mýý2 - Oroýno Weekly e.WýdnesdaýyNovýembrr 2ý2, 199ý5ý QRONO WEEKLY TiMEs Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishlng Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publshing 47 Issues Annually ai the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street.,P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario L.OB I MO TeIephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor *Publisher APOLOGI1ES I would like to apologize to those subscribers of ours. in Newtonville, Bowmanville, Newcastle, and any other surrounding areas that I have missed. For the past few weeks our delivery schedules have been very erratic. This is, in part due to the change that we did to the paper by adding red to the front and back pages. I did not realize the extra work that such a move would entail, and we were late taking the paper to the printers as a resuli. This meant that we were unable to prepare the mailing lisis until Wednesday morning, which meant that we missed Wednesday's mail outs. Normally, Iarn up at 5:45 a.m. taking the paper to the Port Hope and Bowmanville Post Offices to ensure that you will receive the paper on Wednesday. On those weeks that were laie, the mail did not make it to the post offices until -the afternoon. We have rearranged and reorganized thîngs here at the Times to try to ensure that we will make it to the printers on Urne so that you can receive your papers on Wednesday. It has worked for the last two weeks, and we hope that we have now solved that problem. If you have not received the November 8 or November 15 papers on Wednesday, then please phone your post office, as that is something beyond our conirol. We are sorry for the confusion these past few weeks but hope that we can now get you your paper every week on time. For those of you in Bowmanville and Newcastle would did not receive your November 1 newspaper until the followîng week, that is because Canada Post inadvertently sent the mail bag to Toronto rather than sort it out themselves. That added the extra delay. I would also like to apologize for that delay as well. In Sunday's Toronto Star, the banner story was about former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's libel suit againsi the Canadian government for inking him to suspected wrong-doing in the purchase of planes from French-based Airbus by Air Canada. Mr. Mulroney became a suspect in the case when a letter was sent by the Justice Department by the request of the RCMP to the Swiss government to help with its investigation. Swiss bank accounts are often used to hide ill-gotten gains. Now Mr. Mulroney is suing the govemnment for $50. million, $25 million of which he says he will 50 generously donate to charity. What a crock. How could a man who once was the leader of our country, supposedly a servant of the people, have the nerve to sue the taxpayers of this country for $50 million? Mulroney says in a wvritten statement that "The false and reckless ailegations made by the Department of Justice have the effect flot oniy of damaging my reputation and hurting my family, but also of besmirching and distorting the good name of Canada." First off, I don't believe that the Justice Department would miake such dlaimns lightly. They were asked to send this letter by the RCMP. The debacle at the PM's house aside, the RCMP is still one of the world's premier law-enforcement agencies, and if they feel that Mr. Mulroney is a suspect, then they must have a very good reason. Mr. Mulroney has niot been detained or charged by the RCMP; hie is merely under investigation. Does this mean that ail people who are being investigated by the police have the right to suc the govemment? Would Paul Bemardo have had the right to sue the government when he was stîll under investigation? The crimes may be in no way similar, but the precedent is the samie. the deai he must be investigaied, if nothing more than to clear the former Prime Minister and his office from any wrong-doing. If 1 was -innocent of a crime that I was under investigation for, 1 would let the police do their job and trust in my own innocence to see me through. To take the attack to the police, to try to make them second-guess their work and maybe scare them off of the case smells like guilt to me. Maybe Mulroney feels that he can scare the govemnment into dropping the investigation or deflect the public's interest by creating this media scandai. I do not know what the man is thinking. 1 can tell you this however; before he launched this suit, the whole situation was overlooked by myself anyway. He has brought the issue to the forefront. And even if you feel for Mr. Mulroney and even if he is right to launch this libel suit, the damages that he, is seeking are totally out of line. The effect that this has had on his aIready tarnished reputation is not really known. He is already in the country's bad books, and 1 doubt would be able to be elected again. Unless he was hoping to use his reputation to secure some cushy govemnment placement when the Conservatives make it-to power again, Whatever the reason, $50 million to the Canadian taxpayers is very steep. 1 find it irresponsible that he would ask for such a figure knowing the state of the Canadian ec'onomy. And it is not the Justice Department or the Liberal government that is being punished; it is you and 1. It is our taxes that will go to Mulroney if he wins. Maybe Mulroney is still smartîng fromn the realization that he would not be re-elected by the people of Canada. Maybe he -is mad that Canadians felt that Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the sexier of the two. I don't know, but it sure smells like sour- grapes. Ann Dreslinski wrote in a letter to the editor quite some time ago about politicians making statements to the press. She said that she was advised against It. It is true. A politician only opens themselves up for more attacks and/or probing. Mr. Mulroney has now ensured that the RCMP will delve even deeper to prove that he is guilty, if in fact he is. He may have been smarter if he had tried to let the whole thing lie. In my eyes, it makes him look guilty. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. He may try to sue me next. Lettor To» The Editoir Dear Troy, Along with many area res- idents I arn disappoinied by the receni announcemeni of closure of the Orono Tree Nursery. ht is wrong for the Harris govemmeni to shut- down a facîliiy which bene- fis this province not only in termns of jobs, but also in termis of commitment to the environmieni. The cuiting of trees continues in this coun- try wvith less-thani-satisfac- tory raies of replenishment and even less-than-satisfac- tory comnmitmnent to the land which produced the imiages painted by A.Y. Jackson, et al. Before the goverrnment fully divesis itself of the lands in Orono, I offer a sug- gesied use. Nearby is the growing concemn, "We're in the Hayfield Now" daylilly farmi, the owners reputation in the breeding of daylillies reaching international suc- cess. While 1 haven't con- sulted wiih "We'rc in the Hiayfield Now", it occurs to Me that there could be poiential in the Orono Tree Nursery lands remaining in plant growth. Why niot turn over the land to flowers? Daylillies. Irises, Tulips. Jobs would remain in Orono. The land would not reveri to development. Orono would not only look even more beautiful, but in spring and summer, when the flowers bloom, it would draw perfumists from far and wide! The vacant CurvPly building would be abuzz with production of Eau cUOrono. Beef farmers will shift to honey produc- tion. The Village Bakeshop will open up is salad menu with pansy, johnny-jump-up and dandelion salads. The local- economy would blos- Som! St. Saviour s Anglican Church, MIILL STREET'ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 - Chu rch 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUF 9:30 a.M. lST & 3RD SLNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL SCHARGE Minister 1~. ~ Rev. Dr. g * Mervyn Russeil a, Marlene *Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 <hurch Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH Kirby United 9:30 a.m. .Orono United il1:00 a.m. (l st Sunday of Every Month Communion Sunday at Orono and Kirby United Churches) Leskard Service Last Sunday of Every Month Pot-luck 5:00 p.m. Service 6:15 p.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, November 22nd meet at Rosalyn Allin's home 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. 1Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -16 yrs. A.A. meets e very Tlhursday 7:30 p.m. Who knows? The next generation of famous Canadian artists might paint Canada froma Orono in munificent floral perfection! Sincerely, Helen, MacDonald ffAI..e fo AI -il -ytlh & .ai Figurines and Earrings I 13 BRAUN Flair Dryers and *SPECIAL* TIMEX Watcbes and Radios 983-5009 ORONO, ONTARIO ,'4 Èt,4,.lý w 1