Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. October 4, 1995 - 3 Love Your Family J Ke-ndal Col.umn - 1by Phyllis Lowery Keep the date of Sunday. October 22nd free and plan to attend Kendal United Church. A special Anniversary Service of Worshlp celebratlng the 125th.Anniversary of con- tinuous service to the village of Kendal and the sur- rounding area. Some of the ladies and men have been working on a commemora- tive book, containing some of the fascinating stories and personal memories of the Kendal members along with a history of this church building. 1The book is titled Memory Lane, and will seIl for $15.00, cari be purchased following the church service or at the U.C.W. Bazaar on Saturday, October 2 1 st. We hope to have Commemorative Plates as' well. Time of the church service is 11: 15 a.m., lunch and a time of fellowship will follow.e This past weekend we decided to become tourists and drive east and north to view the changing colours of the leaves. We left home Friday before lunch and travelling across No. 7 we saw many colourful sights. Lunch where we usuallJy stop, Kaladar, theri on to Perth, there we turned north to Balderson, did the tourist thing, -had ice cream and bought some cheese curd, on to Lanark where I want- ed to do some shopping at the Kitten Mils. Lots of tourists there, they came by the bus load. Besides shop- ping the faîl colours were everywhere. On north to Cobden and Pembrokce, where we had planried to spend the night. Stayed at the Best Western, comfortable rooms dlean and quiet. special rates for seniors. Saturday mornirig left to go through Algonquin Park, busses and more busses alI gazing, at the beautiful J.H.A. H-appy 7th Birthday, Pappy!, colours and the temperature was 50 mild, one didn't even need a sweater. Stopped at one of the Park stores and lunch rooms, shelves are looking pretty bare and no great variety of food, close to end. of season I guess. Walked outside and hap- pened to glance around the parking lot. saw a van say- ing Apple Blossom Shop, sure enough Yvonne and her family were takirig a short holiday in the park. Said that they had just been talk- ing to Mr.- and Mrs. Robinson from Orono, they were on a bus tour. Just can't get away from home without running into some- one your kriow. The fali colours were breathtaking ini places, no artlsts -could ever hope to capture on carivas the many shades anid tints of the reds, golds, greens, orange and yellow. Wlth the sunlight and the occasional cloud they were constantly chang- ,ing hue . People were out of .their cars everywhere takirig pictures. We went into Huntsville for a short time then on to Dorset, I must admit the memories I had of Dorset do not seem the"same today, mnsteâd of seeing the beauty of the place, it is more a tourist attraction, listing Ontario's best Country Store, it just wasn't what'I had been lookinýg forward to, and the high hili showri on a postcard I had wasn't cov- ered in colourful trees but dark brown almost black, oh well nothing-stays the same. Down the hîghway to Canarvori we turried- left there, planning togo to Haliburton and staying there overnight or going -on to Bancroft. This is when our trip started to go a littie haywire. Shortly after turn- ing I thought that the car- behind us was ernitting a lit- tle smoke, soon I came to realize It was not their car but ours, so I pulled off on the side of the road and so dld the other car. The man drlving said th 'at the smoke didn't'appear to be coming from the exhaust, lifted the hood and It was coming from the motor. After a short time everything seemed normal, we debated in tumning back toCariarvon or golng -on to Haliburton, we declded to keep going. About 5 miles west of Haliburton, we decided to keep going. About 5 miles west of Haliburton, smoke again, this time we knew that we were in trouble, although none of the in dica- tors on the dash showed warnlngs. Once again over to the side of the road, a young man travelling in the opposite direction, stopped and came over, checked the car and found that our transmission fluid had ail] leaked out . .. He offered to go back to town and send Sewers for Orono? hlmn and he di§,appeared. There we sat, hood Up, flashers flashing., cars sped by us, neyer siopping, but three vehicles W!ho were orig- inally goîng the opposite way, turned around and came back to see if they could be of assistance. The one young couple who stopped last, stayed until the tow truck came and even thenï tried to con- tact a mechg1nic.- Into Haliburton we went riding in the truck, bpoy they are high to get intô, by this time it gettlnig ne-ar 7 p.m. Murray the tr~uck operator called to try Li d get us a room, everythinlg was filled up, 2 wedding§ and a hock- ey tournamerit in town. Called his wife, who has receritly startêd a Bed and Breakfast and asked her if she could put us up for the night, she said yes. He then checked witii a nearby restaurant to see if we were too late for supper and although the-y close at 7 p.m. they agrded to see that we were fei. Murray dropped us off there and then came back to pick us up later and took us to h is home, where we were made most W'elcome and giveri a lovely room with a large closed in deckc and private bathroom. Meanwhile Murray is trying by phone to get a hold of a mechanie. Sunday momning we had breakifast and Murray called to tell us'that there was more wrong with our car than they had thought and nothing could be done until Monday, but he had arranged for a loaner, so he brought it out to us we said our goodbyes and were once more on the road. We con- tinued on as we had planned, to Bancroft and then on to the highway through Coe Hill1 and Apsley and then on south and west getting home rnid aftemnoon. Although the colours around Coe Hill1 and Apsley and on dowri 28 were bright and beautiful, I don't think we really appreciated them, were were more concerried with getting home. Ail in all it really was a good trip, especially thanks to the wonderful warm, friendly people we met in Haliburton. They turned what could have been a bad situation into one we could accept and in the end enjoy. If the few we met are an example of the residents liv- ing there, it must certainly be a wonderful place to live in as well as being such a pretty spot. We will have to travel back there to get our own car and returri this loaner and I hope that I will get a little more time to see the town itself. Until next week. A resolution was macle i Coundl this week by Ward 3 Regional Councillor Ann Dreslinski to ask the Regional Goverriment to investigate the need for sew- ers in Orono. Councillor Dresliriski's resolution point- ed to "various property own- ers in Orono have experi- enced problems with their private waste disposal sys- tem," "the general soil con- dition i Orono is contami- nated with sewage seepage," and "the above noted condi- tions ini Orono present a potential threat to the health and safety of the residents and the environment.»' These reasons have made the Municipality- of Claririgton request that the Reglon of Durham com- mence an investigation lead- ing to the resolution of the BALLS RADIO & T.V.- REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES* STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. 905) 983-5721 JON STORY SCOTT STORY SERVICES 905-983-5491 INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS CONSULTING *-DESIGN - THEN CALL USE FOR YOUR BETTER PRICE We use the full 7% G.S.T. Credit to give you the maximum $$$ for your Trade-In. Tol Free from Area Codes 905, 416, or 705 at 1-800-361-8154 or local cails 885-8154 À A A Authorized Sales & Service Centre for. - Camoorders - VCR's Sinct - Microwaves 1982 - TV's - Accessories - Ste reo Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & Tapes s.ewage problems in Orono. The Durham Region Officiai Plan states that the long termn servicing of these urban areas should be lnvestigated. If the Region now decides that the prob- lem is dire enough, it could mean the linking up of Orono with already existlng sewer lines south of the community. The resolution was passed unanimously by the counicil. On/y a \..A1 working" # can save smoke ialarm your life! PANASONIC - SANYO SONY - JVC - 43OLDSTAR c