Orono Weekiy Timies, Wednesday, December 20, 19E5-ilD T.L.C. Foot Care Centre Opens Up In Newcastle T.L.C. Therapy, a foot care centre that includes reflexoiogy and aromatherapy, has just opened ini Newcastle. Gail Stiliweli, R.N., is the new proprietor of the business. She has been a R.N. for thirty years, and teaches foot care in Kingston. She also works out of Northumberland Foot Care in Cobourg. The grand opening for the centre was held at their beautifully redone office next to the old box factory on Monday. Mayor Diane Hamre was on hand to cut the traditionai red ribbon. Pictured here, left to right, are Gail Stîllwell (proprietor), ber husband John Stillweli, Mayor Hamre, Creighton Orr, a client of Gai's from the Cobourg centre, Receptionist Denise Tufford, and Rose Patton, R.N., who also-works at the centre. Good luck to you Gail, in your new business! Health, happiness and harmony. ..is our wish for you during this season and throughout the year . ..as we express our thoughts of thanks and good wishes for your faith and trust in us, Ann Dreslinski and David Scott î9~±-.100 On Tuesday December l2th both the senior and junior kindergarten students travelled by bus for a tour, of Cullen Gardens in Whitby. Not only did they view the miniature vil- lage that was all decked out for Christmas, but eacb cbiid was also able to visit with Santa and have a short chat with bim. After seeing Santa everyone was treated to a cup of bot chôcolate before boarding their bus and retumning to the school. PO0E M The foUlowing poem is dedicated to ail parents who have feit the loss of a child. A Child Lent "'i liend you for a little wbile A child of mine," He said. For you to love, the wbile he lives And mourn for when be's dead. It may be six or seven years, Or twenty-two or tbree; But wili you tilI I caîl him back, Take care of him for Me. He'Il bring bis charms to giadden you, But shouid bis stay be brief;, You'Ill have bis lovely, memories As solace for your grief. 1 cannot promise he wiii stay. Since ail from eartb return; But there are lessons taught down there, 1 want this cbild to iearn. I've looked the wide worid Ail tbe students and staff who attend, St. Francis really got into the spirit of Christmas on-Friday, Dec ember i 5th by dressing up as Christmas trees. Everyone is invited to, attend the family Christmas Liturgy that is to be held outside the scbool on Tbursday December 2lst., Hot Chocolate will be served after the service wbicb begins promptly at 7 p.m. over, In search of teachers true. And from the throngs that crowd life's roads, 1 bave seiected you. Now xiii you give him ail your love, Not think your labour vain; Nor hate Me when 1 come and cal To take hlma home again? 1 fancied that 1 heard you say, "Dear Lord, Thy wili be done, For ail the joy, thy cbild wili bring, The risk of grief we'Il run." We'll sheiter him witb tenderness, We'Ii love hlm while we may; And for the happiness we've known. For ever grateful stay. But sbould the angeis cali bim back, Mucb sooner than we've planned, We'ii brave the bitter grief that cornes, And try to understand. REGAL CAPIA PLANNERS LT D. $cvilqCajiadiails With iiiaciaI Pro qills $iIce 1968 Stephen G. Scatterty, Financial Consultant Division Manager ~,REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD.4fI is praud ta state that our clients havee over $2 Billion Dollars invested through us, inta, Canada's top mutual funds. by Betty Formosa RRSP's - RESP's - RRIF's-- LIF's - ANNUITIES BEST RATE G.I. C. SHOPPING - OVER 600 MUTUAL FUNDS ANO MORE.