t-Orono Weekl îe.Wdnesday, Novemiber 15, 199 - 3ý MPP ",Lampooned' in Orond Times SERvING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Wfzere fProfessiona[Etiquette i.s Important" Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE Orono Weekly limes cartoonist lm Doliglian presents Durhamn East MPP John OToole witb a cartoon rendlUion of himself that ran in the Times on October 25. It had John wearing rose-coloured glasses' and commenting how the provincial cuts had not affected bis area at ail. Mr OToole liked the picture so much, that he flot only asked for the original, but bas passed copies of the cartoon out at Queen's Park. He did have one small comment to inake to Mlm; that Mim please place an 'e' at, the end of OToole. Tim gladly complied. Mr. OToole plans to bang, it proudly in bis office. by Arthur Black If you wvish to be happy for an hour, get drunk. If you wvish to be happy for three days, get married. If you wish to be tiappy for eight clays, kiLi your pig and eat it. But if you wish to be happy forever, become a gardener. Old Chinese proverb Well, yes and no. There are some hoe-scarred and weevil-whipped veterans of the vegetable patch that will tell you gardening is the shortest eut to insanity this side of sniffmg glue at a Roger Whittaker concert. But truth to tell, there is something ineffably peaceful and fulfili- ing about cultivating a gar- den. Especially for Canucks. Let's face it -- the tenritory we inhabit is not Tahiti or Tegucigalpa or even Fresno, Califomnia. Here in thie Great White Etcetera we only get a few short weeks of respite between blizzards. What bet- ter way to spend those pre- clous days than smack in the middle of a swatch of fresh tilled, fecund earth, trowel in one hand, seed bag in the other, feeling the rich, dark loamn ooze up between your bare toes? Which, according to my copy of Beautiful Homes and GarcLens, is the way my Love ,Affair With Mother Earth was supposed to go. It didn't quite work out that way for me this past summer. There was a lot more sweating and swearing in My Leafy Alcove of Deigtts than 1 thought there would be. Summer is over and I have, to show for my labours, a ragged row of tulips, 27 jade-coloured granite-solid tomatoes, plus three ears of corn that the raccoons over- looked. A cursory cost-benefit analysis indicates that the corn 1 eat trom my garden this year will run me about $38.75 a cob. I didn't try my luck with cukes, this year. And it's probablyJust as well, because cucumbers as we know them are obsolete., The United States Department of Agriculture has come up with an ail new mutant cuke whose innards are as orange as . .. well, an orange. Advantage? Well, the pumpkin coloured cucumber tastes like an ordinary cucumber but it packs 'way more beta carotene. . that may not turn your culinary crank, but it's got health food experts ail excit- ed. Beta carotene converts to Vtamnin A in the human body and Vitam-in A deficiency is a maýjor cause of bone, tooth and vision problems in the Third World. Let's hope the USDA cucumiber strain turns out to be as hardy as the forty toma- contmnued on page 16 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING POWER CORPORATION AMENOMVENT ACT, 1994 TAKE NOTICE THAT it is the intent of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington to consider passing a by-law under the provisions of the Power Corporation Amendment Act, 1994, to expand the electric ser- vice area, of the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT prior to the meeting at which said by-law will be considered, the Council wilI hold a public meeting pursuant to Section 4 of the Power Corporation Amendment Act, 1994: MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1995 7:00 PRM. GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX 2440 HIGHWAY #2, BOWMAN VILLE PLEASE NOTE CHANGE 0F LOCATION Any person who attends the meeting may take representation in respect of the proposed by-Iaw. Written submissions will also be accepted by the undersigned prior to or at the Public Meeting. Details with respect to the proposed by-law wilI be available at the Public Meeting or may be obtained by contacting the undersigned. Inquiries may be made at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, or by telephone at (905) 623-3379. The Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission Bôundary Adjustment Study is avaîlable for review at the Clerk's Office or at the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission Office at 2849 Highway #2 and Lamb's Road, Bowmanville. Copies are also available for purchase at the Commission office, at a cost of $20 each. Persons attending the meeting are invited to bring a recent utility bill. Projections of your annual savings will be provided, based upon pro- posed rates after boundary expansion. EXPLANATORY NOTE The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 1994, provides that a Municipal Corporation, without the assent of the municipal electors, may pass a by-law setting out additional areas of that Municipal Corporation contiguous to an existing area, to be supplied with power by the Municipal Corporation or a Commission of that Municipal Corporation. The Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission has obtained a full Boundary Adjustment Study examining the feasibility and financial results of combining operations of Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission and Ontario Hydro's electric distribution systems in the Municipality of Clarington. The Council of the Municipality of Clarington has established the above mentioned public meeting to further consider the study submit- ted by the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission and obtain public comment; and will subsequently give consideration to a by-law.to expand the boundaries of the existing Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission. Date of Publication: Wednesday, November.15, 1995 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 P.O. 57601 CROSS ROADS CH'RISTIANASSEMBLY 978 Regional Road 17, Newcastle 1 ST ANNIVERSARY Sundcay, November 19 10:30 A.M. Special guest DAVID MAUNSE of 100 Huntley St. For further information dai 987-9955