Event #9- Caif Roping Rodeo Family Spans SPEFO, TEAMWORK & COORDINATION Three Generations This is another traditional event that cornes directly from the day- to-day skills cowboys needed on the range. It was one of the original competition events be- tween cowboys from neighbouring ranches eager to show how well, or how fast, they could swing a rope. Now it is a timed event where the caÓf is given a pre- determi*ned head start. It lias been said that roping is 75%, horse and 25% rop- er, and t's probably true. TIhe horse must be able to catch the speeding calf, stop on a dime, and keep the rope taut. But, the cowboy dis- ~" plays bis skills too, roping a running calf, jumping - -- off bis horse, running " down the rope to the ca l. and speedily tying it down with the piggin' 4 string. Three legs must be lied, at which lime the cowboy throws is arms in the air to show thec judges he's finished and the clock stops. TIhe rider then goes back to is horse, climbs aboard and loosens off the neck rope. If the caif does flot free himself from the leg fie in six seconds, the rop- er's lime stands. Onceagain, watch for the barrier across the box. If the rider breaks the barrier before the caif lias reached bis headstart, there is a ten second penalty added to the actuli1ronin2 time. r -------------------------------------------------------1 I Bring this Coupon to the 1995 Ontario Rodeo Championships and receiveI *1 Off the regular price of aI Clarington Rodeo Days T-SIr ---------------------- ------------- Celebrating our L~i~ SOth Anniversary HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. Your Family Jeweller Since 1945 Diamnonds - Gold Jewellery - Watches Watch and Jeweliery Repairs on premis es Appraisals, Cu stom Jewellery & Engraving, Insurance CIlaims 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville GOLDEN FI1ying Dutchrnan Proud to be Officiai Hotel and Restaurant for the 1995 Ontario Rodeo Championships *Open 7 Days a Week 6 arn. - Il p.m. - Licensed LLBO - Ample Free Parking *Wheel Chair Accessible - Kids 10 or under Eat FREE on Mon., Tues. & Wed. after 4 p.m. - Groups or Business Meetings Welcome - Catermng *Weekend Breakfast Buffet - Al You Can Eat $799 (Sat., Sun. & Holidays) Lunch Buffet Mon. - Fni. - Al You Can Eat $499 12Price Ail You Can Eat Weekend Breakfast Buffet Ail You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet Includes: 1 Cereals, Bagels, Muffins, Croissants, Danish, Butter, Cream Cheese, Puddings, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Salad, Pancakes,' French1 IToast, Sausage, Bacon, Scramibled Eggs, Homne Fries, Creole 1 I Sauce, Hot Syrup, Fruit Toppings IPurchase 1 Aduit Breakfast Buffet ai the Regular Price ot $7.991 Iand r eceive the second Aduit Breakfast Buffet for hait price. 1 IAvailable Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, 9 arn. to 2 p.rn. I Offer expires Oct. 2nd, 1995 Valid at Bowman4ile Location OnIy 1 Ll43 Eue trtet owmanvi Ile, Ont. L C 2W4_ Te. L925J_62.3372J Clarington's Community Builder for over 20 years (905) 436-2600 1748 Baseline Rd. W., Courtice, Ontario DID YOU KNO W THA T. McGREGORœ has also been serving, our community FOR OVER 40 YEARS˝ Cail Mark 623-5792 Own your home. Faster Sooner Easier At Royal Bank, our mortgage specialists want to show you how to pay off your mortgage faster, so you own your own home sooner And it's easier than you think. Drop by into any Royal Bank branch soon, or cali 1-800-769-2599 More Canadians choose Royal Bank for home mortgages. ROYAL BANK