Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 1, 1995 - 7 ReaIIy Expeïnsive Wallpaper St. Stephen's High Sohool News Becky Bester poses against the wall in Father Bill Moloney's class, at St. Stephen's High Sehool. The students of Father Bil's- ciass have covered the walls of the classroom wth thousands of Trident wrappers. This wall alone hoids over 7200 wrappers; three walis in the classroom have been covered so far. The whole thmng began when Father Bill told his stu- dents how much he hated white walls, and that he wanted them covered. Students brought in things from home to cover the walls. Then one day someone stapled a gum wrapper to the wall. "'When 1 didn't say anything aboutit, more and more began to appear," said Father Bill. The wrappers are weaved into a variety of geometrie shapes creating a very interesting visu- aI effect. Trident was informed and they donated gum and the dlock on the wall to t he sehool. To get 7200 wrappers, they estimate it took over $700 worth of gum. That makes for real expensive wallpaper. had a very important meet- ing at 7:30 p.m. this past Monday, October 23rd. In attendance was our local MPP, Mr. John OToole, and the discussion deait with the fate of our "promised" new high sch ool. Over 100 peo- pie showed their support, including teachers, stu- dents, parents and adminis- trators. The meeting con- sisted of several speeches from trustees, concerned parents, students from our local elementary sehools, our very own student Prime Minister, Jen Eeuwes, and finally Mr. OToole who said that the decision will be made in early Novemiber. This was followed by a brief question perîod. We wouid like to thank those who attended for their support and we remain optimistie of the outcome. St. Stephen's is one of about 600 high sehools- across the province involved in the Mega Milk Dance Contest. Each sehool was given a quota, in litres, of milk that must be drunk. The first 100 sehools to meet their quota wins a "Much Music" Dance Party. Our M '~4Utôtà [iý 92 litres, and we have oniy 52 litres remaining - GOOD WORK! On October l7th, St. Stephen's hosted its first ever PEP RALLY. The Royal fans then cheered on our Junior boys' Soccer Team to a 2 - 1 win over Cobourg., Congratulations! Our sehool Pride (the hockey team) hbas begun- intense training for this sea- son. After'a 2 to 1 season opening loss to Clarke, the Senior Pride lost to Port Hope'but the Juniors did us proud, by Winning their game against Port Hope. WELL DONE! Mr. Morgan's and Mr. Austin's Gr. 12 and 9 Religion classes teamed up last Friday, the 2Oth, for their annual community service day. Thanks to the 45- students who heiped senior citizens in our'area prepare their homes for win- ter, and thanik God for the beautiful weather that day. As the days get colder and the winter gets dloser: Hurry up, and get your skiis and boards waxed, and l'Il see you on the siopes of Mt. Kirby!"~ by Rochelle OToole The Time Has Corne ta Harvest Your Compost, Durham residents have had a perfect summer for composting and now is the time to reap the benefits. Before the cooler tempera- turcs arrive, residents should harvest their com- post. 1. Shovel finished com- post material from the bot- tom of the composter. 2. Add the compost to gardens and lawns - it is an excellent soul conditioner. By harvesting the com- post now, it xiii make plen- ty of room for the other organic material that can be diverted this fail and through the winter. The process doesn't stop -- itjust slows down. Once the spring arrives, the whole process xiii increase in speed once again. For fur- ther information on com- poster harvesting or com- posting in generai, contact the Durham Region Works Department at either (905) 668-7721 or 1-800-372- 1103. S UBSCIP HrlON OFFER During the next few weeks these special].y commissioned sales representatives will cali on area residents offering subscriptions to: THE OROnNOI WEEKLY iME at This offer is being made availabie to new readers and existing subseribers. These individuals have been authorized to represent The Orono Weekly Times during this special subscription drive. Please consider the offer they present carefuily as it Cannot Be Repeated And Is NOT Available Through The Office. Take advantage of this special offer when these individuals cati and enjoy Your Commiunity Newspaper-ail year round.