.m O iono Weekly Times, Wedne(sday, ýNovemýber8, 1995 1 il Favourite Pastime Woodcrafts Opens in Orono Favourite Pastime new stores to open up in Woodcrafts opened the Orono last week. The store doors on its new store last specializes ti woodcrafts Wednesday as one of three and folk art supplies, as well Love Your Pet Now in Orono as carrying so finished prod- ucts on consigriment. People may remember see- ing them as vendors at the Wow Mart located ti Bowmanv ille by the Foundry. Here Darlene Christensen, co-owner of the store, poses with some of the supplies that they have on display. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINGE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID '"fre fProjessiona('Etiquette is Important' Funeral Drectors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Wiliams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERIING YOUR (2ALL 24 HOURS Bowmanville Drama Workshop presents "To Grandmother's House We Go" A play by Joanna McClelland Glass November 15, 16, 17, 18 (Curtain 8 p.m.) BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE- $7.00 Aduits, $5.0O Seniors/Students Tic ket Informnation: (905) 623-3588 or 623- 7142 Mary Jane Waugh and Tracy Scales pose with Blackie', a vsitor to Tracy's Poocli Parlour and now the new home of Love Your Pet. The new store is very well stocked and set up for the ease of the consumer, and carrnes the four top selling brands of pet food on the market. It also carrnes a large supply of chew toys, pet dishe s, etc., vrtually all your pet supply needs. There are even thtngs for your feathered and finned'friends. Mary said that she has 'had a good response- from the people ti Orono so far. This is the sec- ond Love Your Pet store for Mary; she operates the original out of Newcastle as well as this new venture here in Orono. Hours for the new store are Wednesday to Friday 10-6, and Saturday from 10"00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. (NC) Boost cardiovascular health with cold water fish oit supplements, high i eicosapentaenoic acid (EPAý) and LTE% IJI'± docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and TIPS DHA help prevent internai blood clots and atherosclerosis lesions and help keep blood triglyceride levels downt and blood pressure normal. Its anti-clotting action makes fish oit unsuitable for *hemophiliacs, however. Information provided by the CanadianHealth Food Association. GOVERNMENT LICENSED DAYCARE Available in Orono MANDATE, To provide quality home dayeare as put forth in the Day Nurseries Act. Supervised activities to promote healthy overail development Transportation to and from Srctshool4 Stithealth and safety standards eSubsidy available to qualified applicants All shifts accommodated Limited space FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Kathy at 983-8139 April at 983-8287 e 9!ý>