16 -~ Orono Weekly Thnes, Wednesday, September 13~ 1905 Landiord continued from page 7 a -sold- slgn on the realtor's sign. August 1994: 1 find out from local gassip the Town had purchased the bouse. No representatîves of the Town contacted us. No mail or lease was sent. September 1994: I went ta the Town Hall Building at 40 Temperance St. and inqulred at the main recep- tian desk as ta whom I shauld direct my rent. I was informed ta leave my naine and number and someane would get in tauch. No con- tact was forthcomlng. October 1994: 1 again go ta 40 Temperance St. and this lime I arn directed ta the second floor ta a service caunter. 1 presented myself as Andrea Witzke, secand floor tenant of 150 Part Darlington Rd. and Inquired as ta who I would see about my rent, now ti arrears two months. At this time 1 also left a copy of a rentai agree- ment between Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. M. Hoyer, the main floor tenant. nhe lady at the caunter accepted the docu- ment and taok mny name and number and assured me that someone would cail me back about my rent. No cal was made. November 1994: I called the Town Hall and advlsed the persan who answered the phane who 1 was, and that I was a tenant of 150 Part Darllngton Rd., that the Town owned the bouse and that we had no ail wlth whlch ta heat the bouse. My caîl was transferreil and 1 repeated my story. My name and number were taken. Again. no reply. December 1994: Last' week before Christmas, and the sanie as above. I was concemned about refillng the ail tank before the holidays. No reply. January 195: Joe Carujana and Fred Horvath came ta mny house and lnforme(d me thecy rep)resent- cd the Towni. Thevy came up ta mny ;apatmnent. At this meeting 1iInformed them of the following itemis whlch I, feit required their immiiedi- ate attention. 1-Unsafe piles of debris, lammable and explosive substances In the basemient stored around the fumace. 2-Broken sumip pumup in basernent and subsequent floodig. 3_0i] tank leaking furnace oil onito waier ou basementd Ilo(>r. 4-Exp)osC( electrlcal wires ibasenicut. 5 Eýx pose cl ctirical %wiros i ii nialît [bar a)rllIt upstairs-apartment. 7-Leaking pipes ln upstalrs bathroom resulting ln flooding in main f loor apartmnent bedroom. 8-Broken and missing windows. 9-Lawn um-aked, uncut, and untended. 10-Garge full of varlous types of garbage includlng refuse left by previous ten- ants and previaus awners, includlng a very dead cat. Mr. Caruana seemed ta be writlng ail these things down. He tald me ta keep track of what 1 had done ta the bouse and my haurs. At that time Mr. Caruana and Mr. Harvath advised me that the accaunting department, although anxiaus ta straighten out the standing arrears of rent, wanted ta rean-ange the rentai agree- ment so bath Mrs. Hoyer (the main floar tenant) and myself would be responsible, far aur awn utilities. I tald them I was agreeable ta this arrangement as long as the amount I was ta pay was not ti excess of my arrangement with Carole. At that time 1 informed Mr. Caruana I would be expecting a reduc- tion in arrears in accordance ,with m-y receipts for the ail. Mr. Caruana tald me they would be in tauch in a week or so wlth a figure for me as per the arrears and the new rentai rate. At this meeting 1 also informed them of Mrs. Hoyer's plans ta evacuate the.main floar apartment, and expressed an interest in taklng it over. Mr. Caruana said "I can see na problem with that. Our accounting departinents main cancern right, now Is clearing up the arrears." Nocontact was made regarding this matter by the Town alter the meet- ing. February 1995: Mfter walting three weeks for Mr. Caruana ta contact me ta, no avail, I praceeded ta dlean out the debris from the basement an my own as there were aid books, papers, aerosol cans, clothes, etc. floating around in 1/2 feet of water, covered with a layer of fumnace ail. I felt It ta be a definite fire hazard. March 1995: Mrs. Hayer maved out of the main floor apartment and 1 advised my husband, Mr. Wayne Wltzke, ta whom 1 was sep- arated at the time, of that fact.. He cantacted Nancy Taylar and requested ta rent the main floar apartment at 150 Port Daringtan Rd. Ms. Taylor advised hlm that the rent was $5 50.00 a manth and included utilities. Mr. Witzke said that Was agree- able and Ms. Taylor accept- ed 12 post dated cheques for $650.00 a month as Mr. Witzke offered ta pay $100 a month towards m-y arrears. THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 1995 FINAL TAX NOTICE SECOND INSTALMENT of the 1995 FINAL TAX NOTICE Is due for REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX Second Instalment PAYABLE SEPTEMBER 22, 1995 If you have flot received ycur Final Tax Notice, please telephone the Municipal Tax Office at (905) 623-3379. 1995 Taxes are PAYABLE at the locations detailed on the front of the Tax Notice including the followving new methods available for your convenience: 1 - At the Municipal Admini strative -Centre by. lnterac Banking (Debêt) Card, Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards 2, Telephione banking available through some financial institutions. Failure to receive a Tax Notice does not eliminate the responsibility for the paymient of taxes and penalty. ______________R.L. Swan Tax Collector Date of Publication Wodnesday, Soptombor 13, 1995 PýO 5883 The April cheque was for $550.00 as there was an ail bill for $100 which was ta be deducted from the arrears. Ms. Taylor said that this was an acceptable affer a nd praceeded ta cash Mr. Witzke's cheques, and is stili cashing them. May 1995: Recelved a let- ter from Bill Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer of Clarington to the effect that the rentai agreement Ms. Taylor made with Mr. Witzke was unacceptable. Despite this the Town stIll continued contlued on page 17 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal * Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 BALLS RAIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKESJ' STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 NNorthcutt Elliott I~EFuneral Home THOUIGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremnation Anrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerahs - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers- President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC MZ OFF STREET PARKING L.Indsay P>i*boraugh 1 GANARASKA 35 dm x d LEATHERCRAFT c xd. li 401Vil Phone ahead orby chance 8335 Hwy. 35/116, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 H.W.J. Wood Industries Inc. WINDOWS e WINDOWS e WINDOWS NOT 5 YEAR, NOT 10 IYEAR, NOT 20 YEAR BUT LIFETIME WARRANTY VINYL REPLACEMENT Which Covers Seals, Vinyl, and Hardware oFF IE *Euro-Tech Vinyl Windows- WE ARE SO CONFIDENT 0F OUR WINDOWS THAT WE WARRANTY TrHEM FOR LIFE Installations Available cal I (905) 786-2979 For Free Estimates Fi 1, lum um m