»I, l , 9VIl Ill ï1lI'. ..~ . u I Orono Weel-ly Tijves, Wednesday. lecember 20, 1995 -2 1 This week's article will De on floraers. I clecideci mat to-,>.Ï: mnclude mouldings and paint comrbinations might be a 1111e cnu mng at this early stage of oui discussions, s0 in this article we will con- ~centrale on one of MY special topics, borders. When choosing a border for a room try to keep in mmnd 1ha1 it is the icing on the coke. It should compliment or provide contrasi*,* sto the areai you want to decoraite. When choosing a colour and pot-ý ~temn for ai border try cnd match the colours with your corpet and"' upholstery And remember not 10 pick tuîips if your fabnics have-. 'mums and doisies-in them! Now that you have chosen your border you have 10o nswer.'- the next question. Where do we put this border? The answer con be-«*" ~eosy or difficuit depending on how you look ot things. You con put.,- 5it on the celing, the wall , olong mhe baseboord, or olong themd ,dl0ftme wall. Youcon olso mitre it a[round the windows ond doorsiýý -or even ponel the wcoll with i. The sky's mhe limit so use your mg noinOne other piece of odviceI con give you is think of the affecte ouwant 10 create ond look ot tme thousonds of possibibities you!ý ':have ond then decide what you wont to do. But pleose keep theý-, fruit in the kitchen . Borders aire on economical and fairly simple ~solution for that room mohct you just don't know whot 10 do with. Well mhat's ail for Mis week. I wont to wish everyone a Veiy Merzy Christmais! trom Gus's Wallpoper World. BUSINESS OPPS. MANUFACTURER REQUIRES QUALIFIED distributors: Markets include Automotive, Industrial, Man- ufacturing and Specialty Markets. For more information fax to 905- 468-5885 on company letterhead. EMPLOYfiéENT OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agri- cultural experience to live/work with famiîy in Australia, New Zeaîand, Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1- 800-263-1827. #105, 7710- 5 St., S.E., Calgary, AB, T2H 2L9. H-ELP WANTEO C-OMPUTERS. No previous comput- er experience necessary. Exciting opportunities> now available in com- puter programming. WVe wiII train suitable applicants. CMS 1-800-477- 9578. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money seiling cliocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 383-3589. MEDICAL CUT THIS OUT! DOCTOR DIRECT 1-900-870-0265. Health Questions? Speak directly to a family doctor. 8 am -,midnight daily "Atlantic time«. Not intended for emergency use. $3.99/min. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. CANADAS BEST PSYCHICS! Diffi- cuit Decisions? Make the right choice. Answers on lovo, money. career, Iucky numbers. Caîl now 1 - 900-451-3778. $2.99/min., 18+, 24 hrs. IC.C. PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied customers. October - 2 lot- tery winners. Solve al problems... .Answers about love, money, career ... $3.49/min ... Talk live 1 on l...24 hrs ... 18+...all calîs confi- dential. 1-900-451-4336. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friends of thousands. Ask for Free Astrochart. 24 Hours $2.99/ min. 18+ 1-900-451-3783. LIVE PSYCHICS WAITING. For live psychic, tarot card, horoscope or dreamn interpretation cail: 1-900-451 - 3297, ext 179, $3.99 per min. 18 + only/touch tones only. Infoservice/- Studio City, CA 213-993-3366. PERSONAILS RE-NEW YOUR SEX LIFE, over- come erection failure caused by age, diabetes, surgery, medications, injury, etc. Get the facts: Perfor- mance Medical, Box 418, Vale- mount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800-663- 0121. SENSUAL PRODUOTS FOR INTI- MATE OCCASIONS by Lady Cal- ston. Aduit products for ladies and couples elegantly displayed in our Fui[ Colour Catalogue. Unique videos, books and aides that will enhance your personal enjoyment. CONFIDENTIALITY GUARAN- TEED. Ail orders shipped in plain unmarked packages. We dont seli, rent or trade your name. Only $4.95. VISA/MC holders caîl 1-800-690- 5239. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? WelIl take if! Amnen- cas largest, oldest resale cîearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwaîl Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes available - misc. clear- ance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. ALL STEEL BUI LDI NGS."Rock Bottom Prices!" Manufacturer Direct. Straight Sides. 20 x 30 $2788 -00. 25 x 40 $4,172.00. 25 x 34 $3944ý00. 30 x 50 $6433.00. 30 x 44 $6,188.00. Others. Ends Optional. Econospan 1-800-668- 5422. Outstandi,19 Antique Boxing Day Auction Sale TUESDAY, DÊCEMBER 26 10:00 a.m. (vîpwing 9:00) MacGregor's Auction Hall, 182 Wellinlgtonl St., Bowmâ nviIle Take Hwy. 2 t@ Scugog St. Follow auctipn signs to Wow Mart Fleg Market & Auctjon. Our 6th Anl'iual Boxing D ay Auctifl features some exceptional articles & should prove to be one of ou r highlight auctions of the year, we- have a large offerin_ of antique furnishings ini ref. and as found condition pius rare & unique collectables. Partial list includes large pine corner cupboard, bakers table; 2 Hoosier cupboards; 2 jam cupboards; bcnnet chest;, Grandfather clock; 2 new, bowfront china cabinets; 'new- stackinig bookcase; side board: server; several; eXceptional tables (dining room, tilt, harvest, dropleaf, parlour, candie, etc.); desks; dressers & chests of drawers; walking and spinning wheel; wool winder; old beds (rope, iron, victorian); tredle sewing machine; misc. chair & rockers; wicker settee; quilts; blanket box; old lucks; dolîs wicker carniage; daffodil phone; wall phone; rare Cranberry banging oul lamp; old cameras; beer can collection; coffee grinder; old coins; old & new pictures & art work; antique clothing; carpets; Italian Provincial couch & chair; jewellery; quality offering of glass & china; kitchen and household collectables, etc. etc. Note our early start time for this exceptional sale,- an opportunity for one and alI f0 take, home an article from the past., MacGregor Auctions anid Staff would like to wish ail our patrons a Happy and Safe Holiday and we'LL see you at the Boxrng Day Auction. Cail for ail your auction needs. MacGregor Auction Services Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402, 905-987-3664 1 would like to wish everyone in the area -a very Merry Christmas and 1 hope that CHARLME REID you have ahap Sales Representative 1996.r 22 Years Experience Charlie Specializing in:. RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES 1 arn Committed To Serving AIl Your Real Estate Needs! "Working 364 Days A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMTTED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914' J ES rSl m to buy or seil ... Orono and area's real estate rep. 4 Krystyna Jones Rea (DiRH)Nct ASSOCIATES (UP-A)Ne TEL:(905)721-2112 wn 'Waînet eason s o ee1fý-7 to Atf( RE/IMAX CORNERSTONE rea 1 ty ltd. realtor62 m,0 'ihinkjgof sefûnjl? Ciff me for a free, appraisatof youf properUJ - or tô viewyour potenltiafnew Ihome! Doug Located in Bowmanville ilumup h rey Hot water gas heating, individual water meters.Poe B]rtker/Owfler of Sale. Don't miss this opportunity. C"eLASSI FIED MAR KETP LAC E "Advetise A cross Ontario arA cross the Country" *ftk Affodabl, *atUs Fasa tkft Easy *eOne, 8H! Do.IM Alil *Northem Ontario $63 - Eastem Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario t$168 - Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Cail this paper for details!