Orn ekly Tmes, Wednesday, November 29, 1995 Why is So Hal That's BE He Wl] San ta )py? .. cause Be 'n Bowvvran ville, December 1 For IT'S WHERE SANTA PLANS TO SHOP THIS YEAR! r Start The Night Off At 7: 00 P. M. With The, Lighting 0f The Tree Ceremony And Christmas Carols In Front 0f The Town Hall, Then SHOP! SHOP! SHOPI Until Midnight! Ini The Downtown Core, Where TheStreets Wil1 Be Closed To Traffic, Creating A Gone But Not Forgotten Victorian Town Square! THIS IS A CO-VENTURE WITH THE CANADIAN STATESMAN COMPLETE WITH THE SOUNDS OF A HORSE--DRAWN WAGON TO ADD TO THE OLD-FASHIONED FEELING! DECEMBER STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 9-5 AND AT PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS SUNDAY 12-5 p :j~t iTi~1~1 I k~ F~'1=.O I~i ~ I H *~1 Il ~'1 I ~ k1 I I~4O ~; i ~ a a i ~'i i ~ k1 I 13