MMMM ý,8dn,ýday.Novemnber 29, 19 IIDeadine forSerice irectory S J~IEjI?~JJO S Tel. 983-5301 I PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmnanville, Ontario 623-4473 Barina Home Check eVacation Home Checking eLet us make your home look ived in Wedding Day Services ReliabIe References INSURED Barb Shetier - Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWVERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint - R.C.A. White Westinghourse Frigidaire - Whirpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108 TfVL,C. Therapy FOOT CARE Refleo * y-Aromnatherap Home visits available OPENING - December 4th, 1995 97 KING ST. EAsT, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE. For appointments & information cati GAIL STILLWELL, R.N. (905) 987-0595 (leave message) .Nov. 29-Jan. 31 ac Lovely young registered Persian cats and kittens, haîf price, reduction in cattery due to health. $160 with carrier 7 this week only. Health guaranteed reputable ca 1-905-786-21 Cattle raclç made, for 19 GM truck, 98: 1978 Camero new 305 nr 20,000 mil transmissioi rubber. Nt work. Askii or best offc 983-9110. Operated By1 ~Vacation Travel r: 1994 Saturn SLI Sedan, 26,000 kms., abs, a/c, traction control, excellent condition, $12,500. Phone 786-2508. 29, 6,cpn 1 froma 1978 Honda 750-K, in ttery. Phone -very nice condition, new i966. tires, brakes, chain and 22,29,cpn sprockets, fork seals, engine seals. runs very well, 35,000 kms. Comes with cover, $500. o.b.o. Phone 983-9112. 296, cpn ks, cstom Snowmobile For Sale! - ff, so ee 1982 Yamaha E.T. 340ec, ý38 rne e cw. Speedo. T ach, 22,29, ep handiebar warmers. - cover. manual, tool kit, Rally port, under 3,000 kmas- rarely Ral Sor wt, used, stored indoors, all lesor with original, exceptional s, newer condition, $1,600 o.b.o. n, ood Call 571-5318 Oshawa. eeds some 2,,p ng $1,0002,6cp er. Phone Country kitchen set, 15,22, CÇpf hardwood table top with white legs, 4 chairs with hardwood seats and white legs and backs. Like new. Asking $350. Cal 983-1033. 29.,,cpn New MacPherson Strut gas cartridges for Toyota car, haîf price; Tri-lite storm door, white, like new, 80" x 34" x 2" asking $100. Phone983-5031. 29,6, cpn Colns Travel Sides of beef and hamburger. Cati 786-2968. -â 29,ac Exclusive 1-800-26792141 Tours & 13065Pickeringl Cruises Pkwy.U Cruise (At Liverpool lRd. just northl Specialist s of41 Business-m Travel A Network of Over Airline 4000 Offices Airline Across Canada & Tickets Woddwide 1 CDA. (1988) Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon -4 p.m., C Oher times by appointmen t - 86 Church St.,.Orono, Ont. 983-6408 VILLAGE CERAMICS Greenware, Classes, Firng SUPPLIES AND GIETS 983-5335 29,6,13,20, ac *Building Supplies and Hardware -Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain - Hemlockç for Fonces and Stals «A Calre for A your BuiliflgNeds' (705) 277-3381or 905) 434665 evenlags) ON HWy. 352 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 115 WýOW MART Bowmanville's Best Indoor Flea Market OPEN EVERY SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 5 P. M. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS Scugog St. & Wellington Next to Foundry New Businesses Always Welcome (905) 623-4622 Fax 623-4218 COOPER - In loving Frozen raspbemeis, local memory of aur dear Faîl crop, packed in 1 or Mother and Grandmother, 3 qts.; $4.00 per qt., Maude Elizabeth Cooper, Orders taken caîl who passed away 983-1107. 1,8,22.29. ac November 30, 1989. Bowmanville - 2 bedroom in seniors' building backing onto hospital, close to, shopping, all inclusive, available Jan. 1/96, $605./mo. Cal Doug 623-6000. 296,cpn NEWCASTLE STORAG E Self Storage Unils New units available Jan. 1, 1996. 10 x,10, 10 x 20, 15 x 37 Call now for details 987-3211 15,22. ac Thank you, St. Jude, for answering my prayers. Yvonne THE NATURAL NUT Refîexology and Aromatherapy Treatments Treatment Centre Jocated at 5925 MAIN ST. N., ORONO 983-8162 Natural Heaîth Care Products Retail Store Iocated at 5323 MAIN ST., ORONO 983-6393 message To our M'Vother in heaven above Tell her how much we .miss her And gtve her ail our Love. Just a prayerfiomn we who love !Jou, Precious memories kind and true, In our hearts you'U l ive forever Because we thought the world of you. Love from Your Famnily. 29,ap Grist MilI Auction Centre Newtonville FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1ST 6:00 p.m. Selling the contents from the home of Edna Wood, Tyrone: extension dining table; set 5 chairs; sideboard; small china cabinet; library table; record cabinet; occasional tables; tredie sewing machine; high chair; antique chests and dressers; blanket chest; beds; washstands; antique chairs; Quebec heater; china; dishes;, books; tools; tiller; compressor; kitchenware; numerous other antiques and articles from a Port Hope estate; bedding and quantity of linens; pantry cabinet; chests, of drawers; kitchen appliances; shelves; 2 drawer stands; pine box; spoon collections; also 286 compulter and many other items. This is a e Large Sale. 1 TERMS: Cash, Approved Choque, Visa, lnterac 0 AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 d 29,ac MyR OFaml adIhave h >- Impossible task of ade- quately expresslng our thanks and gratitude for the magnitude of sympa- thy extended to, us from the Durham Region and beyond. Regional employ- ees, acquaintances, friends and politicians, municipal, provincial and federal as well as our Prime Minister have either written or verbally expressed the respect and esteem they held for Gerrit (Gary). 1 will, always remember the kindness shown to mie at political and regional functions. 1 will miss those contacts but will continue to cherish the memories of Gerrit's (Gary's) and my time shared with you. My family and 1 wîll * remember with pride the many tributes to their father and my husband. On behaif of my family. thanks to all for your car- .ing and kindness to us. Sincerely, Helen Herrema 29,ac B.M. Bradley WELDING LIMITED (905) 983-6753 "Mobile Senlvice Truck" *GENERAL REPAIR HEAVY EQUIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATION GENERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEY ORONO ýl IN ME 1 MOFjlAiý""'z ARTICLES_ FOR, SALE CHOCOLATE', OUTLET 5028 Main St., Orono 983-9806 4 FAIRWINDS ANTIQUES FOR RENT 1 STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. Bowmanville, Oni..,e."" Phone 623-81 OUT Oý TOWUj-,ý,'ý- ý'sýý CALL TOLL FREë 1-800--ý461-,484iË. GRANITE MONQI.WE NTS MARKERS'an CEMETERY LÈTTERING, PRIV ATE HOfVIËlýQîýu,ýý-.,..l, S HOWROO App ýFFF-h.ENCESA\iÀiLA..">. .A NRE UESTý,";-;". a r nier A EP Hours'.. 0 S 57 PERSONAL 7. LP 1,ýý 1 1 m i mop*#â, 1