiday. Remember when you thinkof Travel, Think Of BLES-SINGS TRAVEL _CENTRE Vanstone Mill 623-0005 ROXU L The Better Insulation