EKLY ', S brvng Est lati t 0nand bdsn 131 Musical Treat Orono Man Wins Big At Instant Keno An Orono mani is $50,000 Iargest win foDr the Orono fix- turned around and went richer this new year. turc. Sparky says he has a back when 1 say two black Ron "Sparky" White was system for picking the tick- cats sitting on the sidewalk the winner of $50,000 by ets, usually taking opposite in front of me." playing the Ontario Lottery top and bottom corners of His plans for the money Corporation's 'Keno'. He the display. He then often are fairly simple so far, "I've purchased the winning tick- takes them up to Mercer's got a new T.V. and V.C.R. et from Paula Bryant at Garage to scratch them. coming tomorrow." Sparky Arjay's Video in Orono last tsbalckosrth just missed out on gloing on Thursday night. theim in the store."atpto eicwthse "It was a scare and a Sparky said that he had friends. "Mhey lready h-ad it shock at first. onice they trouible sleeping the night of al booked two days before I scraped me off the celling his win. "I started watching wntemny"H ln everything was ok," said mnovies at Mercer's, then I to, buy a few things, fiic up Sparky. A long Urne player went home to watch miovies, his truck in the spring, and of lottery gaines, this is the and then 1 went for a walk. 1 leave the rest in the bank. H-%I"no H ForhpFamiIVVictimized Dv ,Fire The'spirit of giving was add to this tragedy, the Kris Emedi, a neighbour to alive and well thîs home was not insured. The the Perryv's. The Emedi fam- Christmas as almiost famnily is forced to rebuild ily has taken it upon themn- $ 10,000 was raised io help a their ]ives and their home selves to help out the Perrys farmiy stnicken by the loss without fmrancîal aid. by establishing a fund to of twý,o of -its memnbers and Blut tihere is. a bnght spot help Rýobert Perry rebDuild( his the family home. to this tale. That cornes home. The Perry Family home on from the support that People have donated the Darlington/Manvers friends, neighbours and mnoney and other items such Townline Road home was strangers have given to the as clothmng and fumniture to burnt to the ground in a surviving members.M.Pry teshv Decempber 12 fire. What was Between $9,000 and agreed to donate time and worse than the loss of the $ 10,000 has been raised 50, materlals to help rebuild the home and all of their pos- far for the rebuilding of the house. -Many' guys - Car- TheOroioBronie, uids ad athindrs sessions was the deaths of Perrjy homne., "We have had penters, plumbers, and elec- dlgTehe Oronor ow henis Guide anSationdeS Doris, 57, and Kim, 118. donations from aIl over - tricians - have donated free in Orono to a medley of Christmas music. The Orono Figure Thcoperrw iyh s of wo Kitcer, 1Cobourgo, laor tt'god sy Skating Club provided a delicioýus turkey dinner for the of its h b os fto PtebruhCbug continued on pg seniorsas well family memnbers. To even New York City," said pg Visit-ing Sianta At OronoArena Hatppenngs ... Mayor's Levee Mayor's Levee will be held this Sunday, January 7, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. at the Couincil Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville. Clarington Band Kicks Off Another Year The Clarington Concert Band will be kicking off their 4th Season on Thursday, Jariuary 1l, 7:30 p.m. at the Orono Town Hall. If you play a musical instrument and wish to acquire more information about becomning a miember of the Band you miay phone 983-5147 or 987-1569. Turkey Draw Winners Turkey draw vinners of the Oddf-ellows Turkey draw held just before Christmas were: S. Bubar, Bowmnanville; Darlene Muller-, Pont-ypool; Ken Donnelly, Port Hope;A AlIan Downes, Kendal; Annie Wakefor-d, Port Perry; Sean Pickard, Bowm-anviîlle; Dave Lang, Orono; Phyllis Peck, Newtonville; Velmna Parker, Newcastle and G. Moore, Bowmanville. 50+ Movin-' & Grovin' Regfistration The 50+ Movin' & Grovin' wïll be holding registration lfor Exercise, Tai Chi and Line Dancing Classes on Fridlay, January Sth, 9 a.m.. - 4 p.m. at Coiinmuniiity Care Office,Sat aonbn tteOn An oChiiasE frtercskespsrd 98 King St. W. If you require more information you imay b tearnta was on hsAn scatiOonoAe passouhitmn anv fres i-dseedtsonsred phone Mary Lane at 623-9732. yteOooFrfgtr soito.H asdotcnycnsadlsee otekd qq