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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1995, p. 12

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12 Oroo WýeeklyTmeWenesýdy. Novi9 ý ,19 m Youung Skaters Goîng to Raccoon RaIIy Grace Williamson and Rena Malda will be competing in the Raccoon Rally being held on November 25 in Bowmanville. Good iuck to bath of the girls. Also compet- ing (but absent from the picture) are Aleisha Marchant and Jennifer Haynes-Master. Staying Un, Touch John O'Toole, MPP Durham East This past week in the Toronto Star, there was spec- ulation an the new GTA (Greater Toronto Area) debate. 1 spoke ta tbe Hon. AI Leacb Mnister of Municipal Affairs and be assured me that be bas nat received even a draft copy of Anne Golden's repart. Mr. Leacb did advise me that he was meeting witb Dr. Golden, Commission Chair on Wednesday, November 15iib. Mr. Leacb assured me that he bas nat made uip bis mind on any form tbe GTA migbt take. f spake very directly ta him that my riding of Durbam East daes NOT wisb ta be part of any new level ai gavern- ment. I will keep you posted as tbis issue untfolds. Finanjjce Miister Ernie Evsann ioun rced 1tbat the1 F ali Econmic tateentwiillbe maidec on1 Wednesday, November 29tb at- 4:00 p.m. it is my sense that this state- ment wili set the course for ail sectors ta prepare for sig- nificant change. The MUSH sectors (Municipalities, Universitiesý, Schools& Hospitals), as, partners in transfer payments lrom thc province will ail share in the down sizing of- govcrrnmcnt. We must cul spcnding by some $5 billion over the next threycars. Our partncrs will eacb- scream, it is the province, but iet's face the facts that we are spending $1 million dollars eacb and every bour more than we take in as revenue or taxes. We must choose ta either reduce spendiiuig or increase taxes. 1 hav-e heard fram mast of yau, no mare taxes". This week, Bill 15, the reform aof the WCB. (WVorkman Compensation Board) bas received approval an second reading. This legisiation is the start of a restructu ring of the board tram a bi-partied (Labour & Management) toaa muli-partner board (Labour, Management and others as appolnted by the Lieutenant Govemnor). The cunrent board was in grid iock amd unabie ta address the recai issue of injured warkeris. The new board xiii address the $ 1 .4 billion un11filudd iabiiity and dvipa plan ta limiiiite it byv theea 20141. Thec WCBý was aiginali ly founded a]s anl inisurnce plan111ta caver I-the( legtimte aimls of injtiud workrs.Todlaytereare bath em11players anidepo eswha ar cbeating thesys- teml. Th prmims repaid by, the mplye(so imuicli 1per $ 100.00 of pay rall). *Wec will enuealepoesprii pateanmd atmttaesr pireimims caver the ,real cast of dlaims. The WCAT appeals system will also be addressed.. 1 am tortunate to know injured workers wbose lives are dependent on this system working. 1 am also a mem- ber of the committee set up by the Hon. Cam Jackson, who is the Minister Respansible for WCB. We are planning two "Open Hause" events ta meet people and collect non-perishable food/tays ta share with those whom we sbould share with at Christmas. The first "open bouse" is on Friday, December 1sf fram 1:30 ta 4:00 p.m. at my canstituency office at 75 King Street, Bowmanvîlle. We will hold a similar "open bouse" in Part Perry on December 8tb from 2:00 ta 4:00 p. m. prabably at the Library (location ta be confirmed). Please came out and visit your canstituency office and meet the people wbo work an your behaîf ta salve prablems in Durham East. As noted above my Canstituency office is located at 75- King Street, Bowmanville, 697-1501. John R. OToole, MPP Durham East RECIPE 0F THE WEEK Compliments of the Orano BuIk Food Store Grandma's Gingerbread 5 - 51/2 cups ail purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp sait 2 tsp graund ginger 2 tsp g round cinnaman -1 tsp graund nutmeg 1 tsp graund claves 1 cup shartening 1 cup sugar 11/2 cups unsuiphured molasses 2 eggs beaten Preheat aven ta 37150F Tharaughly mix fiaur, sada, sait and spices, Meit shartening n large saujcepan. Caal slightiy. Add sugar, molasses and eggs, mix weiI. ÀAdd 4 cups dry ingredients;, mix weli. Turn mixture anta lightiy flaured1 surface. Knead in remnaining dry ingredients by hand. Add a ittie mare faur if necessary ta, make a f irm daugh. Ral aut an a lightly fiauired surface ta 1/4 inch thickness far cutaut caakies. Bake ani ungreased caakîe sheet. Smali and medium sized caakies 6 ta 10 min. Large caakies far1iOta -15- min. Yield 40 average size cookies. Nate: If yau're nat using the daugh right awvay, wrap ît in plastic and refrigerate. Refrigerated if will keep far a week, but be sure ta remave if 3 haurs priar ta raling sa it saftens and is warkable. Sa-.'e iVI cDrey arid at ORONO BULK FOODS 5331 M AIN STREET, ORONO 983-1143 We now have CAKE PAN PRNTALS Shop at homne service- pick-up or homne delivery available W ATCH- FOR, WEEKLY SPECIALSH! H.W.J. Wood Industries Inc. /4 ~b~d 'qa l6 z adqaa4 Sw WINDOWS e WINDOWS * WINDOWS NOT 5 YEAR, NOT 10 YEAR, NOT 20 YEAR BUT LIFETIME WARRANTY VINYL REPLACEMENT Which Covers Seals, Vinyl, and Hardware *Euro-Tech Vinyl Windowso WE ARE So CONFIDENT 0OF OUR WINDOWS THAT WE WARRANTY THEM Fo R LIFE Installations Available cal (905) 786-2979 For Free Estimates Travel Talk with Elizabeth Belanger-Lin kiette r CTC DESTINATION DISNEY The best thing abaut Wait Disney's theme parks is that they make even the most weary.cynic feel like a kid again. Where better ta take a famiiy vacatian than a place where imaginative deiights make kids af us ail. Na wonder Wait Disney Warld in Fiorida is the mast popular man made attraction an the p Ianet. Christmas is aur Walt Disney time with kids and grand kids in taw, we start eariy and make sure everyone is equipped for a day jammed with fun, faod and rides. We have neyer been disappainted. There are sa many attractians that meandering thraugh the themeparks is very pleasant. Remember when you think of Travel, Thitnk of LESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mill 1623-0005 Far langer jaunts, the free Disney transpartatian system af trams, buses and baats wark very efficiently. Disney Walrld.has features ta entertain the entire tamily in ttieir three main areas: Magic Kingdam,- Epoat Centre and MGM Studios. This year the newest attractians are cf course the Lion King and Pacohontas. But the kids will neyer tire af Mickey and Minnie and ail the other adorable characters. Caurtney and i start talking in Juiy about what we shahl do first when we get to Florida, because ta the children Fiorida oniy consists of the Mouse. Perhaps not only just for kids. ....7

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