Orono Weekly Timies, Wedriesday, November 29, 199.5 - 19 Deadline for Service Directory SE-RIE~ ii~I~ICTIIOIRY Tel. 983-5301 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 L2 Telephone (905) 987-3200 Ji\~Matthews tSi Associates SINSURANCE BROIERS Lb Pauline Mote, A.I.I.C., C.I.O. BranGh Manager -g HAMAILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 1-905-983-5115 Fax 1-905-983-8228 MERCER HEATING -Furnace Cîeaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service FREE ESTIMATES Over 21 Yrs. Experience CALL 983-5541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING B& HEATING - Pump Repairs & Installation -*New Work - Repairs - Fumace leaning - Free Estimates For friendly Expert Service CALL 983-6214 FINANCING 15 AVAILABLE We're here te serve you ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATINO - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONING Repairs ta Al makes of Heat Pumps and Air Canditioning May Tag Appliance Repairs 4 Duchess St. 983-5293 Orono, Ont. 983-6221 BYAMS Pîumbing IIeating Incorporated Sales and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Financing Low lnterest Rates 263-2650 Jîm' PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systems Septic Beds Plumbing Installations General Repairs Free Estimates Formerly Harvey Partner Ltd. "Work Wanted" D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 f~1 ORONO BUILDING &DECORATING CENTRE Personalized Project Planning Since 1935 85 STATION STREET ORONO, ONTARIO LOB LMO Bus. (905) 983-9167 Fax (9G5) 983-9467 ~ COTTONWOOD Clothîng Fabrics, Gifts and Notions 85 STATION ST., ORONO 983-9167 D. CHATTERTON- IRESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION kv hatterton ~,Ontario Women in Abuse Relationiships For Help Cal "The Denise House" For Women and Children Toli Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-73 11 Confidentially Assured If you want to drink, Thats your business. If you want ta stop, That's ours. call Alcoholics Anionymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 CLEAHING UP THE WORLD STARTS AT H@MEý Douglas Simpson DECORATING Orono Painting - Papering Renovat ion s 35 ears Expenience 983-5104 ALAN RISEBROUGH REFRIGERATION DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SERVICES HEAT PUMPS SERVICE AND REPAIRS BOX 29, R.R. 2, ORONO Phone 983-5702 D. V. PAINTING Certif ied Painter FREE ESTI MATES 3706 Conc. 5, Orono 983-1169 VAN JONES - TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 Vears Expenience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES Al Carpentry Reîated Work Orono 983-5303 Courtice/Hampton ADVERTISING PAYS! For $4.50/wk. (i,. sri you could advertise in this sct:on-. Drop inito the office ait 5310 Main St., Orono or for more information on aiduertising rates cali 983-5301 COMMUNITY NURSING SERVICE HOME CARE - PALLIATIVE GARE PRIVATE DUTY POST-OP GARE N HOME FOOT GARE 983-6265 Aug. 2- Jan. 2 Synthetie Lubricants DEALER Dave DeVries 5189 Main St., Orona 983-1042 Nov. 15 -Dec. 20cpn WES'S I Small Engine Repair We DoJîtAUI SNOYWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS,, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING YOU NA ME IT WE DO IT 5105 Main St., Orono For service oel (905) 983-9772 ti Ail Coins and Paper Money; Collections prior to '67;Sie, Gold Coins; Scrap Rings; Postcards and Collectibles; We Pay Top Prices; Ail Cash. Mister Murray (905) 623-7901 (Bowmanville),. 29.6,ac Sofa bed condition. 983-5073. Part-time work- Odd Jobs -Painting. Cati Clifford Francis 983-5761. Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6 ap "Handyman For Hire" - From painting to laying sod.. No job is to Big or to Small. Free Estimates. Work and Price is Guaranteed. Call anytime. Cali Steve at 623-2383 or Jim 987-9979. Nov. 22, Dec. 6, ap Hegther Rebekah Lodge #334 BAZAAR & TEA Sat., Dec. 2 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. at Oddfellows & Rebekahs Centre Quilt Draw, Penny Sale, Baking, Crafts, Country Store, Odds'n Ends, Candy Store "Somnethingi for ail the Family" 22,29.ae New Year's Eve Dance Sun., Dec. 3lst sponsorecl by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen at Orono Comrnunity Centre 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Bar, Party Favors & Midnight Buffet Ail inclusive $80/couple -$40/single Tickets available at the Ganaraska Leathercraft Trading Post 983-9540 or 983-6042 tfn Corne alongi and sing along with the Clarington Concert Band at their "Chris tmas Musical" Orono Town Hall Thurs, Dec. 7th 7:30 p.m. NC1 O"pen House DENI M. ORIGINALS Versatile and Economical Winter Collection EXTRA SMALL TO EXTRA LARGE SIZES (Private Parties Available) Sat., Dec. 2nd, Sun., Dec. 3rd and Sat., Dec. 9th in good Phone 29,6, ap Cooi al quetv tau HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundie Rd. (Caurtice) s now accepting new students (children and aduits) for aur riding and harsemnanshi4 pragrams, summer camps, etc. For further information and ta register cai 1-905-623-7336 Home of the Bowmaniville Poriy Club Will babysit in my ÈIcenie any age. Ride ta and fr ->O, rono School. Would co .izIr shift work and weeken s osof T.L.C. Cal M- a'ret 983-9772. -' fn General sewing do )ome, 5 days a we ~83-9761. in mny Phone tfn (905) 983-5546 If no answer (906) 983-5940 m cý.nstruction, 9?evairs,.,ýPecoratin....,Î"ý,..ýr..,-:.%:....ý::-..