Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 27, 1995 Registration for al divisions of the Newcastle Youth Bowling Leagues will take place on Saturday, September 30 from 9 a.m. until 12, noon in front of the Newcastle Community Hall. The cost is $8.00 for each child. Everyone is Invited to attend the officiai operilng of the new Ciarington East Food Bank on Saturday, September 30. The ceremonles wili start at 10 a.m. at 131 King Street East in the fair village of Newcastle. The Food Bank is lntended to cover ail of the Ciarlngton East Ministerlal which includes Orono, Newtonville, Kirby, Newcastle and Kendal. Donations of non- perishable food may be dropped off at the Food Bank, any of the local church, or, the C.I.B.C. in downtown Newcastle. The first officiai working day of the Food Banik is Tuesday, October 3rd. ** ,"* * ** Did you know that over 156 aduits have graduated from the Centr e for Individual Studies on Maple Grove Road?, Aduits succeed at C.I.S. If you already have a grade twelve diploma, you may wlsh to upgrade computer skills or take pre-requisite courses for community coilege. To find out more about the Northumbe rn and- Clarington Board of Education program for aduits please cali 623-6505. Newcastle Horticultural Society's Annual Fail Show On Tuesday, September 19, the Newcastle Horticulture Society held their annual fali show in the Lions' Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. There were quite a few entries in every category this year and-the judges had a hard time deciding on the winners., Congratulations go out to Breanne Bedard who piaced first in the ail green arrangement category in the.junior division. Amy Leddy piaced second, Megan Leddy was third and Ashley Daley was fourth. Congratulations also go out to junior members Stephanie Formnosa who placed first with her haunted castle In the halloween speciai catego ry. Megan Leddy was second, Kevin Formosa was third and fourth place was given to Ashley Daley. There were quite a few winners li the senior division as weli. After the show everyone was invited to attend the Joint Horticulture and Historicai Society meeting that was heid in the adjacent room. After welcoming everyone to the meeting the president of the Historicai Society read a 'bit about gardens from a book that dated backto 1915. Then the announcements were read. Guest speaker Dennis Flannigan was next on the agenda with h is 'slide presentation about gardens. Dennis was born and raised in Surrey Engiand and came to Canada 20 years ago. He and his wife are both teachers and enjoy spendîng as much time as possible tending their own garden in Stouffville. After the slide presentation there was a short period where anyone who was in attendance was ab-le to ask, Dennîs questions regarding their own gardens, which he answered to the best of his knowledge. To show their appreciation Dennis was presented with a small token of thanks from the society. President of the Horticulture Society, Hazel Crago, then thanked Carol for judging the flower show. Everyoine was, then, invited to stay and have'a piece of pie and coffee. A good time was had by one and ail. Pictured above is Stephanie Formosa with her haunted castle. As the nights start to get a littie nip in the air; we are reminded that fail is arriving. The new travel brochures are arriving daiiy; and the dreams are being made of that special holiday for the coming winter. At the same time as drearns are being made by you, there are other people.out there who are making plans for your money alsol Now is the time that you wiil start to see a number of SCAMS INCLUDING TRAVELl Be aware, that when dealing wîth travel agencies that are properly registered by the Ontario Government; your travel plans and funds are protected by the Ontario Travel Compensation Fundl That should immediatley alert you to the fact that if you are NOT dealing with an Ontario Based Travel Company then your funds are not protected. Scams corne in ail shapes and sizes such as some of the following we have encountred; 1) a little ad in the classified section of the paper offering a cruise for $299.00 cail (xxx> xxxxxxx. 2) a mailer telling you to corne to a presentation and you have won a trip for two . . . no obligation! 3) a phone cail stating that you have been selected as a finalist for a trip; do you have a credit card? 4) or something as harmless as filling out a form at the CNE. n ail cases they have something in common . . . They sound too goodi to be truel The other factor that they have in common is that they will inevitably ask for your credit card number in order to put a small deposit to hold your special cabin or space. The rest is as they say . . . history or experience. Remember, your travel agent is in business for you; to protect your investment and to help share in your dreams. If in doubt, caîl your agent first for sonne advice. Remember if il sounds too good to be true ... il is! Remember when you think of TrayeZ, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vans tone Mill 623-0005 PUBLIC SKATES GARNET B. RICKARD) RECREATION COMPLEX WHEN: Sundays 1:00 to 2:30 PM DATES: October 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 November 12, 19 and 26 December 10 and 17 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE WHEN: Saturdays 1:00 to 2:30 PM DATES: October 7, 14, 21 and 28 November 4, 18 and 25 December 9,16 and 23, SPECIAL PUBLIC SKATES AT THE DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE WHEN: Frdaysl10:00Oto 11:30OAM DATES: October 27 November 17 and 24 FEE: Aduits $2.50 (17 yrs. and over) Youth $1 .50 (16 yrs. and under) Family $5.00 For more information contact, the Community Services Department at 623-3379. ~LI rfngŽ1L Dates ot Publication: Wednesday, September 27, 1995 P.O. 5652 Turavel Talk with Elizabeth Belanger-LinkietterCTC So-nbon Publishing Business Starter Special 1000 Business Cards, 1000. Letterhead, and 1000 Envelopes for only $1 80.00 (Cards are on white card stock; envelopes are #1O's; Ietterhead on standard white bond;) (Blue or Black Ink OnIy) r--
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