)95 Kendal GirIls Softball Armstrong L.G.A. PeeWees wîth explosive season start Repiacing the normal blue white and red sweaters to accommiodateý the cor-re- sponding colours of the vis- iting Novico teami did noth- ing to deter Anrm-strong . G.A. fromn winning 3-1 on ThursdJay evening October l9th. The first period fouind the boy).s testing their mnus- cles with a few hard hittingc checks in the boards. Nick Lucyk easîlyv handlçd some intense shots and we had some incredible blasts on the opposing goal tender buti it was a nio goal period. Second period found Ryan- Tresise fling two unassisted wicked shots past Novico's goalie and winining the peri- od 2-0. With lots of action eniteritaiingiç us in the third period Jake Bonnetta tippedi in a goal assisted Iby Rlc-k Howe and Don Alin. With only two minutes left Novico broke the flawless perfor- mance of goalie- Bob Ouimiet by slipping in a single shot and breaking the shut out. Encouragîng the teami was their sponsor Don Armstrong who treated themn to drinks at the end of the game. On Saturday, Octobet 2 1st, Arm strong's 1. G.A. had a fast paced first period against MR SUB at Darlington. The first lune up of Ryan Tre(sise (99), Donl Allun (9) and Jake IBonnetta (8) flred somte wicked shots on the ýgoalie but his quîck hand hindered any points. With somte (excelent passes and grecat teamnwork Rlcky Hîowe (66) slipped an unas- sistedi solîd g-oal to eud tht, period i- 1. Thle second peri- od openled wih abigsaveby)ý goalie, Bobk Ouimeit (29). Ryvan Tresise (199) Iauniched Our fast paced h ig score pi)U- od with an intense shiot assisted byv Jake Bonnetta (8) and Donin (9) aInd gave us a repeat perfor- mlance with anlothler goal. Ben Curie( (4) did soie excellent corner dligging to assist Justin Stande-ve-n (2) who tipped in a fantastic ,goal to end the peiod 4-3. Dominating the third period Armistrong operated as a teamn with sonie excel- lent passes, corner digging and strong defence. Justin Standeven (2) scored two more goals assisted on both by digger Ben Currie (4) and solid defencemnan Cory Tufts (93) on the first and accu- rate passing by Scott Wood (10) on the second. Congratulations on your first "Hat Trick" Justin. Final score Armstrong 6 - MR SUB 3. Great work team! Major Plumbing's Crashley hot with - 2 shut outs Major Plumbing & Hleating Novice Leaf s were hosted by the Manvers Mustangls on October 18, 1995. Doug Garlick was on the disabled ist this week and was missed by the team. Manver's went in on a breakaway early but def'ensemian Brian Pisani caught up and took, the puick off of' himi. Manver's put the pressure on1 goalie Ian Crashley but ever ready Ian covered up nicely. Oronio started Hie scoring at 6:52 withl a pass fromn #3 Evani Moore to #7 Stevie Gregg whio put it away. Orono scored ýigain at 4:43 on a nice pass fromn # 10 Kleý Allrn to #6 Jwitin H ili who wvas waiting for the puck in front of the net, The period ended withi #5 Chris Moffat mnaking a great defensive move as Manvers tried to score. The second period was scoreless but Orono's line of Kyle Alun, Taylor Doyle and Justin Hill played well in the offensive Zone while # 17 Justin Caruana started a play by making a big check on a Mustang in the neutral zone. #1il Andy Bangay showed hiard work along the boards. #8 Paul Richter had the first shot of the third period and left a nice rebound for Stevie Gregg but he j ust couldn't get his stick on it. Manvers, anxious to catch up put pressure'on Orono who had trouble clearing their end. There was lots of play in the neu- tral zone and it got chippy as the game wore down. Brian Pisani made a nice pass to ex-line mate Stevie Grejgi who had another chance to score but their goalie came up big. Kýyle Cox laid a nice pass out fromn behind te net Io Jason Geraldi who just fanned on the shiot. At the buzzer it was '2-0 Or-ono with goalie Ian Crashiley ,chialking ,ýup Play returned homie on, Octbur20,1995 as theyýv took on Oee.Unlike- theý Manvers gamec this one, had several penialties for bothi sides # 10 Kyle Allun getting(j Orono's first at 6:28ý frtripp)-i. Orono mput pressure on Oee while short handed but neither teami couild cash in on thieir extra iman play. 0Om'1eee was 2 miinuites short at 3: 19 also for- tripping. Near the end offthe period, shot off a drop pass from the face off to defenemanBrian Pisani gave the goalie trouble bt het made the save. After a scoreless first, Orono got back on the scoring track with # 14 Kyle Cox scoring with assists going to #8 Paul Richter and # 16 Jason Geraldi at the 6:56 mark.. Nice passing made this goal possible. Orono continued scoring with #6 Justin Hill passing to, #7 Stevie Gregg who gave it to # 14 Kyle Cox, scoring his second marker for the gamne at 3:58. The third perîod saw Orono short handed with # 14 Kyle Cox in the sin bin for hooking. While short handed Orono scored its thîrd at 6:01 with #5 Chris Moffat passing to #4 Doug Garlick, back in the line Up. Doug let a floater go f rom about center ice and the goalie misplaced it putting Orono up 3-0. Ian Crashley made a big save with 3 min- ute s left' to hang on to his shut-out. Orono wasn't fin- ---.e PANASODNIC SONY -JVC - - SANYO) 3OLDSTAR I *Orono's 4th goal by # 10 Kyle Allini withi only 14 seconids remnaining. Orono's, r-ecord is now 4-0 anid the team) looks better each gamre. Orono A06rena Happenings UPCOMING GAMES Friday, October 27 7:00 p.m. OMHA Mariposa @ Orono, Major Plumbing Novices 8:00 p.m. OMHA Omemee @ Orono, Accessible Designs Atoms 9:00 p.m. OMHA Milibrook @ Orono, Family Auto Peewees Saturday, October 28 3:30 p.m. BRHL Thursday Night Town League @ Orono Pineridge Insurance Novice~s LAST WEEK'S RESIJLTS BRHL Eagles 0 - Orono Apple Blossom Novices O BRHL Kinsmen 2 - Orono Donut Gallery Atoms O BRHL Orono Armstrong IL3àre-Wees 3 - Novico 1 BRI-L Skylight 3 - Orono Geraldi Insurance Minor Tykes 1 BRHL Sports Exchanige 3 - Orono Dufferin Aggregates Major Tykes 0 BRHL Armistrong IGA Peewees 6 - MR SUB 3 OMHA Orono Major Plumbing Novices 2 - Manvers 0 OMHA Orono Major Plumbing Novices 4 - Omnemee 0 OMHA Orono Accessible Designs Atoms 4 - Oshawa Hawks 3 OMHA Oshawa Hawks 3 - Orono Accessible Designs Atoms 2 (Exh) OMHA Orono Family Auto Peewees 5 - Bobcaygeon 0 (Exh) OMI-A Orono Famiîy Auto Peewees 4 - Omemnee 3 JON STORY ~'& tnb tsco-TT sTORY SERVICE=0-9359 INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WVATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS - CONSULTING *-DESIGN - - Camcorders - VCR's - Microwaves 1982 - TV's - Accessories - Stereo Systems - Telephones Authorized Sales - Top 10Go CD's & Service Centre for: Tapes