Annual Mayor's Levee The Mayor and Council were on hand at the Town Hall on Sunday to welcorne in the new year at the annual Mayor's Levee. Citizen's were encouraged to corne and speak to those who represent them in local politics. Here, Mayor Diane Hamre, Ward 2 Local Councillor Pat Pingle, Ward 3 Regional Councillor Ann Dreslinski, Ward 1 Local Councillor Mary Novak, Ward 3 Local Councillor David Scott, Ward 1 Regional Councillor Larry Hannah, and Mike Carte, Commanding Officer of the Bowmanville Sea Cadets pose in the Council Chambers. Ward 2 Regional Councillor Carson Eliott was unable to attend the levee. Ariother year behind us! All our hopes and dreams of success, prosperity and happiness ride on the wave of this new year ... 1996. It really is understandable why so many of us start a new year thirsting for better- ment tbrougb change. A change that we have control of. Some realistic new year's resolutions, bowever, take a lot of willpower and dedica- tion to tbe end result.' Resolutions we have made nr beard others make over the years include lostng weigbt, exercising more, eating healthier, quitting smoking, reaching a career goal etc. Some of us succeed. Some of us do not. We put our- selves througb an emotional beating at the first sign of slipping and doom ourselves to eventual failure. If you are anytbing like me, 'a wanna be' witbout willpow- er, and have a grown daugb- ter who is a preaching vege- tarian determined to save ber mother from an old age rid- dled witb senility, disease, and immobility, then you can sympathîze witbrme.. Last week Nellie enrolled 'us' in a water aerobic class for tbrec times, a week. Tbis 1 am expected to do for two montbs, at the end of whicb I am supposedly going to feel ten years youngcr. 1 only weigh about 117 125 pounds - depending on who is asking- at 5'4". Nellie bas been telling me for years that 'rn 'not really fat', 1 just need to 'exerrise and tone it ALL up.' Eve ry New Year's Day, Nellie glides onto the scene with a 'save the world' look on ber face tbat can scare tbe most die-bard srnoker, drinker or over-eater. Somebow 1 have become ber cause. 1 can't help but rernember the rnany times 1 gave Nellie long lectures on what to do and wbat not to do for ber own bealtb and safety. It is s0 îronic. Following our first water aerobic class 1 was tbe one wearing the srnug grin. Nellie is breast-feeding and bas not exercised in about thirteen montbs. Sbe barely weîgbs 98 lbs. -Five minutes before our class was over the instructor bad to clear tbe pool and Nellie was sprawled on ber stomacb at pool side close to fainting or vomiting. Sbe was very indecisive about what to do. I drove ber borne wearing tbe smug grin 'm sure she tbougbt sbe would have been sporting alter tbe class. There's still some kick in this OP' girl 1 tell you. Watcb out in 1996. From The Four Corners On Monday December 11, Asbleigh Windsor, Megban McOustra, Sarah Armnstrong, Katie Adams, KÇim Kindvatiuk, Shauna Bouden, and Devin Hurvid were ail welcomed into the 1lst Newtonville Guides by their leaders, Susan Armstrong and Jackie Kindratiuk, in the special enrolîment ceremony that was beld in their bonour. After tbe ceremony the girls entertained their parents and district commissioner Joyce Stevenson, witb a skit called 'The Night Before Christmas". Once the short play was over everyone who was in atten- dance helped themselves to the light refresbments that had been prepared by the girls. It was a fun night for one and ahl. Dangerous Drug Sought Between January 7 and, 8 1996 doctor's office on Harwood Avenue South, Ajax was broken into. Amongst items taken was a small clear vial of a drug labelled Modecate which is a clear liquid. There was approximately 3 cc of the drug in the vial. This drug could pose a serious bealth risk if used without a doctor's instruc- tions. Anyone finding such an item is asked to secure it and caîl the Durham Regional Police Service at 905-683- 9100 ext. 221. Anyone witb any informa- tion on this break-m' or any information on whe re this vial rnay be can cali Crimestoppers at 905-436- 8477. A program called Tales for Twos is being offered to all children two years of age, and their parents or care givers by the Newcastle Public Library. It is to be a haîf-hour of, sto- ries, songs and finger plays whicb will help the children to discover the many w onderful things that the library has to offer them. Tales for Twos will be, held at the Newcastle Village Branch every Friday froma January 26 until March 1 from 1:30 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. Admission to this pro- gram is free, but registration' is required. Registration begins Tuesday, January 9 at 1:00 p.m. You can register in person at the Newcastle Village Library or cail 987- 4844. A 30-minute programn of soiigs and games for children aged three to five will be held at the Newcastle Public Library every Wednesday from January 17 until April 3. The program starts promptly at 1:30 p.m. and will run until 2:00 p.m. The library is located at 50 Mill Street north in Newcastle. Admission to thie program is fret and no registration is required. Parents and care- givers areencouraged to par- ticipate and must remain in the building. 1The Newcastle Village Public Libra.ry will be hosting a program called Bedtime Storytirne cornmencing Thursday January 18. The program starts promptly at 7 p.m. and ends at 7:30 p.m. Admission to thie program is free and no registration is required. Parents and care- givers are encouraged to par- ticipate and must remain in the building. For more infor- mation please call 987-4844. PUBLIC NOTICE On Monday, January 22, 1996 at 9:30 a.m., the Municipality of Claringtoni's General Purpose and Administration Committee, which consists of Members of Council, will be reviewing and discussing any and ail ways to accommodate the reduction in grants from the Province of Ontario of close to $1 million in hopes of avoiding a prop- erty tax increase. Public input and comments are welcome at this meeting. The staff report addressing these issues will be available in the Clerk's Office as of January 16, 1996. AIl delegations must reg- ister with the Clerk's Office by 12:00 noon on January 17, 1996. Caiîndq on ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, January 10, 1996 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 5768 Mlà- Suddenly your baby's .ilmost grown up. And it's learn-t()- drive tinme Ail those Inonth', of practicing together cati bc t(>ugh 0on the' nerves. And tougher on the relationship. At flic worst, vou couId be teaching your own bad driving habits to your teen. And besides, do you really want to spend montbsdriving with a totally untrained amateur? We didn't think s0. So much better to enrol your teenfirst in the Young Drivers of Canada course. To Iearn defensive driving skills like ) emergency braking and collision ix oidance. Then spend ., îour practice tiime together. drix ing with colfict'/lCt! 'IfWe e ven have ai free session for parents. to learn how to help a teen learn to drive defensively. VVhy flot take it? It could add years to your ifé! Young Drivers of Canada '1 Your licence to survive. 98 King St. W.. Bowmnanville NEXT NEW DRIVERS COURSE startîng January 13 Saturday and Sunday (2 wveekends) Orono Wee1k1y lmes, Wednesday, Jaxmary 10, 1996- 9 fro NWCASTL .b. . . . . .m. .